Flag: Germany
Registered: December 31, 2021
Last post: September 15, 2023 at 11:00 AM
Posts: 428
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Dafuq is this shit? So likely just 6k?

posted about a year ago

Thick hair or strong jaw.

posted about a year ago

Lets hope so.

  • Cheating crowd
  • no hype what so ever when brazillians do not play
  • leaving and disrespecting fnatic who won the event

The CS Major and now Lock in should be the nail in the coffin for any international events being hosted in brazil for the foreseeable future

posted about a year ago

Yeah, even though CS has never been bigger, the esport kinda seems to struggle. CS lost NA as a region pretty much, and the 2 regions with the biggest fan bases have teams that struggle even though they have a lot of talent. Also I feel like the level of competition has really dropped off the cliff. Pretty much every single team is struggeling but nobody wanted to make any changes in the off season.

KSCERATO and S1mple deserve so much better. Literally trapped in Elo hell.

posted about a year ago

Yes but he has the least fragging output out of the star players which is just insane. When your fourth best player in chronicle then you have no issues.

posted about a year ago

Their 2nd worst player was the best player in the world in 2021 you cant believe it. The only true superteam.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, should have given it a second >, Chronicle is a fucking goat contender afterall. Issue is that Asuna is pretty good.

posted about a year ago

Was thinking about it but Asuna is really good, chronicle is just the goat flex.

posted about a year ago

Derke > Cryo
Chronicle > Asuna
Leo >>>>> Derek
Alfa >>>>> Stellar
Boaster <<<<< Bang

Stellar has to call like he is fucking 2018 gla1ve honestly

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Cuz they aint and clearly have some of the best players in the world?

posted about a year ago

Can we stop making assumptions based on less then 5 matches played? "FNC is the best team in the world!" "SEN is shit and needs changes!" "Liquid is shit". "Region x is shit."
We talk about teams that are completely new and most of them just had their first event. With a brand new meta and map etc.

posted about a year ago

emphisis is on yet. Then why do we not talk about Chronicle who reached 2 finals and won one event? Also has been regarded as the best player in the world at some point in time.

posted about a year ago

Least competitive LAN of all time since we never had a LAN before. Sen diffed everybody with experienced players, and also were lucky that the best teams in EMEA just choked the qualifier. Where was SEN in 2022 tho?

posted about a year ago

Dude without my country you wouldnt participate in the european union anymore lmao. Also tf has your country ever done besided being ethnically replaced by turks and then acting like you are italian?

posted about a year ago

DSerke at least gets to play lans unlike tenz xD

posted about a year ago

It doesnt matter what the plebs think tbh. The analysts have FNC in favour.

posted about a year ago

This Event aint enough to judge the teams tbh. We know that the best team is probably really good, but thats it.

Liquid played shit, sure, but just look at the lineup. It would baffle my mind if they do not improve.
KOI played good for their first outing, it is just say that for his first match in top tier Valorant wolfen had to play on the big stage against fucking NRG. Worst case scenario for a rookie, let him warm up domesticly first. Koldamenta has made every single lineup of his work, and I am sure he will be able to do it again.

posted about a year ago

You know that only 3 out of 10 players of their last match are on the server right?

posted about a year ago

I think it looks so much better since he grew it out a bit.

posted about a year ago

G2 now, FaZe earlyer last year... Meanwhile Heroic chokes all the time, NaVi looks awful, Liquid has an european and Elige is in a slump while oSee is just a mediocre sniper, and most important off all Outsiders playstyle is shit and their major win was a giant fluke.

posted about a year ago

Or free education.

posted about a year ago

Why are people suprised about this? KOIs first outing as a core at all, and then they go against the best core in history, ofc they lose. Giants, Heretics, Vitality are all budget teams. CK and the turkish teams are ofc. meh at best. EMEA will be ruled by FNC and Navi with Liquid and KOI maybe stitching them a bit.

posted about a year ago

Love how people now say that he is insane eventhough he constantly did crazy shit in G2. Heretics bought low and got high return.

posted about a year ago

Imagine thinking that a 19/20 year old guy is washed. Same goes for TenZ btw. Rain in CS:GO became a major MVP at 28, 3,5 years after he was last placed in the top 20 players list. Last year he was 13th place.

posted about a year ago

Who would have guessed that a community build on influencer pop culture is cringe for the most part. fr fr no cap.

posted about a year ago

... his name technically sounds silly but he is that good sthat his name become cool and maybe even intimidating.

