Flag: International
Registered: August 8, 2021
Last post: January 5, 2022 at 5:35 PM
Posts: 98
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I know, but i meant that Guild and Giants wont be invited to the closed because they changed 3 players and wont keep seeding. I read that on twitter yesterday.

posted about 2 years ago

Do they keep their points even if they change 3 players?

posted about 2 years ago

Giants and guild wont bcs at leasst 3 players changed

posted about 2 years ago

Better than before if they build synergy.

posted about 2 years ago

ÜRK Im 100% sure

posted about 2 years ago

Didn't know, thx for the info. I'm not really informed about brazil VCT. I thought it was like Europe system where only masters teams skipped.

posted about 2 years ago

Good for them then, i wish them luck in Brazil qualifiers.

posted about 2 years ago

They probably will do, because they dont show anything to posible rivals and still can practice with decent teams.
I remember when there was a scrims crisis in EMEA playoffs and every team had to practice with shitty teams because: others were rivals or they had vacations (Ex: Fnatic)
I dont know if T1 NA will want to scrim them though

posted about 2 years ago

Tenz and Sick but going for ur argument, Why did they lost to ENVY? Did ENVY improve their aim so much since NA challengers? Same goes for KRU, Do they really have better aim or gamesense than every Fnatic players? Fnatic destroyed KRU in iceland, but they were defeated in champs, they havent improved their aim, then how? Here comes the better strats.

posted about 2 years ago

Okay, u have no idea of what is competitive valorant, if thats true Sentinels would have destroyed everyone after iceland, they literally lost because they had no new strats. It's exactly the same as CS, if u dont have strats in pro play ure gonna lose.
Every fucking push in defense, go to this side, go to the other, all those that are made at the begining of the round are strats, i dont even know if u understand what mean strat.
I repeat, if everything is that obvious u should become coach.

posted about 2 years ago

If pro play is less harder than ranked then whatever top 10 radiant in EU could play for T1, in pro play u need to play with more structure and be more cordinated, but also u have to kwon when is the perfect timing to play agressive and be creative.
In Pro play everybody is waiting a possible peek that most likely wont happen, but it is a posibility.
If u pick a Top 10 Radiant, put him in pro play and tell him to play as ranked, he probably would do less than normal or fuck his team, if Pro play is esier then every radiant would be a PRO.
They're obvious for u as spectator, but not as player, if it is true, try to be a coach then, maybe ure good at it or maybe ure just looking at it as spectator.

posted about 2 years ago

Wasn't expirience what nukkye said, he didn't like his Jett aparently and they ended in bad terms, you just have to look at Keloqz's twitlonger where he said "Nukkye you are a good player and I wish you good luck for the future." when he said good things to all his other teamates.

posted about 2 years ago

No, no, he was Jett op, but he wasn't a good jett at all, so they put him in controler and sometimes jett.
Scream was the igl those times (half with soulcas if im not wrong), there it is his famous "NA is predctable" in Iceland.

posted about 2 years ago

Even if his team has done well he's not even a IGL for more than 4 months.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

They are, but also throwing to much, imagine how would it be if G2 win one pistol on ascent or dont throw 5 rounds.

posted about 2 years ago

Ascent went 6-6 with pistol for liquid, thats not really control (also lquid get to many lucky shots to smokes), and then they won another pistol, on bind they get 5 rounds where G2 just throw, look pistol round or Anti-eco.
Im fine with first map being good for liquid but wasnt a stomp, and second map they had all for comeback but G2 were better.

Its okey to support your team but the series is close nothing like stomp or unlucky.

posted about 2 years ago

Thats not true, first map was close but liquid get both pistol rounds and this map was almost a throw from G2, imo the series is close but u cant say first map iwasa stomp and the second was lucky, lets be objective.
First map was good for liquid but not a stomp, and looking the throwed rounds second should had been a stomp but went good for G2.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, but i think this isnt the best of each team (there is to many throws), hopefully we will see their best at the grandfinal.

posted about 2 years ago

They throw 5 rounds and theyre winning.

Can anyone tell me how??????????????

Mixwell almost throw another round to liquid but Nukkye 1v3 ace clutch.

posted about 2 years ago

Idk, maybe NaVi dont want be in any tournament till 2022, they havent been playing since EMEA playoffs, isnt logic invite FUT but not NaVi.
Edit NVM

posted about 2 years ago

U said it like VGIA doesnt deserve to be there but theyre better than NAVI not as Hretics, BIG or Fut.

posted about 2 years ago

VGIA is better than more than half of the teams there.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah but make it as fanbases would result on TSM seed 1 of NA, make it as performance its the best way to get a fair and good competition, also theres fanbase of every team so riot would be hated if their fav team gets group of death.

posted about 2 years ago

This pools dont have sense based on this year, KR is much better than BR and better than SEA, LATAM is better than BR looking recent matches (U could say KRÜ>BR>LATAM but thats wrong bc Latam only have 1 spot so LATAM>BR rigth now), berlin winner is better than EMEA 1 or NA 1, riot base their pools on the performance of the regions, this isnt something that represent that, see how horrible is group C compared to group A being free for acend like A death group and B free group of masters berlin.

The pools for sure have to be changed. I think this is just like the format of berlin but with diferent pools that are wrong. This is just my opinion dont take it personal or something.

posted about 2 years ago

Have u seen the title of ur trhead or ure blind? You mad bc i destroy ur shit argument? what a kid.

posted about 2 years ago

No, its sad dont talk shit if ure scared and talk it when u win but if u loose say excuses, like sentinels.
everyone should say things like that before the game even if arent the favourites bc that make more hyped the competition

posted about 2 years ago

"SEN seeding match" ure really high on copium, that seeding macth made SEN lose in quarters and G2 in semi-finals, all that i see its a normal intreview. where are they getting arrogant? Theyre the best team in the LQC for now.

posted about 2 years ago
Ure a great analyst, u should be picked by some brazilian team then maybe they manage to beat LATAM

posted about 2 years ago

Its gonna be best player from the team who wins or reach finals at least and its 3-2, if its 3-1 or 3-0 then 1st option

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, recent points have more value M1xwell said it

posted about 2 years ago

Acend look worst than G2 rn and Gambit... they choke a lot.

posted about 2 years ago

If G2 wins they still out

posted about 2 years ago

Actually both were a seeding matches, ur logic is bad
Both just had to win 2-0 against F4Q for be in playoffs

posted about 2 years ago

Who cars about grammar in this site? Looks like ur the typical guy that goes for the physical when u dont have nothing to say to the argument.

posted about 2 years ago

Another guy, can u tell me when i said G2>100t?

posted about 2 years ago

You dont know read it looks

posted about 2 years ago

Who even cars when sinatraa was in?

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, keep thinking that

posted about 2 years ago

Just spoking facts and u mad, relax, take a coffe and try to understand what i said, in what moment i said theyre better?

posted about 2 years ago

In a b05 btw

posted about 2 years ago

Do u realize that G2 has done more vs sen that 100thieves did?

posted about 2 years ago

Wait they arent that many times, gambit were really close to lose dont overreact

posted about 2 years ago

The fact its that theyre the 4th EMEA team just remeber that.

posted about 2 years ago

Hard to make that happen, no many sentinels free agent on top level and many more duelists

posted about 2 years ago

Liquid lost to navi

posted about 2 years ago

and? these things are what makes more interesting the competition, i will love if theres more teams like G2 that doesnt matter if they lose or win make memes.

posted about 2 years ago
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