Flag: Brazil
Registered: June 16, 2022
Last post: May 23, 2024 at 10:28 AM
Posts: 135
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Imagine making fun of somenone who quotes the opinion of FNS, one of the best igls itw, to then say "vanity thinks". lmao

posted about a year ago

They put up a close game with the champion of Lock in. 100T barely won against FUT. You might wanna calm down.

posted about a year ago

Let me speak for all normal brazilians and say: Don't mistake what supernova says for what all brazilians in this forum say. He is a moron.

You can not like Ardiis or what happened, but this post is pathetic,

posted about a year ago

I honestly never thought I'd see someone complaning about someone chating they'll kill you in a SHOOTING game.

And we are the soft ones. You're a fucking joke

posted about a year ago

Esse jumb0 é só um imbecil xenofóbico mesmo, o outro eu não sei, pode ser só um idiota.

posted about a year ago

Why would people apologize? Isn't it strange that Leaf, xeta, vanity and mce have ever won somethin on LAN? It's impressive to me how they could win so much online t2 tournaments but never performed on LAN. In Valorant, the history repeats itself. C9 hasn't won shit.

posted about a year ago

So funny to "farm" in the chance to fuck up the entire carrer of a player.

posted about a year ago

The dephh hate really has gone too far. Vanity is absolut dogshit. I can't comprehend why ppl think he is good. He couldn't accomplish anything on valorant, didn't win shit. The highlights of his carrer in CS is cheating in tier 2.

I don't really care for SEN, but I'm sure this would NOT be an upgrade.

posted about a year ago

If you have acess to internet, you can check it out yourself. But I'll give you a spoiler, he can.

posted about a year ago

And Sacy play pro league for like 5 or 6 years. He prolly wanna retire soon, the stress must be enormous.

posted about a year ago

Você fala fala mas eu só consigo ler buaaaa buaaaaaa buaaaaaa

posted about a year ago

Ele falou que queria fazer uma dinastia, com o BR no topo, não com a LOUD no topo. Ele quis sair e acabou porra. Para de chorar, caralho. Ele tem que fazer o pé de meia mesmo, e não givar o sonho dele, que era jogar fora do BR desde a época que ele era pro de lol, por causa de um bando de criança imbecil que não entende porra nenhuma da vida.

posted about a year ago

No, you have to be very new to this forum to believe this moron called Trembolona. He's just lying. The dinasty thing is real, but he was not already negotiating with SEN.
Sacy made it very clear since champions 2021 that he was approached by some teams, but he wanted to win a trophy in Brazil before he could do that. He won, so he did what he said he would do. It's really that simple.

Only idiots get angry at Sacy and Pancada for worrying about their futures. Pro life is not forever. They made their choice, it's okay to even cheer against them, but the hate is just pathetic.

posted about a year ago

Every team in the tournament could beat loud, apparently. You know too much man. You're an analyst for which team again?

posted about a year ago

I, for one, disagree about the ending. It could've been better, but I would not describe as shitty.
Great story tho.

posted about a year ago

There could be 7 slots, TL is not gonna make it man. They're garbage

posted about a year ago

I'm really proud of not speaking for you. Thx for that

posted about a year ago

I speak from BR fans saying: You guys are welcome. We'd root for an NA team too if all BR teams got eliminated. We want the extra spot, for sure. Dw, we are together in this one.

posted about a year ago

I understand that a player is more motivated when he has the crowd, but that's mental diff right there. If you're underperforming everytime you're not playing in your own country... that's bad news for u

posted about a year ago

No, it was always supposed to be 2 latam / 3 BR / 5 NA. EG got the spot that was meant to G2

posted about a year ago

funny, what did the crowd buff was during champions? The whole crowd was for Optic, and Loud won. So why is this time different?
It's really that hard to admit that NRG is a great team and Loud is also a great team who is better?

posted about a year ago

You don't speak for nobody, my man. Chill. Everyone can root for any team, there are no such thing as theses requirements.

posted about a year ago

L org putting one of the best players of 2022 in a team full of cheaters from cs.

Yay deserved better

Always rooting against C9 and the cheater core of the team.

posted about a year ago

lmao Loud is stealing the luck of all the teams, since they have been lucky for 5 months straight huh?
Loud won because they were better, not because NRG underperformed. NRG actually is the best looking team from NA.
Also Ardiss is way better than yay after chamber nerfs. Cope harder.

posted about a year ago

Lemme tell u a secret, lil bro. You only think you know english. Maybe you can understand what people are saying, but to communicate effectively, specially in high stress situations like a pro level match, isn't easy.
Watching series, movies and etc is a good starting point, but don't fool yourself.

posted about a year ago

That still pisses me off.
One of the brazilian orgs didn't take a single penny of the champions money

posted about a year ago

Toda região é região de um time só por essa lógica
Singapura = PRX
Japão = ZETA
NA = Optic
Europa = FPX
Exceção talvez só no Latam onde era a Kru em 2021 mas Leviathan superou eles por 2022 todo

Todos os outros times dessas regiões nunca foram real contenders por títulos e só passavam pra playoff e coisa e tal se caíssem numa chave de leiteiros.

