Flag: Chile
Registered: May 24, 2021
Last post: February 20, 2024 at 9:38 PM
Posts: 382
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an anecdota: both of the best fps chilean players use it. on cs davideus from 9z, and keznitdeus from KRU. In brazil theres a similar thing with zera and zin, where zera i believe its roots is from coldzera, the br legend, and zin its like prozin its a diminutive, where players like dgzin its lil' dg.

posted 9 months ago

With Bob over alexis i would say they would be the best female team ever on paper. But still i dont know how much would g2 lose with this new player.

posted 10 months ago

isnt only tesseract, yoshii and papichulo pinoy options only tho? wheres the upgrade

posted 10 months ago

100t has to replace derrek, get mikes to assistant coach and get happy as head coach. replace derrek with eeiuu or zander, and maybe stellar for johnqt.

posted 10 months ago

Let that shit to the authorities to judge, we want to see valorant brother

posted 10 months ago

sounds like me vs europe. I get it

posted 10 months ago

how can u steal the most likable person ever. Unlucko

posted 10 months ago

loud player would not make sense to me. I mean i think loud should not change a player but the way they play and their comps, and also hope for better form. On mibr you can see havoc would fit better than heat. Also heat would fit better on vivo keyd or 00nation, as they are more aggressive teams.

posted 10 months ago

bro put union losing groups. Like honestly did you watch any union games before ascension bro?

posted 10 months ago

i think eveyone thinked havoc was unreplaceable. And to a point havoc was a monster. Im pretty sure wherever he goes hes gonna own. As to askia, he's showing up and putting numbers. So far so good. Union does not feel they have gotten worse than they were playing.

posted 10 months ago

brother no disrespect, i love fusion, but no team goes into a lan to save strats. What happend is that they played 2 of the top 3 teams in this lan. I think Union and The Guard are a level above, and M80 is a good team, but no performing to the level they were showing on NA, but that is enough to best 00, 9z and FS. I eat my words when i said 9z were going to be a top 3 team. They lack so much fundamentals, and the comps they are playing are one of the reasons they are shooting themselfs on the foot. Also, Tuli please stop running it down. Mix it up a little.

posted 10 months ago

primera vez q gana lan a br. Ojala vengan mas

posted 10 months ago

c9/lev on americas, giants/navi on emea, geng or zeta for pacific. China idk. Others arent competing

posted 10 months ago

I feel like most teams scream eachother during game. Its just that BR valorant is super heated and tied *except UNION, and emotions get the most of some. On the latam lan teams screamed eachother only during game (mited and mizu where all in) but after it ended no team screamed at eachother so must be a cultural thing.

posted 10 months ago

pancc (hopefully)clears

posted 11 months ago

I think creating drama is a intelligent way to stay relevant in internet, even if its not intentional

posted 11 months ago

they eliminated the only team that can surpass them

posted 11 months ago

You all sleeping on 9z. The fragging power of all players is impressive. They can fight for top 3, and union is contender for top 2 for sure. I think 00 is good but overall is going to probably at same lvl of Fusion. M80 i see winning strong but the second NA team i dont think will perform, but just a hunch.

posted 11 months ago

bro mith is thailand, bleed is sg
u are lost

posted 11 months ago

u have 2 slots, but i dont see union losing to 00. Still i think 00 qualifies over VK.

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

bro says latam gods. Bro onur barely gave him chances to show. Taco is more disciplined and better with awp, but keznit is not only better aiming and more consistent, as well he is a great motivator (as showed in content pieces of lev and kru)

posted about a year ago

thats a good ass video

posted about a year ago

more like they are really bad at defending all maps but ascent. His attacking sides look clean.

posted about a year ago

i just dont understand how u stay with taco and put keznit on bench, what a waster of a team. If LEV had keznit, the season would not have been that close to not qualify.

posted about a year ago

guys tomorrow lev wins so this does not matter (cope)

posted about a year ago

aun asi, entiendo la idea de traer a daveeys para reemplazar a keznit, pero si vuelve keznit, ahora quedo un hoyo gigante en los roles. Entiendo el enojo con nagz, pero es uno de los jugadores de la liga con mas clutchs (11), y ha mejorado su sentinela/viper. Aun asi hay jugadores mejores en su posicion. Viendolo de forma objetiva, nagzet perfectamente podria jugar en cualquier equipo de challenger y seria un aporte, pero para franquicias necesitaban a los mejores de la region, con la oportunidad servida. Aparte nagz es awper y creo que seria mejor en jett en este meta pero denuevo choque de roles. Lo que si, su kj muchas veces se comio lurks por poner tarde torreta o simplemente no ponerla/estar fuera de rango, algo completamente penoso al principio de la season. Una pena lo de KRU que no merece irse 0-9 pero si no tienes a todo el equipo alguien aparte de keznit tenia que ponerse la jineta y fraggear. Una situacion muy triste para nosotros hinchas.

