Flag: Australia
Registered: October 13, 2021
Last post: April 17, 2022 at 6:19 AM
Posts: 16

According to this article Jingg only got effected by one tech problem (which got chrono break) while DRX got tech problems throughout the game which resulted in them tilting.

posted about 2 years ago

Rb is just a soloq beast… his decision making is something to learn from.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah but why the hell are they allowed to play on such conditions and why does it seems like riot is hiding the fact from viewers…

posted about 2 years ago

But why does it feels like during the DRX vs PRX game 1, they only chrono break the tech issues that were obvious on stream? The amount tech problems that DRX was told to just play through is unacceptable. The fact that Zest’s statement on the tech issue was conveniently not translated during the post match interview is sus as f.

Idk why no one is talking about this. I’m 100% sure if another team with better english were the one who experience this it would have been more talked about.

posted about 2 years ago

Zest igl is not questionable at all i don’t think we watched the same match

posted about 2 years ago

If that so then hopefully if drx got great result here more orgs will want to invest on this…

posted about 2 years ago

I do think we will get more players wanting to go pro tho which is great for the scene

posted about 2 years ago

Don’t think that’s how it works they are already scrim partners and played each other since the beginning of Valorant.

posted about 2 years ago

It’s because they got so tilted by the constant bug they were facing on Haven… they kept getting alt-tabbed and Stax say he got so angry he gave up on that map after a while.

posted about 2 years ago

I translated Stax’s interview on my twitter but i’m not looking for any follow or anything i just want to talk about it here

posted about 2 years ago

What exactly do I advertise?

posted about 2 years ago

If it was a key bind issue I don’t think it would happen to three players at the same time… honestly i also don’t know because i’m not a tech person.

posted about 2 years ago

Technical problems are inevitable but to continue the match like this is just unacceptable. I feel bad for DRX man it must have been so stressful


Edit: One weird thing about this, Zest actually talked about the server problem during the post match interview, but the translator did not translate it and skipped it.

posted about 2 years ago

I always say that Korean and breeze are not a good pair. It’s gonna be ban 90% of the time.

posted about 2 years ago

I was catching up with the tournament and just realised this… why tf is hyeoni not on jett? I thought the whole reason they took him is his jett :O I’m honestly surprised.

posted about 2 years ago