Like if yay would suck we would all make fun of his name and would probably even underrate him but since he is the best his name has kinda became synonymous with exellence.

posted about a year ago

+1 and he also actually is a really good player

posted about a year ago

"He clearly said he can never be as good as s1mple as he lacked that much passion ."

Which implies he just needs the passion to be just as good which is just total nonsense.

posted about a year ago

The people who think that he is amazing are here, on HLTV everybody thinks that he was and is bang average at best

posted about a year ago

After that nonsense here some players who actually had/have the talent to be in that conversation but just didnt have the same passion.


  • fer (to a lesser extend ofc. but this guy had the talent to be a goat contender)

What do people notice that aint a zoomer who doesnt know these names? Literally everybody can see that these guys are/were absolutely incredible if it comes to their talent. Nobody in Europe or south america thinks that shroud is one of them.

He is in the same caliber of players as Draken, nex and Aizy, and nothing more.

posted about a year ago

With the recent s1mple vs shroud debate you could clearly see that especially people from NA tend to have a very high opinion about him. Like there were actually people saying that shroud is in a similar class of skill as s1mple.

To all the people from NA, do you ACTUALLY believe that shit?

Like on international stages back in CS he used to be bang average at best. Literally all majors accept one he had a negative k/d ratio. Now here in Valorant people ACTUALLY suggested that he should be picked up by a franchised team, cuz he had 1 good map out of 7 or something. When they played against the guard that trent kid literally ripped his head off 12 - 1.

posted about a year ago

W journalist
Has actual morals unlike most.

posted about a year ago


  • Cypher
  • Raze
  • Chamber
  • Jett
  • Sova

Most boring:

  • Kay-0
  • Reyna
  • kill joy
  • Brimstone
  • astra
posted about a year ago

M8 you can bet your house it would have been different, they lost their igl and their best player.

posted about a year ago

But electronic is daddytronic and is almost 10 years older than her. Would be weird if mary is already a mum.

posted about a year ago

Female b1t

posted about a year ago

How could would it have been to see the frnch sniper himself play chamber and just shitting on everybody

posted about a year ago

Either Yay or nAts. Yay cuz he has been the best for around a year now and has had the highest peak.
With nAts you have to consider that he also is a full time law student while being a super star in valorant, imagine how good he will be once he can focus fully on valorant.

Also think about that. While nAts is a full time law student he is like a top 5 player in all of valorant for like a pretty low sallery, while people like stewie2k can burn other peoples money for 30k a month and then complain that they have to play on 10 am in the morning. Shows you what entitled clowns there are in the esports scene.

posted about a year ago

nAts to c9. (It was a rumor since c9 has the ex gambit roster in cs go, and the ex ceo of gambit is their coach, meaning they have connections to the cis region.

posted about a year ago

I dont know them, what have they done?

posted about a year ago

Good pick

posted about a year ago

Hahaha you are just a hater. I just point out the obvious.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Havnt changeds it yet. Without Carlos G2 is just another org.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

"It might take a little while for me to be fully ready at my peak, but I spent a lot of time during the break focusing on CS and improving stuff that is needed to compete at the highest level, both mentally and physically." implying he wasnt on his hight physically. He also talked about how he was under a lot of stress, which you might now makes his stomach issues worse. He kinda has these same issues gtr always had, he even went to hospital for it.

Okay, "we know that he had physical issues" might be a bit to much. I want to correct it to: It looks very likely that he also had physical issues.

posted about a year ago

Asstralis broke the team apart with their shitty management. From blasttralis that ruined their era, to the 6 and later 10 man lineup, how they just burned out the players. Yeah sure keep hating on dev1ce.

posted about a year ago

Nah, not ruined his career. If there is one player in the world where you can be sure that he will be right back in the mix it is dev1ce. He has lost so may times before he became the goat, always struggled with mental and physical health, has always been great no matter how good his team is for such a long time now.

This video talks about this a bit more , just a great video to understand who dev1ce is.

posted about a year ago

Also "Device was great but no "the most succesfull superstar"."
4 majors
2 Major mvps
1 intel grand slam
19 mvps
28 total events
HLTV top 20 for every year so far, only 2 times outside of the top 5.

Who comes even remotely close to that?

posted about a year ago
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