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Registered: December 6, 2021
Last post: May 10, 2024 at 11:04 AM
Posts: 239
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100t doesnt have the experience or and isnt as big as c9, although you would hope a small org would have abetter foothold on things like development, i think if sgares would hacve never left this team would be far better off than where it is. Sucks such a vet couldnt make it work

posted 4 months ago

I have to disagree, yes he makes mistakes but everyone does.

When he was on xset he literally right behind yay with derke for best awper

posted 5 months ago

My biggest worry with 100t is they play to react instead of getting the opposing team to react. Many of their plays don't feel aggressive or like they are taking the initiative to find holes in the opposing team's defense.

I'm hoping with Boostio as an anchor you can allow the rest of the team to be more free knowing they have someone they can pivot off of. The cryo thing asuna thing still feels funky to me. Cryo is an insane oper but no one can make an argument that having reactive asuna is better than having an active one. When Asuna is given the liberty to create space with skye/kayo, but more specifically a raze, there's so much disruption happening compared to him on breach. I really hope they allow asuna to be that space eater instead of a just holding an a main stun with breach on haven

YES, i know, Asuna the overheated, but hopefully with a proven IGL and good coaching that can be reigned in a bit like Sean Gares was.

The one person I feel people forgot about is Bang. Once considered the second-best controller in NA(and technically the best with marved short retirement), if he can get back into a post plant objective based role, I think he can return to his level of play during the sean gares run. Bang to me feels a lot more effective when he has a outline role post execution, specifically when its holding space, even as a controller. His brim play felt amazing on bind.

posted 5 months ago

My biggest worry with 100t is they play to react instead of getting the opposing team to react. Many of their plays don't feel aggressive or like they are taking the initiative to find holes in the opposing team's defense.

I'm hoping with Boostio as an anchor you can allow the rest of the team to be more free knowing they have someone they can pivot off of. The cryo thing asuna thing still feels funky to me. Cryo is an insane oper but no one can make an argument that having reactive asuna is better than having an active one. When Asuna is given the liberty to create space with skye/kayo, but more specifically a raze, there's so much disruption happening compared to him on breach. I really hope they allow asuna to be that space eater instead of a just holding an a main stun with breach on haven

YES, i know, Asuna the overheated, but hopefully with a proven IGL and good coaching that can be reigned in a bit like Sean Gares was.

The one person I feel people forgot about is Bang. Once considered the second-best controller in NA(and technically the best with marved short retirement), if he can get back into a post plant objective based role, I think he can return to his level of play during the sean gares run. Bang to me feels a lot more effective when he has a outline role post execution, specifically when its holding space, even as a controller. His brim play felt amazing on bind.

posted 5 months ago

I dont think people understand how difficult it is to really become a swiss army knife type of player and play multiple roles. Mindset, playstyle, rotations, execs, EVERYTHING is different from role to role. Lurking on omen or viper becomes braindead on sky and breach. Heck, even roles that people thought were extremely similar like jet and chamber werent at all. Sure you can play aggressively with Chamber, but Jett eats space like no other, and Chamber is much better anchoring and holding his ground rather than just running in with his tp{pre nerf}

This is why players like Jawgemo, forsaken, and very few others are possibly some of their team's most important players. A lot of the time it isn't even talent, it's just comfort. Think of yourself in this example, when you insta lock into a role you always play, you can play with fluidity. Play a fill in role, and you catch yourself thinking a lot of what play to make instead of just doing.

posted 5 months ago

bro when i was dirt poor as a kid... if the wings feel on the floor in my kitchen or something and it wasn't something catastrophic, we would have wiped all those shits down with paper towels, thrown bbq sauce on them and boom

posted 6 months ago

I think those traps that go off when they hear noise should be more like they go off when they detect movement. They have a radius, maybe there's a different audio queue for when you close to it, or a visual queue, like the alarm bot for kj. Makes it so its not completely useless if people decide to just walk through it

posted 6 months ago

Tarik's team?

posted 6 months ago

Ima say boostio and potter

Sgares and 100t org haha

posted 6 months ago

tenz isnt overrated, the expectations placed on him from his community are just absolutely insane. Hes still a really REALLY good player, but because he's one of the faces of the sport, people want him to be aspas, or alfy, or Boosty or(name another elite player), and he's just not there right now. The scene fluctuates, people who were elite at launch arent now, and vice versa.

I followed the NA scene pretty diligently, where are guys like bdog? Dicey? Dicey won a championship, was absolutely killing it on faze, bdog was that dude on the awp on jett 2021. Both forgot of in T2(or maybe even T3 they arent even signed).

Then there are guys like Boostio, or Alfi, very talented, but kinda started on funky roles like chamber for boosty or raxe for alfi. Boosty only had like 1 decent run with EG and they didn't even make a major event. Then KJ becomes a staple for 2 international events and they are what? Top 5-10 players?

posted 6 months ago

sgares personally, understands the game at such a high level, almost like he's the architect reading the floor plans to every single teams plan

posted 6 months ago

I think i would throw CNED in here. 100t literally had to play run to the other site against him to come back down bad.

YAY on early chamber for sure batshit.

