Flag: Germany
Registered: December 31, 2021
Last post: September 15, 2023 at 11:00 AM
Posts: 428
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Why not just remake the old loud lmao fuck them NA plebs.

posted 11 months ago

How are they underrated? They are seen as a contender for the best team of all time.

posted 11 months ago

Imo one would be that G2 lineup with Nukkye, Keloqz, Koldamenta, Avova and mixwell.

What would be your pick?

posted 11 months ago

For the people who never played CS (If you played CS and dont know who happy is: TF is wrong with you?) this is his career in CS GO:
2 Majors
1 major Mvp
over 10 bis international titles
Guy is an absolute Legend.

The fact that he now exceeds at a different role in a different game, in a different language is amazing!


posted 11 months ago

My guess is cuz of the young demographic paired with the woke policies of Riot and the fact that we do have quiet a large female playerbase. We see alot of cringy shit comming from young people. Most of the edaters really are just 15 year olds that think they are cool cuz of the fact that they have a partner and that they might actually had some sexual experiences with them. (Might sound stupid, but remember how your social value raised when you had a partner in middle school, most of the valorant players still are in that phase of living).

Also Valorant is quiet keen on representation, which obviously is a quiet devicive topic. Especially coming from Riot, who are owned by the chinese and already had a big discrimination scandal that essentially had no consequences what so ever.

posted 11 months ago

I would like to make a little appreciation thread for Tw1sten.

Tw1sten when the season started was one of the hottest prospects yet to play on a top team. Back when he played on BIG you could easily see that he was on a different level. I think when that Vitality team formed we rightfully went like "This team has quiet the underrated pieces" and I think the people who followed the scene were quiet curious how especially tw1sten would perform.

Even though his first season was nt to the super carry caliber we knew him for, he still put in solid numbers and the eyetest clearly showed that he could be somebody special in the future.
Considering we knew that he struggled with depression a lot someone can only imagine if he had defeated it.

Personally he was one of my favorite players to watch last year, and I was really exited about his future.

Love goes out to his teammates, friends and his family. May he rest in peace.

posted 11 months ago

Prism Operator = cNed
Prism Phantom = nAts

posted about a year ago

17 year old kid plays on the most stacked team in Valorant history, while Nats plays with worse players, an IGL that pretty much just started calling in english, and an a team that pretty much has no core.

Oh, he is also an university student.

Not dismissing Alfa, but nAts is fairly rated.

posted about a year ago

Their roster clearly downgraded with the addition of cauanzin and Tuyz, eyetest clearly tells you that, but it seems like team cohesion has improved even more. Not only did Saadhak manage to develop Aspas and Less even further, he also gets the most out of his other peaces, while he also has to deal with a different coach.

Sure Aspas seems to be the best in the world rn, but Saadhak really seems the key to victory for loud. Has to be one of the greatest minds in all of Valorant.

posted about a year ago

Alfa doesnt have to be a util master in this team tbh. But yeah I kinda agree.

posted about a year ago

Literally every cunt over there is ethinically european.

posted about a year ago

Up there but CIS still has the edge imo.

posted about a year ago

In Valorant we have so many good players from russia and that region. Chronicle, suygetsu, nats, Shao, Cloud, Sheydos, Something. In CS like half of the scene is from there. In R6 we had teams like team empire... CIS region goated.

posted about a year ago

Also these stupid sticks that people bang against each other in Valorant are lame af.

posted about a year ago

Remember when the clowns told me that cryo will be the best player of 2023 lmfao.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, the team in general is really smart.

posted about a year ago

Well, EMEA would look completely different. You could make a god tier russian team tho. Also Finnland would be pretty solid as well.

posted about a year ago

They got Sayf instead of Ardiis, would they be better?

posted about a year ago

Mako is amazing but pacific also kinda is the worst region rn.

posted about a year ago

fair enough, you should look around. Especially if you like valo there literally is a game that is pretty much the same thing.

posted about a year ago

What do you prefer tho and why?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

blud we watch grown ass men getting paid by kicking one ball around a field chill.

Why is one thing worthy of a dresscode and the other one isnt?

posted about a year ago

I mean in other esports it feels natural as well.

posted about a year ago

Can you explain why?

posted about a year ago

Do you also feel like the broadcast talent dresses way to casually? This really bothers me at the top tier events. Like we have the world championship (the most prestiegous event in all of Valorant) going on, and the analysts wear jeans and a shirt, like what is this? Personally I have a hard time taking the event seriously when the presentation is so casual. I think for major events a suit or a dress has to be mandatory.

