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Registered: November 30, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 6:39 AM
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This blud got carried and you make this win all about him. yay fans are starving!

posted 1 month ago

Highest rating in an Americas' series so far?

posted 1 month ago

She's a bit extra and too pushy. I like smix a lot better ngl

posted 1 month ago

I hate how they just press zekken everyday asking him to call himself the best. Like chill. It's not like it's written on the walls that hes the best, he has room for improvement and if this is how he motivates himself to be better then let it be!

posted 1 month ago

I would have preferred johnQT but if she prefers saadhak as the IGL, leaf on senti is fine

posted 1 month ago

Aspas, Saadhak, TenZ, crashies, leaf

This team would win the GRAND SLAM no cyap

posted 1 month ago

will do, good sir. Thank you

posted 1 month ago

Goes hard on mute 🔇

posted 1 month ago

Mfer compared us to the greatest soccer team ever and thought we would be upset LMAO

posted 1 month ago

I don't disagree with that but I feel like LEV was very desperate for a win and they made desperate plays against SEN that worked. Also they had a lot of footage on SEN, SEN hasn't had too much time to reinvent themselves so they got countered. The match against NRG isn't as favorable for them. Like NRG hasn't had to show their playbook too much yet. They literally just late lurked against Loud no senti comp and against Furia, just did whatever. Nothing to counter really hard

posted 1 month ago

Fair but him playing well is like 80% win con for NRG but that's not true for zekken and SEN. That's what I meant.

posted 1 month ago

it's not 2021 anymore. demon1 is by far the best OPer. kangkang is like my one of the most favorite players but I can't call him the best OPer when his team can't win against great intl. teams. He's top 3 for sure alongside smthing and demon1

posted 1 month ago

They do but demon1 gives them a player advantage almost every round and they also win the util trade because demon1 doesn't require that much util to set him up. That makes the other players life a lot easier, that's the point.

posted 1 month ago

who is then?

posted 1 month ago

Zekken doesn't carry SEN. He is the duelist player, he gets set up to do duelist things and he does his job. Whereas NRG can't win if demon1 doesn't win all his duels with 50% hs%. All the NRG players are great but if you watch them demon1 literally just contacts everything and if he loses his fights NRG will lose.

posted 1 month ago

It hurts me to say this but aspas is gonna get absolutely owned by demon1 and friends, like always.
LEV was getting away with very quirky stuff at times because SEN just weren't prepared for it but NRG will be.
mazino isn't gonna get away with peeking everything and late flanking, aspas isn't gonna have as great time running around against the best OPer and NRG will ban LEVs best map which is fkin Icebox where you can get away with the dumbest shit and can rush A all 12 rounds and win.
It hurts me to glaze NRG but they are gonna absolutely destroy Leviatan

posted 1 month ago

You beat aspas in our road to madrid so, that argument doesn't work.

posted 1 month ago

Average American teenager.... needs everything in short video format because they have the attention span of a goldfish! That's why TikTok is so popular in this country

posted 1 month ago

fundamentals are still the same. What angles to peek, how to layer angles you peek stuff like that. As an OPer you always need to stay one step ahead of the opponent. if you are too predictable and scared so you are fked cz there's so much util to jump on you. So OP awareness is very important, spaces you can push or rely on your teammates on. Things like that will always be basic.

posted 1 month ago

Watching their Icebox yesterday and watching LEV hit A every round and SEN never trying to push past 410 and set zekken up with an OP made me so mad. They didn't have any flashes and were doing the same harbor cascade every round. He would have feasted on them if he tried to bring out an OP.

posted 1 month ago

He could seek suggestions from babybay even. babybay used to be a very good OPer.

posted 1 month ago

I would have said cNed if he was from NA, it's just not realistic for them to sit 1v1 and share thoughts. But any up and coming Oper needs to watch cNeds 2021-22 VODs

posted 1 month ago

When I watch zekken Jett it feels like he's allergic to the OP. Like his aim on the OP is fine but he doesn't understand when to pull it out or how to move around. Like watch demon1 on the OP, he doesn't force the OP like wardell used to. He just pulls it out when the opponent is too free flow, owns them one round and the opponent goes back to playing scared.

