Flag: Canada
Registered: April 6, 2022
Last post: April 18, 2024 at 12:21 AM
Posts: 17

over my king brawk? be fr bro

#brawkwin #brawk4life #brawkfan #brawkontop #brawktheking

posted 1 month ago

im his girlfriend i can vouch

posted 1 month ago

spit those facts king

posted 1 month ago

think about it. if you win you are rich and goated, if you lose you can just get the 5k next year.

posted 1 month ago

you think someone like pancada would be able to be exempt on the basis of his extremely weak immune system?

posted 1 month ago

what medical conditions typically would exempt someone? like what could possibly be the issue that would let him skip it?

posted 1 month ago

Why cant we just coexist?

sorry for the short response I really have to get to sleep, I'll come back to this tomorrow.
That's all they want? non binary people just want to be accepted right? so why is it a big deal that there is one In a game? I know you said beliefs and all but there are plenty of religious character in media, even though they go against other peoples beliefs, so why would we treat non binary people any other way?

posted 1 month ago

then if we are saying something being "silly" is relative, who are you to judge someone else? I know it may be an extreme comparison but think back to not even two centuries ago when black people were suppressed and under represented and villainized. while I'm not directly comparing them these are very similar events in our history, and I really think It's unfair to not allow these people to be represented in media, if you went back this same sort of debate would have happened if a black person was featured on the cover of a newspaper or magazine. I just don't think blanketing all of people that identify under the lgbtqia+ movement as mentally ill is fair, Its not like they are forcing us to be gay or transgender, so what harm are they doing? homosexuality has been around since ancient greece, so just because society is getting more accepting doesn't mean people are also getting more mentally ill.

posted 1 month ago

people always take things to far, like the lion example its just silly at that point, but these people don't feel comfortable in their own skin? Like we can't imagine a feeling like that and the best thing we can do for another HUMAN BEING is support them

posted 1 month ago

I don't really view this as a fight just a friendly debate or convo

posted 1 month ago

Do I hope they get better and recover? yes

do you view people that identify with the lqbtqia+ movement as mentally ill?

posted 1 month ago

I can see where you're coming from and all but is it really that crazy to just respect another human being? I just can't understand why these beliefs are worth more to you than another human, like you dont have to like it but you just have to use two different words

posted 1 month ago

all these people want is to be acknowledged and respected, and as a minority they deserve some sort of representation. I get it being against their beliefs but its not like these people are going anywhere so everyone may as well learn to accept them

posted 1 month ago

why do people care so much? like them being non binary hurts exactly no one and only supports people in the community that they come from?

posted 1 month ago

erm sir, its actually only gooch and ball hair

posted 1 month ago

ill wax or shave it all off

posted 1 month ago

I am the no. 1 yay hater and if yay mvps any international event in the next two years ill cut off all my hair

posted 1 month ago