Flag: Puerto Rico
Registered: July 30, 2021
Last post: May 21, 2024 at 12:50 PM
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True. My guess is they spent all their budget on Scream & Nivera. Only reason that makes sense for not getting Enzo

posted about a year ago

It Takes Two

posted about a year ago

Don't know about a specific meta but, from what I've seen, I think the agents with the biggest value will be:

Duelist: Raze, Neon, maybe Jett
Initiator: Skye, Kayo, Breach
Controller: All 5 tbh
Sentinel: Killjoy & Cypher

posted about a year ago

If you want the best possible performance (including RT) then Nvidia. If you don't care about RT then AMD is the best value (strictly for gaming). Drivers can be hit or miss on AMD though; I've read many people who say AMD drivers suck yet I've personally never had any serious issues.

posted about a year ago

They're just thinking of them the same as most thought of C9 prior to today. They look good on paper, but it might or might not translate to their performance.

posted about a year ago

I think he's staying on Chamber. Or, at least, he looks the most suited to OP on the team

posted about a year ago

Should've applied that to your first comment then.

posted about a year ago

Nah. She cute but mimi is just something else. Naxy too

posted about a year ago

And how do you know no team tried to sign him?

posted about a year ago

I love Fire Again but this is true, Die For You is just too good

posted about a year ago

Jamppi is very flexible though and can play other agents at a high level. I'm sure he'll have no issues moving to another role and playing second OP like he did with Nivera a few times

posted about a year ago

Finally someone with a brain on this site

posted about a year ago

Thats.........actually right

posted about a year ago

Metal (esp Metalcore)
Heavy songs that make me headbang

posted about a year ago

He's taking a break from pro play

posted about a year ago

Mustang Boss 429

posted about a year ago

Common trembo L

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Was really hoping for Enzo so at least they would've had a solid trio. But yeah this looks like a t2 team, sadge for Scream

posted about a year ago

You think so? They both did good on Liquid even if the team as a whole didn't get a trophy. Plus KC wants a french-speaking team, can you think of two better french-speaking players than them to start a roster?

posted about a year ago

because why not?

posted about a year ago

Hopefully Enzo is one of the last 2, only good french-speaking player available I can think of

posted about a year ago

He's rumored to join Talon, nothing official yet

posted about a year ago

Currently Brave

posted about a year ago

Either Sayf goes to duelist or Jamppi goes to initiator. Jamppi has a wide agent pool so it shouldn't be an issue

posted about a year ago

Nah, getting rid of Jamppi would be a big L

posted about a year ago

That was probably before the XSET/G2 deal crashed

posted about a year ago

Not if no team picks him up

posted about a year ago

Better being a 6th than having no team tbh

posted about a year ago

Problem is there are no other IGL's that are an immediate upgrade to Stellar, who can also fill his agent pool. Since most proven & available NA IGL's happen to be smokers, picking someone like Valyn (for example) would mean also dropping Bang (due to role clash) and sacrificing the current core which is pretty solid

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I doubt Stellar is getting replaced, there's no one that's an immediate upgrade that has his agent pool

posted about a year ago

Nah, everyone just playing roster making. There are no credible rumors on NRG as of right now

posted about a year ago

As good as Zander is, I don't see him replacing Bang.

posted about a year ago

Team Liquid qualified just after ANNOUNCING Dimasick, doesn't mean they didn't practiced with him before the announcement. The rumors of Dimasick joining Liquid were running around for weeks so they probably were practicing together right after Dreamas left, same as they did with Nivera who practiced for months with the team before he was officially announced.

If nAts joins FNC either he learns the Initiator role from scratch, or Boaster moves to Initiator so nAts can stay on smokes, in which case, Boaster would need to learn more initiator agents other than Kayo. Either way, 2 weeks isn't enough for a team to make such a move. It just isn't smart.

posted about a year ago

As someone above said, roles don't translate. They would need time to make adjustments role-wise and there simply isn't enough time before Champions to make it work.

After Champions, sure, go for it and make it work. But right now it wouldn't work for any of the Champions-locked teams.

posted about a year ago

True, my bad

posted about a year ago

It would've been G2, not Guild

posted about a year ago

Last year EMEA had 4 spots

posted about a year ago

Not really. Even with nerfs Chamber is still good as long as the player has impact. And even without Chamber, a good OPer will always bring value to a team regardless of the agent

posted about a year ago

EMEA has always been online even for Challengers and only Turkey seems to have some ping issues but not game-breaking. Don't know about EA though

posted about a year ago

Ping difference between Brazil, LAN & LAS. Online would've been a connectivity nightmare

posted about a year ago

Drop Shaz, Shroud & Rawkus, bring back Sick, a good smoker/IGL (someone like Zander) and a better coach (Sliggy maybe?)

posted about a year ago

Trembo is hiding in a nuclear bunker

posted about a year ago

Or better question, where is Trembo?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

rare W

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

RGX because of variants + different lighting colors

But the Neptune is beautiful

posted about a year ago

Liquid, 100T, Team Secret, Damwon, KRU & Fusion

posted about a year ago
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