posted about a year ago

Não adianta trocar a bandeira pra India pra passar despercebido, todo mundo sabe que você é retardado

posted about a year ago

I told ya

posted about a year ago

Don't worry, tomorrow you will lose the 100% with NRG

posted about a year ago

Não sei de que universo tiraram que o muriz é tão excelente como igl, um cara que nao ganha nada, tá no mesmo core faz 2 anos e o time não evolui. Essa derrota da MIBR foi patética, não por terem perdido porque talon é um time forte, mas sim porque 90% dos rounds perderam do mesmo jeito pro crws infiltrando nos mesmos lugares, morrendo de lado/costas. Lukzera da TBK deve ser melhor igl que o Muriz. MIBR tá indo forte pra competir pelo fundo de tabela da Franquia NA com esse time, infelizmente nem o MW nem o Magão vão conseguir salvar esse time.

posted about a year ago

Coming here so much time later after Brazil is the Champions winner and Starxo never even qualified for anything in the whole year of 2022 plus got stomped and eliminated round one of lock in. lol

posted about a year ago

What will be left for DG is what he has always played: Jett.

posted about a year ago

Pretty bad only if you are a moron and if you watched the entire tournament with your eyes closed and your ears glued to your ass. The entire team was on fire, someone on the team had to have the "worst" stats on the team. Loud owned every team in that tournament.

I'm sure aspas is crying right now because the biggest joke in this website is talking about him having the worst stats in his own team. He would much rather be yay, who has amazing stats yet still got destroyed by him every map.

posted about a year ago

It took derke nearly 3 years to accomplish nothing and get hyped by some content creators on a podcast.
Took aspas one year to win champions. Common trembolona L

posted about a year ago

I really like Marved but the only upside would be communication over the Sen team right now. Pancada and sacy are way better than marved and trent.

posted about a year ago

Not really. It wouldn't make any sense for practice if you didn't play 12 rounds on defending and attacking. If you got 13-0'd you would only play one round attacking or defending and the scrim wouldn't serve its purpose

posted about a year ago

"If a player's rank is below their actual MMR, they will be rewarded more for a good game. If a player's rank is above their MMR, they will not be harshly penalized if they lose, but perform well in that match."

Could someone explain this to me like I'm five?

posted about a year ago

To quote Walter White: "You're goddamn right!"

posted about a year ago

Tuyz never even played controller in pro play yet. There are several people ahead of Tuyz for now.

posted about a year ago

I think you don't know what you're talking about, but what do I know? I only lived in Brazil for 25 years right

posted about a year ago

The guy who could barely join a franchised team as a sixth man? ok

posted about a year ago

What did you expect? That a bunch of people who went there to see their team would just be happy about KRU, specially KRU of all teams?
And you say that like the same thing didn't happened to LOUD in champions. Whenever optic won a round, the crowd would go nuts, and by the time the series was over, a lot of people cheering for optic had left.

posted about a year ago

Riot can't control covid outbreaks. They managed to make LAN in other locations, so maybe the problem wasn't Riot, idk

posted about a year ago

Se gabando por ser nerdola e não ter nada melhor pra fazer da vida que ficar em fórum de valorant 24h por dia. Tá pegado pra você hein meu mano. Já ouviu falar de emprego?

posted about a year ago

Se fosse só isso não tinha esse hate todo. Tudo bem não querer torcer mais pelo cara, mas o que tem de comentário aqui no vlr chamando o cara de judas, falando merda dele e da esposa, tu quer me falar que isso é porque ele é "adversário" agora? Me poupa, irmão.

E adversário de quem? da Loud? Metade das pessoas que torceram pra loud o ano inteiro não tão nem aí pra essa org. Se esse line dos 5 tivesse ido pra qualquer outro time, los, mibr, qualquer merda, hoje estariam todos torcendo pra eles.

posted about a year ago

pra tu ver o quanto tu é BURRO. Concordar com o trembolona

posted about a year ago

Na verdade foi exatamente esse valor que o MW saiu. E o grande problema do RGLM é que ele acabou de renovar né. Keyd não é burra, ela renovou com o cara justamente porque sabia que alguém ia querer comprar, por isso a multa tão alta.

posted about a year ago

Tá mais que certo porra. Papo reto, ngm ligaria pra Loud no valorant se ela não tivesse entrado com o time que ELE E SADHAAK criaram do zero. Metade dos caras que torceram pra loud o ano todo tavam por conta dos jogadores, muito mais da metade eu diria. Vou continuar torcendo pelos caras da loud, mas eu comecei a assistir competitivo de valorant por causa do Sacy, lá no beta ele fazia live amassando, e eu só me interessei por causa do cara. Tô nem aí que org ele tá po, ele podia estar na ZETA, eu vou torcer pelo cara. Foda-se a org loud porra, enfia a org no cu, a org é a coisa mais irrelevante que tem.

No começo dos leaks que ia pegar essa line era a MIBR, eu tenho certeza que se fosse o caso ia TODO MUNDO cagar pra loud e ser super fã da MIBR hoje em dia.

posted about a year ago

Keznit já tá quase confirmado no ascension kkkkkkkkkk mas tu vai ter tempo pra caralho pra chupar as bolas dele no tier 2, porque em time Latam ele nao joga enquanto o Onur nao sair da LEV.

posted about a year ago
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