Flag: South Korea
Registered: August 24, 2023
Last post: November 23, 2023 at 12:49 AM
Posts: 14

You're right, nAts is indeed amongst the greats as he is synonymous with Cypher and he pioneered the Sentinel role, completely redefining how it can be played

posted 6 months ago

M80 is looking very good if they round out the roster with nitr0

posted 6 months ago

It's between yay and Chronicle, I'd add Demon1 to this conversation but we haven't seen enough of him yet. yay was undoubtedly the best player of 2022, he's got the stats to show for it as well as a trophy and he also won the Best Esports Athlete of 2022 whereas Chronicle is the only player to have 3 trophies which is even more impressive when you consider the fact that he's achieved this feat on two completely different teams. Demon1 is the only player to have not only reached but also surpassed 100 kills at a LAN event whilst flexing by the way but like I said, it's too early to put him in this level of conversation yet though he is for sure one of the best players in the game at the moment. Honorable mention is TenZ whom had 79 kills in 3 maps in GF in Champions 2021

posted 6 months ago

Which team do you think emerges as the victor from all of the World Champions' teams? For the prompt's sake, Chronicle can somehow clone himself to be on both Gambit Esports and FNATIC

2021 Sentinels: ShahZaM, SicK, zombs, dapr, TenZ
2021 Gambit Esports: d3ffo, Chronicle, nAts, Redgar, Sheydos
2021 Acend: BONECOLD, cNed, Kiles, starxo, zeek
2022 OpTic Gaming: FNS, Victor, crashies, yay, Marved
2022 FunPlus Phoenix: ANGE1, Shao, Zyppan, SYUGETSU, ardiis
2022 LOUD: pANcada, Sacy, saadhak, aspas, Less
2023 FNATIC: Boaster, Derke, Alfajer, Leo, Chronicle
2023 Evil Geniuses: jawgemo, Ethan, Boostio, C0M, Demon1

Personally, I'll go with LOUD. I think they could've built a legacy if the roster had stayed as was

posted 6 months ago

I know that he's a household name within LoL Esports but he's gotta have one of the worst showings in any GF, ever. I mean, 1/16/6 in a clean sweep. It's not entirely his fault though; it's a team game and you win or lose as a team. T1 was just multiple steps ahead in nearly every aspect that series

posted 6 months ago

The 🐐 of Esports. I'll let his achievements speak for himself. It goes far beyond what's written on paper though!

posted 6 months ago

I wouldn't go as far as saying he was the #1 player back then but he was pretty good on TSM during the game's early days. His career as a professional player fell apart when he refused to relocate with the team, thus being dropped. Whether he has reached out to teams or has been reached out to for a tryout after the fact remains unknown (at least to me) but he's not been on a T1 roster ever since. There was also a recent controversy in which he was caught stream sniping (?) and/or playing with a known stream sniper

posted 6 months ago

He's more focused on leveraging his status within the community to talk to young women

posted 8 months ago

As good as TenZ is mechanically and aim-wise, there's a reason he hasn't been able to regain his former glory. I won't say he's "all aim, no brain" but he doesn't have nearly as much gamesense as the other two

Prime yay was very scary and he has performances and stats to show for it. I've read about how teams would use half of their utility just to get him to TP on Chamber. Unfortunately, he can only really play two agents, one of which has fallen off the meta and another that might

Demon1, a rookie, is now a World Champion. As if that's not enough, he is the MVP of that event. The icing on the cake is that the guy can play and frag on four different agents, two of which are Controllers. Anyone that's watched him play know that he's the most all-rounded player of the three, even without taking his vast agent pool into consideration

posted 8 months ago

APAC (and now CN) are serious contenders and can only become better with time. DRX/PRX both can win an event. EDG is on track to do so. BLG took out NRG without losing a map, twice. You guys aren't that far behind from other regions. I believe your time will come eventually

posted 9 months ago

"You guys are going home 100%, I guarantee, I promise you that" - NRG ardiis when asked if he had any words to say to Bilibili as NRG was about to face them for the rematch, which they also lost 2-0

posted 9 months ago

I don't think he cares about not having your respect

posted 9 months ago