Flag: United States
Registered: December 6, 2021
Last post: June 6, 2024 at 1:12 PM
Posts: 240
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What does BM mean? 28 years old idk this youngster talk. Saw people saying Vanity was "BM" when he waived at PRX

posted about a year ago

Weird since he was their main awper for so long right?

posted about a year ago

so neptune was the 5th?

posted about a year ago

Who was the player they dropped for rossy?

posted about a year ago

took a team to the finals and almost won a championship, think you overlooking that a bit

posted about a year ago

Ahh you are correct! Still though, the roster would be what?

Also, didn't faze actually release dicey? I think i saw a tweet about that

posted about a year ago

Am I tripping or did Faze clan get invited to the invitational with no roster? From what I can see

Dicey isn't even rostered by a team(fuckn sucks for him tbh, he proved himself IMO enough to get rostered) and is playing with PROD/Sinatra's team
flyuh is on breakthru, and qualified on his own with that squad
Shanks hasn't been on their active team ever, they bought the Rise squad but he was never even a 6th man

It's basically babybay(we think?), and then who?

posted about a year ago

noones announced i think its just a wait and see

posted about a year ago

you were saying?

posted about a year ago

Kind of bummed there haven't been any NA tourneys, EU and some Asia regions have had some small tourneys and fans have been able to see team in action, missing these NA players ATM. Both tier 1 and tier 2

posted about a year ago

get it bro, i got a herniated disk and a small tear in my meniscus and i fell off the wagon, but over the years regained my discipline, down 50 pounds, working on muscle mass now, its little by little brother that's it

posted about a year ago

with sean gares thewy would be a good team that would elevate and be great, without him I'm really worried we will be just good

posted about a year ago

If Sean Gares was still there I would say yes, but he is SO huge when it came to this team. That dude is one of the all time great igls in csgo

posted about a year ago

Is bang suddenly the best controller in NA after marved decided to take the year off?

YES I am a 100t fan because of Hiko/nitr0 being OG csgo players, and not being a homer, but I feel like right now he is right? Pancada is suddenly NA although originally from Brazil, I watched a ton of NA Val but because of work couldn't keep up with champions, and a lot of praise has been sent his way from pro players.


posted about a year ago

i believe so, millions of dollars on the line, and xset weren't this world class org, they took a flyer on a guy and hit

posted about a year ago

I think NA I would go:

Duelist/Entry fragger: Will (babybay is good but too erratic/showman for my liking. Jawgemo is nice as well, but Will proved he's that dude in Champions)
Awper: Bdog (was consistent over a longer period of time compared to dicey who I love but its a fact)
Initiator/Flex:BCJ (Really think the complications with his health are why a team didn't sign him, sucks for sure! Noone else considered)
Initiator/Flex: Trent (Top 5 in ACS/KPR/ADR/K:DKAST... Dude is just a gamer)
IGL: Valyn(Smokes) (Zander was considered, and his ceiling is higher, plus IGL is sooo hard to grade. Went with someone I believe is more "level headed")

I definitely feel like MOOSE is a dude I should have tried to fit on the team, but I like teams who can run double initiator a ton(this roster has Sova/Fade lineup flexibility), and BCJ can play Omen well. Besides that, and the dudes I mentioned via my exclusions, I like my picks

Up for discussion, thoughts? I'm sure there's 1 player or 2 I overlooked but if I was a manager I would be happy with this team. IF Ascension was all remote Marved would be considered, but excluded him on purpose because I just don't know how that would play out.

posted about a year ago

i dont see trent or bdog, highly capable players are going to try and make super teams of their own in ascension since 2 teams can reach ascension total, i believe its 1 per year if I'm not mistaken

posted about a year ago

He left because they kicked his brother, loyalty to his blood over accolades. Tough decision but he made it and you can't knock it.

posted about a year ago

what is the full roster?

posted about a year ago

i think dicey being great for basically a short stint is what is hurting him imo

posted about a year ago

they need smokes and an apwer right? could see dicey or bdog

posted about a year ago

Everyone is freaking out a bit but there are still so many good players left in NA. Like EG i think is really lagging it but talent is absolutely there.

Zekken/Will (Entry)
BCJ /Trent (Flex)
Dephh (IGL)
Marved (Smokes)
Bdog/Dicey (Awper)

Like sure, they may not be better than C9 or 100t at face value, and NRG is getting the OPTIC core, but that team I just mention has loads of potential and is really talented. I think all these teams are going to be really good with the amount of talent out there. And I'm sure I'm definitely overlooking or forgetting players. It's just who came to mind on the fly.

posted about a year ago

marved is what you hope bang can become, but agree that for the culture, bang right now fits better. either way i think we can all saw its a good move, keep bang for the culture and chemistry, or move to marved for experience in a controller and ceiling. Plus we cant act like marved wouldn't be a good culture fit either, his fit in envy was like a glove

posted about a year ago

Iv'e been a 100t fan since the start, and I do mean the absolute start. I played CSS for 8-10 years and csgo for about 5, so when they signed HIKO I was all in, that's my guy. Then them getting Nitr0 just put a cherry on top. Same reason why I like Liquid in EMEA with Scream.

YES I KNOW a crap ton of players came from cs, but HIKO is an OG, sad he never won one, and when you got guys like simple calling his name in homage you just know he was that dude.

posted about a year ago

would be dope if some teams made of the best of the best of the ladies joined the tier 2 scene. Statistically speaking, because some many more guys play video games than girls, there are just more guy players that are elite, but that doesnt mean there arent ladies out there that would mop the floor on some of these guy teams

posted about a year ago

rawkass for mee

posted about a year ago

technically that went to the 3rd brazil slot, there were going to be 6 an teams

posted about a year ago

George Geddes himself says on his twitch stream that valyn is going to sen, so that means shazzy is out?

posted about a year ago

thats because jett is an awp role player, hiko has came out many times and said asuna always asked the team to let him grind the awp with jett but they always said no because they thought he was the best rifler on the squad. thats why they had those weird nitro or steel awp setups, and when steel left niko igled and awped on jett

posted about a year ago

yall like dicey or saya more? i think they both tied for 3rd best in that to,e after yay and cryo

posted about a year ago

The most underrated person on this roster....

Sean "Sgares" Gares is an insane coach. Dude has the team running so efficiently and structurally sound.

posted about a year ago

they have tons of firepower, 100t is just extremely well coached, and play fundamentally sound when it comes to trades and retakes. Sgares is looking like one of if not thee best coach in NA.

alfajer and derke are ballers though i think they are nuts

posted about a year ago

warm up in the practice range, dm has people afraid to swing and holding angles off sound.

posted about a year ago

Was just thinking of current players who are free agents. Off the top of my head I know there's


I'm sure I'm missing guys, but who?

posted about 2 years ago
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