Flag: Puerto Rico
Registered: July 30, 2021
Last post: May 21, 2024 at 12:50 PM
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Nah. He had a shit game against NRG but that doesn't excuse the rest of the team playing clueless. A better IGL would help the team do better even with their duelist disappearing.

posted about a year ago

Out of those 2, Oni.

Overall, Ruination.

posted about a year ago

If Jamppi pops off like he did last game then it can go to 3rd map. Otherwise is 2-0 for FNC. Hopefully nAts also gets into fragging shape like in his Gambit days

posted about a year ago

I like both

posted about a year ago

Dove Cameron

posted about a year ago

A man of culture I see

posted about a year ago

Not really. They'll live under the same parent company but WWE and UFC will remain separate promotions.

posted about a year ago

Considering the og plan at launch was to release an agent with every act (6 per year), they deff have the ideas to release way more than 30 agents.

posted about a year ago

While you have a point, it does not excuse Soulcass. Truth is he's been playing shit since most of last year until today. He is a part of Liquid's problem, though not the only one.

posted about a year ago

Jamppi hasn't IGLed since mid 2022 dude

posted about a year ago

KOI is a solid team. Anyone who underestimated them got a reality check today

posted about a year ago

Nah, it'll be the same as OW2. Massive spike at launch and then it'll go back to normal. Neither will die, people can just play both.

posted about a year ago

the Ryzen 5/i5 is a better pairing with the 3060 and will be fine for Val, high 100's to mid 200's FPS.

The Ryzen 7 might be overkill for Val but is a better future-proofing option if you plan on playing other more demanding games. It might bottleneck the 3060 though.

posted about a year ago

He doesn't have a big agent pool but he can play every role at a high level. He's dominated with KJ, Chamber, Breach and Jett to name a few. That's 3 roles out of 4. Smokes is def his weakest role but can still play Omen decently and get value (even while OPing). Chamber was his main agent in 2022 but historically he's played all 4 roles decently. His raze is shit, no arguing that. But being bad at Raze does not determine whether he's a good flex or not.

Point is, historically, he's proven he can play every role decently, getting value while putting good numbers and has the easiest time adapting to each role out of all the old Liquid members.

posted about a year ago

Big L on every aspect

posted about a year ago

He might have the same playstyle but he still manages to get good utility value while putting good numbers regardless of the agent. That's what makes him a good flex.

posted about a year ago

Without counting MP games:

  1. The Witcher 3
  2. Mass Effect 2
  3. Skyrim
  4. Subnautica
  5. Cyberpunk 2077
posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

No way lol. Jamppi is a great flex while Yay is a OP one trick. Replace soulcas with Yay and leave Jamppi to flex

posted about a year ago

CS wont die, just like Val wont die. The scene is big enough for both to co-exist, only children think people can't enjoy both.

posted about a year ago

You should be punished for being so cringe

posted about a year ago

Whole team is getting diffed tbh

posted about a year ago

I don't think he is, he just said he was gonna focus on streaming now that he's out of TSM. He would probably join another team as long as his TSM situation doesn't happen again

posted about a year ago

This makes the most sense

posted about a year ago

He's owning T2 japan. He should, at least, be given some trial from a franchised team. If he wants to stay with a japanese team, a team like DFM could benefit from his firepower.

posted about a year ago

Dude is clearly messed up. And what's worse is that he's in complete denial over his own situation.

No wonder Sentinels kept him apart, at this point he's burying his own career.

posted about a year ago

For me it was Team Envy. Clean logo too, RIP.

posted about a year ago

Sova suffers from the same problem as Fade; not enough area clearance to get enough info. Is not a matter of how many flashes you need but a matter of what initiator you can get the most value out of on Lotus, and both Sova & Fade are bottom of the list for that map since is just too hard to get real value out of the dart or owl unless you have crazy lineups (and even then, with so many corners is hella easy to hide from them).

Kayo/Skye for info (especially Skye since her flashes double as extra info due to the alarm) + Breach for stuns & Aftershock is the best duo, plus all 3 are useful for clearing corners which is important in such a close quarters map.

Edit: in any case, if you worry about running double flashes then don't go double ini. But running Sova/Fade on Lotus is a pick waste.

posted about a year ago

Agreed. Fade on Lotus doesn't feel right nor looks right; it should be Breach + Kayo/Skye

posted about a year ago

I'd definitely change T1 for Dplus

posted about a year ago

Anyone who thinks otherwise is braindead

posted about a year ago

Sliggy > eMil

posted about a year ago

Nah, Soulcas. He was pretty inconsistent throughout 2022, doesn't seem to have changed.

posted about a year ago

They still in playoffs though, unlike SDC

posted about a year ago

He's literally their most consistent player right now, da fuq?

posted about a year ago

As I expected. Good enough to beat tier 2-3 teams, not good enough to go against the better teams. If they don't make any changes, I expect them to be bottom 3 of their league.

They seem to have the same problem as the previous Liquid; lack of a proper IGL. Get a decent IGL, change Scream back to duelist so he can do what he does best (get headshots) and they'd be a pretty decent team.

posted about a year ago

to be fair BBL, Heretics & KC were all expected to go out early. KC only won first round bc they went against an inexperienced China team. Only KOI & Giants losing can be considered somewhat disappointing, but not so much since they went out against one of the teams expected to win it all.

The top 3 EMEA teams (at least on paper) are all on the Omega bracket so only after seeing them can we really judge EMEA as a league.

posted about a year ago

DFM isnt korean though

posted about a year ago

Yeah. That and eKo running into tower like an unrated game potentially lost them both rounds

posted about a year ago

It was a good move for Liquid. As much a fan of Scream as I am, the previous roster had reached their limit and they got great replacements in nAts, Redgar & Sayf. Plus Nivera had a pretty inconsistent run during LCQ & Champs, it was pretty much Jamppi & Scream carrying the team at the time.

posted about a year ago

Harbor underrated

posted about a year ago

He's IGLing, my guess is he isn't comfortable IGLing on duelist

posted about a year ago

With Scream focusing on IGLing they seem to lack a proper duelist since the other players were usually non-duelists in their previous teams. They need to get a proper duelist or an IGL to move Scream back to dueling

posted about a year ago

Can the stage/scene be better for the coach? Yes.

Is it reason enough for him to have such a crybaby mentality? No.

posted about a year ago

Marved is inactive so, at the very least, Bang is the best active controller in NA. Don't know about the whole world though, Mako is def in that talk too.

posted about a year ago

Nah, it was more fun to watch players getting sucked out of defusing than Chambers holding angles

posted about a year ago

Nah, it was fun to watch for the first few months but got boring faster than any other meta so far

posted about a year ago

It's very attack-sided from my experience so far, but overall, it's an interesting map. I like it.

posted about a year ago

True. Only way to play on act end is with a trio minimum; solo queueing is hell. Same goes for the first few days of act start

posted about a year ago
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