Flag: China
Registered: May 24, 2021
Last post: May 16, 2024 at 10:05 PM
Posts: 687
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Wait no don't move it I get outta school right when the match starts

posted about a year ago

It goes both ways, cuz if u move it to 3pm Eastern Time (Cuz I presume u live in the east coast) I can't watch it, cuz I have school and I live in CA. Also the times are for live showings in Brazil so just because you get to watch it doesn't mean others will. That's how it works, and due to that I have missed multiple games. Just gotta deal

posted about a year ago

Bang, Pancada and Mako

posted about a year ago

Yea I want 100t to win I'm Chinese but live in America

posted about a year ago

I'm pretty sure 99% of people would quit if this happened to them, extremely inspirational from him. W POISED

posted about a year ago

I actually have TL making it out because I would say the team is almost on par with Navi. I'm also kinda predicting it as an upset so we will see

posted about a year ago

I hate autocorrect sometimes

posted about a year ago

ngl they would get much more out of him if he and zombs switched roles

posted about a year ago

honestly I'm expecting them to make it far just because Marved is literally the best controller in NA.

posted about a year ago

Holy shit s0m is 20? I thought he was a lot older ngl

posted about a year ago

Idk man its my favorite food. Might be an acquired taste tho idk

posted about a year ago

bro it's more than most have done lmao

posted about a year ago

wdym? They were pretty good at the Red Bull event, and I know that liquid had two subs but like they still didn't lose a series.

posted about a year ago

ik but like if he's doing this just for views and in reality he's lying then it seems like a shitty move. Cuz then ur ruining the teams branding even though theoretically they did nothing wrong.

posted about a year ago

idk they probably just trying to save face

posted about a year ago

That Shahz is a crybaby for starting this on twitter instead of handling it personally and SEN is a shit org if this is true. Shahz has every right to complain, but do it personally instead of whining on twitter.

posted about a year ago

damn last map was free as fuck

posted about a year ago

I don't think riot will ever do this

  1. Ur basically making 2 of the same agent which differ very slightly.
  2. It takes away from the fact that Jett has all these movement abilities cuz she's the wind girl and shit
  3. Most of the community would riot by the fact that there are no more cool knife plays

edit: whoops wrong person sry

posted about a year ago

Have Covid rn too. First day I had a little cough, second day was shit, today I only have a dry throat cuz my nose is stuffed, nothing else.

posted about a year ago

Light Insult? That's pretty subjective. I think to everyone here the fact that ur calling First Strike, the first big Event of Valorant "Trash" isn't light at all. Also I do not know how you can be so full of yourself when all you do is sit on the site and cry. There's this saying "Treat others how you would like to be treated yourself", so if u don't want people hating on Shahzam, spread some fucking positivity already, damn.

posted about a year ago

So do you, your point? Also ur looking at a small portion of the fan base lmao just like how half of vlr hates SEN fans cuz of u.

posted about a year ago

ardiis is a fine replacement for yay and that is enough for FNS to work with.

posted about a year ago

Cool, so why do you not like Asuna? He's not toxic, and doesn't really shit talk at all, so what made you decide to hate on him?

posted about a year ago

Why do you like Shahzam? Not trying to put you down it's just that he did a lot of shitty things back in CS. Even in Val once his stream blew up he stopped trying in pro games and SEN just fell into a pit of despair after that. Also he's kinda a crybaby sometimes but ig half the pro scene is so its not just him.

posted about a year ago

Whatever ur doing think before u do it.

posted about a year ago

sadly pancada aint NA

posted about a year ago

Cryo is built fucking different holy

posted about a year ago

Why didn't he play in the matches? is he sixth man or something?

posted about a year ago

someone doesn't get the joke....

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

u can see that u edited lmao

posted about a year ago

Bro stop shitting on gc players. Also can we notice how all 4 100t members who competed are in top 3 :)

posted about a year ago

Kingen smurfed so fucking hard in the last two games holy shit

posted about a year ago

Happy b-day

posted about a year ago

I mean yea they made an offer for yay but at the same time cryo was their big goal.

posted about a year ago

Nadeshot wanted Cryo bro he said this when Cryo signed.

posted about a year ago

The emoji is based on the Moai of Easter Island. Only know that cuz I'm in AP art history

posted about a year ago

yea they are he means Aspas just a play on letters or some shit

posted about a year ago

Chovy was kinda inconsistent, but on the games he won he was hard carrying. Idk

posted about a year ago

I don't really think that Faker is performing better than Chovy did in the quarters. Guma and Zeus have kinda been smurfing in the Quarters game. I didn't watch all of it so my insights prob not the best. Zeka is playing so well rn tho. Ngl DRX might beat GenG with this current state cuz their entire team is smurfing.

posted about a year ago

I feel like GenG are more of the favorites to win then T1. T1 has Faker and shit, but

Zeus>>Doran (Zeus second best top laner in the world)
Oner<Peanut (Peanut is better I think)
Faker<<Chovy (No offense Faker isn't washed it's just that Chovy is too good)
Guma<<Ruler (Ruler contender for best adc)
Keria>>Lehends (Keria is a fucking god there is nothing else too it)

On paper GenG has the stronger team, but if they both make it to the finals we will see

posted about a year ago

I would love for Deft to win, but at the same time GenG is my favorite eastern team, and I think it's time for Chovy to prove he's the best itw, as well as Ruler to take his second.

posted about a year ago

cuz Ban is import

posted about a year ago

Saya isn't mid. Sinatraa at the start was really good, but yea he fell off. Corey is good, definitely a notable duelist. But Saya is really good so idk how you think he's mid. Was one of Guard's best performing players which carried them to Iceland and 2nd at LCQ.

posted about a year ago

90 percent sure u edited it but whatever

posted about a year ago

LOUD were not an Obscure Team Lmao.

posted about a year ago

You had fucking TenZ and Dapr on the team and could only win one match lmao

posted about a year ago
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