Nats during covid is baffling how much map space he took just having good game sense

Early tenz was just run it down

posted 6 months ago

top 5 in rating, top 5 in KD, top 5 in KAST, top 5 in APR(which for an initiator means your util being used perfectly both by you and your teammates), top 5 in FKPR(everyone praised leo and made him MVP of masters for being so elite at this), top 3 in HS%....

OOOOO and btw, these are all playoff stats for when they almost won ascension, not in season or the stupid "play in" they did. All stats for when playing up to the competition your facing mattered.

Theyguy is efficient with his util and uses it effectively for teammates to play off of, can shoot, and has elite-level first death tendencies so his positioning and timings are amazing, and his K/D is nothing to slouch over either.

Is he a top 10 player? of course not, but EVERY championship team needs guys like this, IE : chronicle/leo on fnatic, Ethan on EG, Optic core with Crashies, etc

posted 6 months ago

Speaking from the outside looking in, your scan initiation should be either your IGL or a sort of midrounding secondary caller. The info they get from util is by far the most relevant type of info needed for adjusting with the preround call doesn't work. Not saying having a controller IGL or Sentinel IGL is bad, but i think if you were thinking of how to construct the perfect team, you would want your leader on that role.

posted 6 months ago

These games are basically televised skrims, teams are trying stuff its almost like its for fun. Look at 100t they dont even have a true 5th for today nature is a stand in

posted 6 months ago

This was the same case last year though, with teams like M80 and Guard.

posted 6 months ago

Absolutely get the 4060, CPU is more than enough for anything you throw at it as far as standard usage goes

posted 6 months ago

boostio most likely gets added once his contract is up

posted 6 months ago

i think its actually a fantastic game if its the type of game you like playing

If you like Apex, battlefield, back 4 blood, overwatch, and VERY early Warzone, where games feet chaotic with tons of things going on but you do feel like your gameplay has an effect on the match as a whole, then the finals will be amazing

If you like games like CS, tarkov, valo, squad, SOCOM, where there has to be a much more planned, coordinated, and calculated approach, then the game won't feel very enticing to continue playing.

I like both styles, so i really like the beta so far.

posted 6 months ago

There are far too little spots to give all these guys chance. Theres probably 30+ guys you could name in NA alone who are tier 1 talent, whether they are in tier 2, LFT, or moved to content creation.

posted 7 months ago

I think they come out and announce the roster, and possibly put a tag on nature and/or eeiu saying they are 2 way players, allowing them the flexibility to either commit or move depending on EG's contract issues

posted 7 months ago

only time i really worry about caping fps is when you get drops in frames. For example, on apex i cap my frames at like 170 because i go from 300+ frames 180-185, because of the insane amount of stuff that happens late game. Caping it makes the experience feel like volatile

posted 7 months ago

the season doesnt really start and get going till martch april, teams can wait, get some filler guys, and then pivot later

posted 7 months ago

anyone who doesn't have Juicy by Big in their top 10 is crazy man, that might be one of the best-written/engineered songs of all time.

posted 7 months ago

Nature going back to his play is honestly not a bad pickup, he's a really good player with potential, but it would feel a lot better if he was on some tier 2 young team like an oxygen with a veteran at coach then him being trusted into tier 1 with elite talent everywhere in NA let alone americas/world

posted 7 months ago

NA is going to be a clusterfuck because we still don't know a ton of these rosters. G2 is going to have synergy and chemistry to thrive on, c9 i think will be good if Oxy can really build on his natural talent but can they be elite? 100t can and will be good, but can they get into the sean gares form that lead them to the amazing run they had, since players like bang and sauna i feel need structure. Who knows what the NRG/Eg rosters look like. And Send should be amazing, but i really don't think people understand how much language barriers affect communication. I'm Mexican American, spoken both languages all my life, college education, and i catch myself going to google translate for works or expressions/saying.

posted 7 months ago

i agree somewhat but familiarity and chemistry is huge for any type of competitive game, and though cned does feel like the better play he didn't no fit, and ardiss did on this squad

posted 7 months ago

Yoru periando(pronounced pe-ree-an-dou) en sima

posted 7 months ago

Don't let this distract you from the fact that Hector is gonna be running 3 Honda Civic's with spoon engines. On top of that he just came into Harry's and ordered 3 t66 turbo's with NOS's and a Motec System Exhaust.

posted 7 months ago

i soviet russia, water makes you run

posted 7 months ago

rumors are leviathan offered him either part of the company(most likely stocks or advisory shares, something of this sort) or they offered him a attractive % of the team skin revenue that riot is going to push out soon

posted 7 months ago

i fucking hope so man....

posted 7 months ago

Thought this would be a fun way for everyone to blow a few minutes of their day. What is one of your favorite funny valo moments? Could be a stream or a tourney.

Link videos please to people can share in the joy!!

Here is mine!

posted 7 months ago

cant scrim at all? i think they can scrim behind the scenes but they just cant play on actual tourneys right? Even the small ones.

