Flag: Brazil
Registered: June 16, 2022
Last post: May 23, 2024 at 10:28 AM
Posts: 135
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"esse fato" que tu inventou na tua cabeça? porque o tweet dele pode ser sobre mil coisas e tu acha que ele tá butthurt com o noyn com 0 embasamento nesse teu achismo po

posted about a year ago

Diferente desses fãs chorões aqui, os grandes nomes do Valorant respeitam pra CARALHO a história do Sacy. Tu tá ficando maluco po

posted about a year ago

Foda-se que ele foi pelo dinheiro porra, valorant pra ele é trabalho, ele deveria ir pelo quê?
Ele falou desde a época da VKS quando recebeu proposta que não queria jogar fora ANTES de ganhar um título, ganhou e saiu no auge. Tá mais que certo, porra.

posted about a year ago

No one considers FRZ the second best brazilian awper. Not in a world where we have DG, Heat, Jzz, RND. Jesus, no. Frz is good, but no, literally no one considers him the second best awper in BR

posted about a year ago

RglM is like by far the best controller available in Brazil. the gap from him and Pancada to every other controller is bizarre.

posted about a year ago

I get it and I can totally see that happening, TenZ does seem to be the introvert type.

posted about a year ago

That's not a language problem nevertheless

posted about a year ago

FFS, there is NO LANGUAGE BARRIER, Sacy is fluent in english

posted about a year ago

that didn't happened in brazil like ever. Happened in NA tho

posted about a year ago

Só o Top 1 da ranked por diversos atos, Onur enquanto tava na KRU preparando o time pra Champions, que ficou top 4, já tinha abordado o Less pra falar que queria um time com ele.
"quem era less?" po tu tá comendo merda, amigão kkkkkk vai tomar no cu

posted about a year ago

Mas eu nunca falei que o Less é ruim. Lê de novo, carai. Eu tô falando que se saísse os QUATRO da loud e ficasse só o Less, pra montar um time em volta dele, eu preferia que ele saísse também porque ELE ia ficar prejudicado. Não que ele ia prejudicar alguém. Lê com mais calma o que eu disse

posted about a year ago

When you have trembolona agreeing with you, it's time to take a step back.

posted about a year ago

Common trembolona L

posted about a year ago

NA money né. É mt bobo quem acha que os caras iam recusar proposta pra jogar em time bom por 5x mais grana. Mas os times só ficaram mais fracos porque tem time do ascension que tá com nome tipo RGL, shion, heat.

posted about a year ago

Eu gosto demais do Less, mas se for pra vender o time INTEIRO e ficar só o less com 4 da TBK, melhor deixar o Less ir pra outro time logo (oferta com certeza tem) e pegar a line inteira da TBK que já tem uma sinergia fudida de boa. Isso se o Kon4n não for pra Furia né.
Eu entendo que não é culpa da Loud org os jogadores saírem, não tem como competir com o dinheiro do NA, mas eu acho que se a line vai se desfazer, é melhor se desfazer completamente. Aspas ou less continuam sendo os melhores nas suas posições, mas esperar que eles performem igual performaram com sacy, saad e pancada, com quem eles tinham a sinergia já pronta, é maluquice.
Vai atrasar o lado dos caras, e vai atrasar o time também. Seria a pior decisão possível.

posted about a year ago

It honestly baffles me how bad the teams possibly are. We know that if they leave loud, they'll not got to another br team. Which puts every br team already down the top 1 of each position. But it's like they're not even trying to get the top 2.
How the fuck is rglm out of franchising?
How on earth is this possible? DeNaro couldn't even play on br VCT, are you telling me that he can play against fucking yay?
Brazil on its way to be an international joke again, man. That's so fucking sad

posted about a year ago

Spacca não vai pra loud?
Sabendo que Sacy e Pancada já tão praticamente confirmados pra sair, não fico tão triste. Queria o Spacca se fosse com os 5 mesmo, sem os 5 fico meio meh. Vou torcer pra esses 5 onde quer que eles estejam. Nunca torci pela org loud anyway

posted about a year ago

Some of you guys really overestimate english language. It's literally one of the easiest to learn. If any team had interest in Heat, the barrier language would be the last problem.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

In Brazil many league teams get coaches from KR, even tho their english is not exactly the best.
English is not that hard to learn, buddy.

posted about a year ago

Naxy é gata wtf e mesmo se não fosse, aparência é literalmente só isso, e não dura.

posted about a year ago

normal girl
She is a beast and plays on the best fucking fem team.
Wtf r u on about?

posted about a year ago

I feel like if Gambit had won, people wouldn't talk so much shit. Because acend literally vanished after champios, meanwhile Gambit still were a strong team (even withou qualifying for the international events)

posted about a year ago

all due respect, but basic english, enough to comms and to talk to the team in post match analysis, it's really not that hard.
English grammar is pretty straight forward. The biggest issue is the vocabulary, which he will get with time.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, he has a history. Most people say that even back in CS he was not a very pleasant fella, but idk about that since I have never followed the cs pro scene.
Either way, I understand where the people cheering for KRU's fall are coming from. I only really dislike the one guy, so I would've liked to see KRU going further. But it is what it is.

posted about a year ago

It's actually funny how this is coming mostly from EMEA fans.
If anyone was a fraud was that team who shall not be named who didn't make a single lan this year.
But then again, if someone would have property to talk about a fluke, that would be EMEA

posted about a year ago

I'm brazilian and even I have to agree to this one. Keznit never called aspas monkey and nothing like that.
That being said, he did say racial slurs on others occasions and I don't like the guy. But no, that specifically never happened. Let's get that straight.

posted about a year ago

That's not the point he was making. He said that he doesn't believe there are 35+ excellent players in NA. I'd even argue that the BR and LATAM teams have great and much more viable options there than signing someone from NA.

posted about a year ago

NA = just EUA basically
EMEA = maybe combining all countries together it'd be the size of Brazil
APAC = basically the whole Asia + KR + JP
Latam = 5 to 6 countires in South America
Maybe you're a bit dumb, but you cannot possibly be THAT MUCH dumb.

posted about a year ago

Entendi. Cirúrgico. Saudades das suas análises no twitter. Até desinstalei depois que tu saiu. Big fan here

posted about a year ago

que isso noyn, tu realmente acha que a NIP não ganha de ninguém além da LOS? Pra mim eles tão jogando mt melhor agora do que jogaram na primeira etapa.

posted about a year ago
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