Flag: Brazil
Registered: October 1, 2022
Last post: October 17, 2022 at 5:35 PM
Posts: 276
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pANcada can understand everything in English, his only issue is to "form a phrase correctly" to speak well.
Is like trying to "translate" your main language to English ignoring verb + noun order.
He can speak but using his main language (Portuguese) order.
So It's more about practice Ig.

posted about a year ago

bro, at least to understand "writing".
to understand their pronounce is hard sometimes.

posted about a year ago

almost every BR can understand spanish since they can understand some words in phrase so our brain just rephrase it to make sense correctly.

posted about a year ago

I would help, but I don't have too good histories when I tried to help someone since when I tried to help some old friends in past with depression, somehow some started having feelings for me.

posted about a year ago

come to Brazil.

posted about a year ago

bro im not 14 wtf.
im 21+ nowadays, i just said last three years I changed too much my personality, I was about 18 when I spent that money lol.
Like I said, I was a simp.

posted about a year ago

bro that time i was 11 years old.
also last three years I changed too much

posted about a year ago

Almost 500 USD when I tried to flex for a girl (I was a simp)
Horrible dinner, horrible night too.
La Tambouille in SP.
I ended up eating even a fucking ant.

posted about a year ago

I did it..

posted about a year ago

I had this issue with around 12yo, I trained with beans lol.

posted about a year ago

is better to learn chinese than portuguese man

posted about a year ago

pANcada rarely stream, Sacy is the only one.
But Sacy already get about 5k-10k daily, nothing big gonna change after joining SEN.
Big for me is like what happened with new LOUD Tuyz, used to have 50-80views to now 3k.

posted about a year ago

Issue is that apartments is really expensive in US, while in BR It's really cheap.
in US maybe people spent like 30-50% of their income by just paying for a house
while in Brazil around 2k-2.5k (about 400-500USD) you can literally live in front-sea at luxury apartment.

posted about a year ago

creampie and not legal seems SUS.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Penso a mesma coisa, lembro que já critiquei ele na ranked por falar que ele nunca mais iria ter a mira que ele tinha antigamente quando o jogo era novo, agora grande parte da galera evoluiu bastante mecanicamente e ele vai ficar pra trás, Sacy sabe disso e vai tentar farmar igual fazia no LoL com gap de conhecimento, se tudo der merda e ele cair provavelmente vai tentar ser IGL (mesmo ele detestando), salva esse post que daqui 2 anos você vai ver ele se tornando realidade.

posted about a year ago

Não sei pq te deram downvote, mas eu concordo com você.
Qualquer pessoa se analisar a live do Sacy com o mínimo de neurônio consegue identificar que até mesmo as reações dele são forçadas demais, parece que ele tá cagando pro chat (as crianças) que falam várias coisas tentando ser engraçado pra ele, sacy tá nem ai.
Só tá farmando a graninha dele e pronto, Sacy é forçado? Sim.
Só você analisar lives antigas do Sacy com as lives atuais (depois dele entrar na LOUD) sabe o quando ele teve que se forçar a mudar pra fazer os kids da LOUD gostar dele e ele conseguir farmar uma graninha com donate durante essa era de idolatria a "pro players", nunca entendi essa galera que fica usando foto dos caras no twitter, facebook, whatsapp, e em todas as redes sociais.
É estranho demais isso.

posted about a year ago

Zombs offer.

posted about a year ago

Verdade, pAncada já tem sexto sentido por ter jogado FPS em alto nível durante a vida toda, você consegue prever muitas coisas automaticamente.

posted about a year ago

Dude trying to be OP Cold Main Character after reading too much manhwa.

posted about a year ago

All gf's are the goat.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, but not permanently Ig like Sacy and pAncada.

posted about a year ago

Not only that, his gf also got really mad at Sacy at beginning for "abandoning" Saad for Money, so she kinda preferred Saad to stay in LOUD with Aspas and Less instead betraying them for money like sacy did.
She prefers that Saad keep his word with what he said about making LOUD era too, pretty much all these things together made him to make decision to stay

posted about a year ago

I mean, Saad didn't accepted because he has so many brazilians fans + his gf prefer to stay in BR too, both things end up weighing on his final decision.