Would like to know your opinion

posted about a year ago

Dont get me wrong, he is good, but still he get alot of hype by the community cuz of his personaliy. It kinda is like with TenZ but to a lesser extend.

On a really good team he could be the 3rd best player I think, he is a solid top 30 to low top 20 player in the world. I think he kinda is the NA Zyppan.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
  • Nukkye (Like always people forget how good he is)
  • Leaf
  • Khalil
  • Cloud (Next great CIS talent)
  • Saadhak (People act like he aint the undisputed best IGL in valorants history, instead they always come up with FNS, Boaster, Ange1 etc.)
  • Sayf (considering he is the best performing player in the world.)
  • Xffero
  • Meteor
  • Zyppan (Nobody talks about him even though he is really really good)
  • Tw1sten


  • Tenz
  • Asuna
  • f0rsaken
  • cNed (I even still overrate him imo)
  • nivera
  • laz
posted about a year ago

Lets be real here, even if it is like 10 % worse then botw it is probably going to be goty anyway.

posted about a year ago

Favorite Sport : Gym
Favorite Music Genre : Metal/Rock
Favorite Music Artist : Ronnie Radke
Favorite Youtuber : Some german guy who talk alot about politics and philosophy. He does content in german so you wouldnt know him, he is also quiet small and the content really isnt meant for the normal youtube user.
Favorite School Subject : History or politics
Favorite Valorant Team Currently : Probably Fnatic cuz I like Chronicle
Favorite Valorant Team OF ALL TIME : Gambit probably
Favorite VLR User : Me

posted about a year ago

Bad orgs go bankrupt. Well operating orgs will remain. Bye bye TSM, Faze and Guard, thats what you get from inflating the market.

posted about a year ago

Said it before, will say it again. His skill ceiling is other worldly. All he needs is to calculate his aggression more to be a top 10 player in the world.

posted about a year ago

eh, who did he play with back then? Who is he playing with now? Yeah.

posted about a year ago

The more competition the better for the consumer. Agreed.

posted about a year ago

Well, CS has been working pretty well with that. CS has always been a game mostly shaped by the community so I think it is fair that they do not touch that. Just a bit more communication would be great imo.

posted about a year ago

Hasnt been implemented in any game yet. This is the first one.

posted about a year ago

Wouldnt be suprised if he said that but havnt watched anything from him recently, I feel like all these talkshows are way to much at this point. In which video did he talk about this?

posted about a year ago

Valve doesnt understand what makes CS so good so they do not mess with to much with it.

posted about a year ago

Gooseman did, Valve just bought the rights to CS. Valve made CS source and it was so dogshit that they had to hire hidden path entertainment to fix it. After that Hidden Path entertainment made CS:GO, then Valve took over. Valorant never copied from Valve since Valve never came up with it in the first place.

posted about a year ago

Well, the Steam Deck, Steam, Index and Half Life Alyx have been implemented perfectly fine and everybody says the same about the new sub tick system.

posted about a year ago

So which other game has smokes like this and a sub tick server system then? Name me 1, I will wait until somebody coppies it.

posted about a year ago

Sure, but without Valve we wouldnt be here in the industry.

posted about a year ago

Riot hasnt had a single original idea ever, but at least they know how to keep a game running and how to market it.

When Valves does something it usually changes the industry, may it be Steam, VR, Steam Deck, a new standard for VR Games (Alyx) or now sub tick servers. The issue with Valve is tho that in order to achieve that they are pretty fucking strange in how they handle their projects. They literally talk about ticks and smoke grenades instead of making a "bad ass" trailer like everybody else would do.

posted about a year ago

The new maps and agent skins already looked cartoony so it kinda makes sense.

posted about a year ago

Ok I sorta get Shaz if i think about it, but with keznit... Latam - brazil wasnt that good for a long time. Krü always got through by default and besides one fluke run never did anything.

posted about a year ago

Bro tried to sneak in mwzera lmao

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Dafuq are Keznit and Shaz doing in that list lmao?

posted about a year ago

Chronicle nr.1 atm probably. Is the first to win 2 international titles and has done it with 2 completely different teams and in 2 different languages.

posted about a year ago
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