posted about a year ago

gf debuff jk

posted about a year ago

i mean look at the stats before and after igling. This split vs NRG 0.73, vs LEV 0.5, vs SEN 0.83 . And he went positive on 2 of 8 matches.
On lev, vs FPX 0.97 vs LOUD 0.92 vs PRX 1.12 vs Liquid 1.08 vs Fnatic 0.98 vs XSET 0.98 (SOLO CARRYING most game), vs KRU 1.14.
He had maybe a couple of matches where he showed some fragging power but really inconsistently throught maps, and the teams that he was playing were much better besides KRU. I love melser and i like their attack sides, but sometimes it looked really sloppy on defense. No good setups, or good calls for rotation, etc.
The players i suggest may be playing against worst competition, but they are more promising in his role.
david has an over 1.1 avg on all smokers, and he is a great pistol player (he overheats a bit). Mited has a ridiculous 1.4 avg on omen on both splits and 1.2 on brim(he is the biggest overheater tho). darker is the most talented aimer of all of those, and can play smokes and initiator with good stats (1.3 on omen, 1.2 on breach).
I think overall stats dont tell the whole story, but after watching the games, i felt like i was seeing the melser from australs, with low experience and confidence on some rounds, then the 2021 on others. You need a player who is consistent on smokes. He may have better fundamentals than the ones i mentioned and experience, but rn his aiming and trading has been subpar.

posted about a year ago

dav1d, darker, mited, bnj

posted about a year ago

for americas must be between m80/guard/union, dark horse might be 9z or fusion
for pacific i liked bleed/mith/naos, dark horse mb dplus or bigetron
for emea, must be acend, apeks or fireflux darkhorse prob case or mouz

posted about a year ago

was when not igling

posted about a year ago

you would get warned by riot if you do so. Remember the RRQ situation. You can maybe get 2 or 3, but salaries on Kru are not a the level of top tier NA orgs so i doubt so.

posted about a year ago

isnt ntk igl? if im mistaken please correct me. Melser as an IGL lacks lot of experience, as he was IGLd by kingg and after he started IGLing his numbers dropped heavily. On stream the other day keznit mentioned he is not as experienced with the awp, and that his rifling is much better, so he would be better fit as raze/initiator(not sova tho). I think his raze is still top tier as you can see on stream. You have not seen it much cuz he is pretty much jett main on this split, even when he could(axeddy played it).
I think you can keep melser, but get him off IGL he cant keep up on fragging lvl. but then Darker can come in as flex and fill w/e. I do believe he is the next big young player, alongside with Feniz they are undeniably top tier players. Rubkkoide is a good player but i think he clashes roles with keznit if everything i said goes along(he would play initiator mostly). Adverso is a good player, but not a good igl, as 00Nation did not perform and in the matches he lacked a lot of discipline and fundamentals(still a option, but theres recency bias as his recent stint in AK is really working out). Look at the numbers alongside both splits and my team would have better stats and passed my eye test as i saw most matches both splits.
To contrary of your argument, latam has great duelists as keznit, taco(not this split tho), tuli has amazing stats and does not miss. MatiS and NicoMachine look promising. mta had a great season also but i dislike him personally.

posted about a year ago

I think only keznit should stay, give him raze+flex role not awper. Give atom 1 more split. Klaus, axeddy, daveeys, melser and nagz out. Klaus has some of the worst stats on the league, daveeys plays same role as keznit and did not work as flex, nagz had too much chances, and axeddy is still inexperienced, he would also be better in duelist role on other team.
First get an IGL. Best options are in this order: deigara(good stats and flex), Mited(overheats on smokes but also good fragger), ntk(best but, language barrier mb), suther(keznit friend also), jfoen(worst fragger but top 2 on igl side on the list).
Second priority get a jett awper that can flex. Options are: Tuli(may clash roles with keznit), Virtyy(really consistent and good fundamentals), Matis/ligasa(both promising), nicomachine(can flex also) and fresht(good awper and good entry). Maybe Screwface as he can speak a bit of spanish.
Third a cracked smokes: theres 3 guys i recommend highly, Darker (can flex also), Dav1d(Mono), and Mited who i already listed.
As for sentinel just get either Feniz or mizu, and mb Theory if cant buy others.
my ideal team is ntk(igl and initiator) keznit flex+raze, darker can fill, feniz sentinel, virtyy for awper+entry jett. for 6th just get an assistant coach KEKW.

posted about a year ago

not even gc at this point

posted about a year ago

he has a point

posted about a year ago

a win is a win, a hole is a hole

posted about a year ago

klaus frz c0m
wolfen keloqz souchni
anthem carpe 2ge

posted about a year ago

-melser +darker -klaus +suther IGL

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Thanks for correcting me. I didnt know much about current csgo and i was running with my thought about until 2019 where i stopped watching csgo pro.

posted about a year ago

i feel theres a big gap in csgo china teams and tier 1 teams. On the other behalf, on valorant, china teams actually can take maps of tier 1 teams, and look good with unique comps. I feel like China should compete in Pacific league, but that might kill the balance of the league. All teams other than GenG and DRX do not look that good (PRX might be the exception).

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

a lot of young players, also, mikes is a great tactical coach, but i do not see him being a good emotional/motivational coach.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i feel like roxy was a great igl and fragger so i dont see them getting bad. They might play different comps but who knows.

posted about a year ago

fitinho for sure

posted about a year ago
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