posted about a year ago

Most likely his gf to deny than him lol

posted about a year ago

Nothing, he just tried to pick up a girl using s0m name, girl wanted some attention and accepted, now she's trying to exposed him and saying he's a shit for using his cousin status to pick up her, just because he doomed her after she started becoming more difficult, dude got tired and booom.
At least this is what I've seen until now.
edit: he said ''soft nigga''

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Now you carry the mistakes of your family members? lol

posted about a year ago

te entendo sem tradutor mano

posted about a year ago

Chrome or Brave can insta translate whole page instantly just with right click

posted about a year ago

Go to GYM.
There you can find friends.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yeah but honestly they're at same level right now but Liazzi had more opportunites to evolve (played international events, etc) while Tuyz not, so I have +1 for Tuyz.

posted about a year ago

Tuyz can, liazzi not.,
Tuyz is one with biggest potential to evolve, liazzi not.

posted about a year ago

I had about 3-4 mouses from logitech, all got double clicking issue.
So, never again lol.
Also I had a shitty G Pro copy that could not work at Cordura Pads since Hero Sensor you cannot just LOD.

posted about a year ago

double click incoming

posted about a year ago

Logitech 🤮🤮

posted about a year ago

Honestly, I'm normally ranking players based not only by their current phase but how much they can evolve, I can't feel this with shion, not even sure since he's almost 30 years old.
Any young player at LOUD will be way more better than him, shion could be got to replace Sacy since he seems to be have a good game sense but against world you need both, so I 100% prefer to hire young player with talent to teach him instead taking someone how has less chance of evolving.
That's my take.
I mean, way better to take someone like cauanzin or some cracked ranked instead him, since LOUD rn has Saad (big brain) and a good coach.

posted about a year ago

Stereo Love.
Stereo Love.
Stereo Love.
Stereo Love.

Miss this electronic music era

posted about a year ago

Manhwa > All.

posted about a year ago

eles n recebem o prêmio instantaneo, demora quase 1 ano pra cair na conta, prestar contas, impostos e várias merdas pra conseguir receber o dinheiro, fora que imposto vai comer boa parte do que ele ganhou kkkk, ele n recebe tudo isso líquido também.
se brincar quase uns 40% vai ser comido por imposto.

posted about a year ago

confundi, mals.

posted about a year ago

Nem foi esse o motivo mano, o problema que Sacy tá quebrado pq gastou o dinheiro todo no casamento que vai acontecer essa semana, e a LOUD ofereceu apenas apartamento para os jogadores em LA*, Sacy queria morar com a mina dele e ele teria que pagar o aluguel da mina dele por conta própria, LA é caro pra caralho o aluguel e ele teria que bancar por conta dele, ia perder uns 20k só no aluguel pra familia dele.
N é worth ele usar o proprio salário pra isso

posted about a year ago

For LOUD? Not at all.
The problem with LOUD's money was to cover the proposal that the 5 players had received, they could only cover 3 players (how ended up staying)
LOUD is a rich org.

posted about a year ago

gonna bump for u

posted about a year ago

Surely he will lol
Just somehow I think TenZ is way more hard to talk more "open" just like he did with he did with Aspas
Americans are also more colder than us too. (Not all)

posted about a year ago

I'm not fan of shion at all, I think he lacks aim power...

posted about a year ago

I mean, just see how "misused" riot power over this can be used to, Ocelote got fucked just to party with him (not even supporting his ideas)
The problem is that this opens up the power to be misused and we know it will be.
I'm not even defending Tate or Ocelote too.
That's the only worries.
Still, Riot can decide whatever they want.

posted about a year ago

Alice, I'm not saying Tate is BAD or GOOD here.
I'm saying that giving power to judge something as fake news or bad stuff ends up opening this power to be misused (to judge something as bad or fake), and as we will happen.
That's my worries.

Just I said before, punishing him big L
not punishing big L too

posted about a year ago
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