Wasnt aware January contracts end, i guess we wait till then but thats kind of a blessing they end in JAN considering it could be worse

posted 7 months ago

Any updates on this? Sean Gares brought it up on his podcast but boostio kinda seemed like more bummed than anything about the topic

posted 7 months ago

you create an lcq for the teams that got cheated on, and give those teams a chance to recompete? How does pouring thousands of dollars into an org and then getting fucked by cheats equate a good decision???

The orgs are already saying screw this and bailing, and you just give them more reasons to say I'm good.

posted 7 months ago

fingers crossed brotha

posted 7 months ago

If your favorite team could add one player, who would it be and why? Curious from a strategic standpoint what people answer to this question. Let's try and be a little serious, take into consideration language barriers, roles, fit, etc.

As a 100t fan, I would love if the added Boosty and still hope its something they can do. Obviously, he fills the sentinel and IGL role like a glove, and he has familiarity with our new coach which is huge from a strategic standpoint. He provides role flexibility with cryo, allowing the double awp to be in play with Boosty having played chamber all that time pre-franchise. He also has an incredible swagger that i think this team desperately needs. People get mad when players are cocky, but these dudes are the best of the best, and the trio of cryo/bang/asuna need a dude with some fire in his belly.

Edited: would obviously need a 5th, but I think if they then added a very disciplined player like com/eeiu/leo/chronicle/jonahp, not saying them but that style of player, this team would feel really balanced.

posted 7 months ago

would need a caller and with so many frag first players like cryo leaf and sauna you would almost need like an angel or boaster to really direct traffic instead of like a freelowing midroundy style

posted 7 months ago

1) David Goggins - Who's gonna carry the boats and the logs

2) Erwin Smith from Attack on Titan - Lead an entire battalion to their death

3) Winston Churchill - Nazis bombed major cities in England for like half a year straight every night and his people never wavered

4) Harry and Esther Snyder - Invented in-and-out, get free animal-style fries and double-doubles sign me up

5) Sean Gares - Goat valorant mind

posted 7 months ago

There should have been 16 teams total per region, way to many LEGIT players without a T1 job, and this is on top of the fact that we got so many insane players just retiring and going into content creation as well, coaching roles, leaving the scene, quitting because of instability, etc

posted 7 months ago

protein style pastrami burger with grilled onions and those little yellow chili peppers

posted 7 months ago

Runi got benched, and i dont think it was because of pressure there were rumors dude was not good for team culture. C9 was going to play qpert but then didn't have enough time to prep for lcq so went back to ruin it was kinda fucked

posted 7 months ago

would have to go to EU and transfer or go into tier 2... a lot of names out there but no one I'm super hyped about, i wish flyuhh was still available, maybe mitch? idk

posted 7 months ago

has to be English, feels like just a bad idea. Portuguese and Spanish isn't super alike, but being Mexican, there's this weird connection between latinos thats is hard to describe, even if you can understand each other perfectly. The Spanish would have been a lot easier to make work IMO then now a whole core having to speak English because of 1 player

posted 7 months ago

Really hope you read this, im just going to speak from browsing your page.

For starters, your headshot % is way toooooooo low to be using a vandal, switch to a phantom. I played cs for 15 years, and not I'm not radiant I'm your average decent diamond player, but if your hs % is 7% you should not be using an ak, use the phantom. I'm average 20%, and with precision weapons my hs% shoots up to around 28-30% and i use a phantom.

Secondly, your agent selection is all over the place for a bronze player in competitive. Find someone you are comfortable with, that you can use instinctively, and stick to them. Don't go from omen, to raze, to kj roles. Valorant isn't CS, you really do have to play your role, and all these characters have different mentalities when playing. I play controller and only controller. If i need to flex i play someone i can combo with my duo, so like a breach with my duo raze, or someone i can abuse on a map, like sage on split.

Lastly, why are you dying SO much? Value your life more man. You die way to damn much, and you cant make an impact for your team if you are dead. I rather have a sova that is 8-10 with perfect util than a top fragging sova thats 25-20 thats literally getting traded right after taking first contact.

Again my page isn't some insanely charted pahe with crazy stats, but with good coms, and some game sense to go with good util, you should improve.

My page

posted 7 months ago

oxy awp, xeppa flex entry, fakee smokes, vanity fills and wippie sentinel

posted 7 months ago

s22 ultra work phone

posted 7 months ago

What if you gave Omen the ability to right-click a tp(shrowded step), and it worked with some sort of timer, let's say 5 seconds, and at the end of the 5 seconds he TP's to the spot he chose? It would allow another agent class to use the AWP, take fights with it, and provide flexibility with lineups. They could add a glow to omen or some sort of identifier like they did to Jett or chamber's glow. Instead of nerfing Jett even more since she's the main AWP agent, or forcing a chamber for the AWP, or running double duelist, you provide flexibility with lineups.

The TP can be tweaked to work like Yoru's where for that .5 seconds when the TP initiates, if you are shot at you still get hit, or they add a vulnerability debuff so that it's like a high-risk high-reward type of thing?

Just throwing ideas out there. Tough to think how you get an OP in the initiator role hands but thought this was an interesting idea.

posted 7 months ago

main viper, dont know lineups for mollies but i can stall like a beast

tarik for being an idiot, sgares for goat shit

posted 7 months ago
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