Flag: China
Registered: May 24, 2021
Last post: May 16, 2024 at 10:05 PM
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posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

but Optic is NA so how does that work? If optic win then NA wins

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

American LMMAAAAAOOOO. I have a friend who does this as well but like it's so dumb

posted about a year ago

Dude u make 100t fans look like a peices of shit

posted about a year ago

but u replied bozo

posted about a year ago

Him and SugarZ3ro are both really great players

posted about a year ago

LETS GOO WOOOO 100t for life

posted about a year ago

100t baby

posted about a year ago

G2 is prob making it out of groups. I don't see any other western team getting out tho.

posted about a year ago

Ngl EU > NA in lol, but I hope that 100t can improve, they have shown that they are a consistent contender for best NA team, and last year they lost to the 2 world finalists, so idk how they will do this year but I have hope. Let's be completely honest tho NA and EU are most likely not making it to top 4. The only teams I see doing that are G2 and maybe EG.

posted about a year ago

T1 cuz basically their whole team is the best in their roles in LCK. The only exception u could make is maybe Faker because Chovy is just that good. Also I wanna see Boner win

posted about a year ago

IK 100t is prob not making it but imma go to Worlds Finals in SF. I live semi close so it works out. Also if anyone knows when do the tickets come out?

posted about a year ago

🟩 🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩'
Kinda easy if u give the spoiler

posted about a year ago

100T 2-0 DRX high on the Copium

posted about a year ago

100t 2-0 Fnatic I'm high on copium rn

posted about a year ago

Shaz streams almost every day, Asuna streamed for the first time in a while, right after winning a tourney, learn the difference.

posted about a year ago

LMAO nadeshot gave me a heart a attack when I saw that nil

posted about a year ago

FUCKING LOVE THIS TEAM LFG!!!! GG to Guard tho they were not at their best and it showed, will probably come back stronger next year. I'm so happy rn holy shit.

posted about a year ago

neither does any other team in Champs lmao

posted about a year ago

Guard Vetoed 100T two best maps, look what happened.

posted about a year ago

dude this is funny af why would he get banned, nothing he said was ban worthy

posted about a year ago

Nukkye is the igl tho, legit got 5 wrong cuz he is.

posted about a year ago

ik that but I was just asking cuz I forgot how many times they beat BR

posted about a year ago

hes been permanent from bbg since the roster was formed tf u on?

posted about a year ago

People come show ur support for 100T, hope the game tmrw is a banger, and no matter what happens, respect to Guard, great team.

posted about a year ago

Aren't they 8 -0 against BR teams?

posted about a year ago

BDS used to be tier one, but that was a long time ago

posted about a year ago

R u saying that because he's from the Baltics, he should learn Russian? I think that they stopped learning because they are trying to be more independent from Russia, like im pretty sure they are also in NATO, so idk why they would learn Russian.

posted about a year ago

If they are going to make a roster change, it would be something like -will +bdog. Or if Xset don't make franchising then prob +cryo

posted about a year ago

dude where's ur copium? I can give u some if u need it.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Pls say they win now Will got 4 it must be a sign

posted about a year ago

Honestly I still think Stellar is better than Zander, excluding the roles. His mid rounding is very good, and even Ange1 complimented him on the calls and plays. Idk if that's due to SeanGares influence or not but all I can say is Stellar is prob the 3rd best igl rn in NA.

posted about a year ago

might be considering how they do on LAN. If they bomb out of groups the timing works ig.

posted about a year ago

IK ur joking but let's be real. Stellar is 1000% better than mocking and it's not even close.

posted about a year ago

Honestly once franchised teams are confirmed and whatever it would be a great pickup, considering a lot of the franchising teams are gonna get new players anyways. They won't be the only ones with synergy issues.Rn tho will is still better for the team because of the time he's been here + synergy is great.

posted about a year ago

no fucking way u called mada trash

posted about a year ago

If u read the comments you he tells you why he thinks they are good.

posted about a year ago

TSM sad that they dropped this legend. Im glad he's on a good team now.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Lmao nice. I've prob been a fan for like 3 fish years now, started watching Courage and Rae then fell in love the the org.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yea that's what I'm thinking. Both teams are pretty equal Mechanical Skill wise, I just feel the strategy coming from C9 is prob better than SEN's, also I'm 90% sure that Vanity has better Midrounding than Shahz, but we will see.

posted about a year ago

I mean in a sense, it is running it down, like they are literally holding w and pushing. But the layers to that push is what makes them so good. Thats why I think Benkai is such a good IGL, prob best in the world, cuz he plans all of the execs, and tbh he guesses where the enemy is 90% of the time.

posted about a year ago

100T are probably the best team tactically in LCQ. Compare that to SEN, a team that streams more than scrims.

posted about a year ago
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