Flag: Brazil
Registered: March 3, 2024
Last post: April 6, 2024 at 9:32 PM
Posts: 19

Just order the entire menu

posted 5 months ago

Just read my name

posted 5 months ago

You know nothing about be brazillian, shut the fuck up

posted 5 months ago

ALWAYS My friendo

posted 5 months ago

Everyone will be fine if LOUD loses today.

I don't want to see any discussion about this, they were stuck in Europe until recently. Today will just be MIRA

posted 5 months ago

FB doesn't say it is doing its job well. Cauanzin was never the main player in FB and his impact on the game is much greater than c0M, and I don't even need to mention Less for this discussion to compare with Tex.

You put together players who occasionally play well in 2023 and think that's a team just shows how bad these players are when the time comes.

Limiting your team to playing with just one agent because one of them can't play with any other agent that helps more in the composition, just shows how bad these players are.

Before recruiting players, teams should test him, and not just think that the player will be good cause he was champion for a lucky team.

posted 5 months ago

And fragging 35 on Ascent to c0m try to lurk and aim on the c9' players feet in every single round. every 2023 EG's player shows us that fluke didn't happen twice

posted 5 months ago

+32 on aspas isn't enough to carry 2 frauds from NA teams.

Maybe them should throw away the "cUm" fraud and kiss the NZR' feet for the mistake

posted 5 months ago

He is the Hero. Put some respect is his name, pls

posted 6 months ago

Ainda bem que o igl da Hero é o Rafaa e não o pedo-pancc

posted 6 months ago

Playing 1v9 in every fucking roud with ascendent strats? nah

posted 6 months ago

If Furia will not sign with Pancada we can say that Furia staff may be lost their brains going to NA.

They didn't have a better option since ever, imagine having the "Champions's 2022 MVP" for free and decide to keep Liazzi, who the better performance ever in his career is gone to berlim in 2021, when everoyne didn't know how to make a lurker, which gives to gambit a master.

If this happens we can say that Furia will be the 11st place in entire season for sure.

posted 6 months ago

Just for the script

posted 6 months ago

Don't cry baby

posted 6 months ago

5th map: Sunset
Loud 16 x 15 Sen

1v1 - Saadhak vs Zellsis

Saadhak shouts very loudly, audible on the broadcast, before shooting: "For Bryan 'Pancada' Luna!"

Hits a beautiful HS on Zellsis.

Loud wins the series.


posted 6 months ago

Yes. And everyone said it's the NA Superream.

Pls someone do something about this, maybe ban any other duelist except jett.

posted 6 months ago

Imagine if they had a coach? Maybe Fraud1 could get a 0.90 rating I guess.

posted 6 months ago

Sign two players by paying millions for them.
Say it's the Villains' Era.
Discover that these two players only know how to play with one agent.
One trick players.
Lose to Sentinels.
Don't go to Madrid.

NA Superteam.

posted 6 months ago