Flag: Germany
Registered: June 5, 2022
Last post: April 22, 2023 at 10:35 AM
Posts: 3

dude, I like Sentinels but you can't put them first because of one good performance. The close win against 100t, a mediocre team, is their only success. In case they manage to beat mibr, there is an ever-so-small argument to make that Sen is first. Jumping on an hype train after 1 match isn't it

posted about a year ago

After loud sent them into the lower bracket

posted about 2 years ago

You have absolutly no knowledge. Esport orgs earn almost all their money through sponsorship deals. Sentinels are the most famous and popular Valorant team with players like TenZ, who have great reach and public attention. Deals with let's say Logitech earn them millions every month. If there is someone with no knowledge, it is you ;)

posted about 2 years ago