Shahzam might have not been the demon1 with his aim but he had the classic AWP brain. He knew exactly when to bring it out and where to peek. Zekken was never an OPer before and valorant doesn't have demos to learn from other people so it's a bit hard for him. But I think Zekken has the right mindset when it comes to learning, he's always trying to be better. He should just seek advice from people like shahz or even his teammate TenZ to understand these little tidbits.

posted 1 month ago

Asuna_Yuuki you ain't sleek mf

posted 1 month ago

Asuna is a fraud. He does all this shit and when NRG loses he just disappears. He ain't a real man in my book. Might be clove's gender.

posted 1 month ago

no just an observation from watching the games. Aspas does unexpected things and gets away with it because he's aspas whereas zekken tries to play by the book which is not always good. Like if zekken alphad up today in some rounds SEN would have won Icebox at least.

posted 1 month ago

yes but zekken gave him too much respect that round. He had to know and he had already crossed the angle aspas was holding. If he just balls up and peeks there aspas was dead 100p.

posted 1 month ago

They didn't know how to react to LEV anti-strats early into the map but they adapted from bad situations. That's why I am hopeful with their rigor

posted 1 month ago

Zekken is the best team player duelist and aspas is the best duelist overall.

posted 1 month ago

How did aspas get away with OPing on the same angle twice b2b tho and that angle is so bad. Zekken crossed too, he should have just peeked aspas. idk. I am still mad about that round.

posted 1 month ago

2 very close maps even though they got anti stratted hard and Aspas was going super saiyaan. Nah, it's only up from here...

posted 1 month ago

yeah but at the same time hes playing the same 3 angles on B without any util and getting multi frags. That should never happen against a good team who scale better

posted 1 month ago

ik I am talking about the OP

posted 1 month ago

tbf tenz was also the best player in madrid alongside zekken. 2nd highest kills despite being a support and insane APR, CL%

posted 1 month ago

Fake fans putting on the SEN flair LMAO. What happened to the game I love man?

posted 1 month ago

If anything he probably hates them and wants them to lose LMAO

posted 1 month ago

todays scrimbux?

posted 1 month ago

Aim: FNS
Movement: Redgar
Skill usage: Cloud
Brain: BerLin
Flexibility: yay
Clutch impact: Asuna

posted 1 month ago

bruh i understand that but that's a massive disparity. 400 people? In china? There will be more people roaming on the street in front of the venue.

posted 1 month ago

But that's very stupid. It's the biggest val event in china this far, they hosted the launch in china event in a bigger venue i swear. I will be incredibly upset if this news is true.

posted 1 month ago

Marcedes Benz Arena but that's only for the playoffs tho. That's a 18k venue which is respectable. But how do you go from 400 to 18000 during the same tournament, specially when all the home teams might be playing in the 400 audience venue only? Shambolic

posted 1 month ago

wtf is this? Can anyone confirm this? Only 400 people in a esports megacity like Shanghai and country as big as China? Second and the last masters event of the year? WTF bro! Grow some balls riot, go big for once ffs. This is why this esports will never top CS.

posted 1 month ago

This will be a blowout and G2 will win convincingly

posted 2 months ago

Damn! They are cooking

posted 2 months ago

TY any update on the C9 scrim or anything after that?

posted 2 months ago

Need my daily dose of SEN scrimbux. Anyone got any?

posted 2 months ago

I want to see zekken stick to duelist as well but thinking TenZ Jett would make them insta lose is such a dumb thing to say. Under Dephh and previous mess that was SEN, even Zekken had occasional rough games as duelist. You guys make it seem TenZ became a horrible duelist player after 2021, which is not true at all. He was carrying games on Jett and even raze. Every duelist player thrives on a good team. Right now zekken could go 16-20 as Jett but SEN would still win, that never happened with old SEN and TenZ.

posted 2 months ago

SEN playing against any other team today?

posted 2 months ago

Watch the video instead of reacting off of thumbnails. He said they should have won because of the circumstances with johnQT and having shitload of vod on SEN, not because he thinks 100T were better.

posted 2 months ago

Lucky hit. You can't do that every day

posted 2 months ago
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