Flag: Germany
Registered: August 29, 2022
Last post: May 12, 2024 at 2:27 PM
Posts: 7


posted 1 month ago

I unfoIIowing sen sacy no shot he beats loud. come on sacy u betray br how ccould u do dis. If i was sacy, i would sabotage the sentinle from the inside like imposter from amongus

posted 2 months ago

People can hate him all they want for his personality, but I don't really think anything below a 9/10 is warranted.

posted 4 months ago

He only plays KayO unless its Haven, then he switches onto Gekko as of the past 3 months, if we include LOCK//IN he also played Fade once.

posted 9 months ago

While writing this, I just realized how much of a conspiracy this is, so get you tinfoil heads.

My guess would be that Sacy wasn't too fine with the role switches after all, and wanted to go back to initatior after that (truly) horrible Viper performance. That in turn would cause dephh to be the sentinel on most maps and pANcada moving back to smokes of cause, but maybe dephh wouldn't want that. That would leave the debate up to the coach, which of course having worked longer with dephh now, would lead him to agree with dephh more and thus, forcing something onto a player (that being Sacy), which he was obviously underperforming on and possibly hindering the team with.
Somehow Rob must have taken notice of that, and was like "I fucking get you 2 recent world champions, and you mess up the way they got on top? in favour of an igl that is outfragged by a diamond? get out of here asap"
That's something that I deem possible, but obv nobody apart from org & players know whether that's remotely close to being true or not, maybe Sacy is fine with the controller maybe he isn't.
Only thing that's certain is you can't really judge SEN as org, the team or staff knowing only that Sykko was dropped for A reason.

posted about a year ago