Flag: Pakistan
Registered: July 4, 2022
Last post: June 7, 2024 at 12:58 PM
Posts: 55

2 cracked kids w ultra fast baby stem cell reflexes > 1 cracked kids w ultra fast baby stem cells reflexes

posted 2 days ago

China numba wan tho

posted about a year ago

Kinda ironic that dispute the stereotype that women can do shit in the middle east, their most well known player is a female 🤔

posted about a year ago

Fnatic n navi look busted af

posted about a year ago

Underrated joke.

posted about a year ago

Half the teams probs wouldnt be able to get into the country to play lol

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Far from whole roster, announcing even 1 new signing or somthing?
Rumours often comes from trials n shit... If noone gives a shit bout the players youre trialing, its usually not a good sign.

posted about a year ago

Did anyone tell them that they made it into the partnership league?

posted about a year ago

Does japan have any other promising upcoming players?

posted about a year ago

Holy shit a respectful interaction on the internet

Dont see that often

posted about a year ago

Screams been doing this shit since before bang was even born lmao.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Hoes just mad cuz china numba wan

posted about a year ago

Ez for china
Fpx academy team won masters. Imagine if their main roster entered

posted about a year ago

I think its kinda hard to tell rn, feels like the turkish scene is in somewhat of a transitional phase rn, a lot of the top rosters have had recent changes and i feel like theres a lot of players on teams where they may not necessarily be utilized to their full potential (like alpha pre fnatic).

Turkish super team would proba need an experienced that all players would respect and listen to be able to properly implement a solid game plan

posted about a year ago

Well the fpx academy team won masters, imagine how good their main roster is lol

posted about a year ago

Leos 200% inc in first kill/. First death rofl

posted about a year ago

Jing should be top 3 ez imo
His quick adjustments are nuts, man double sachels into the abyss w no info and adjusts to targets like a machine, its unreal,.
Although i think it may sometimes look sloppier just because of the nature of inaccuracies while being airborne or still in movement but the fact that jingg can still make it work says a lot.
Kid is a FREAK

posted about a year ago

Liquid dont need a good player. They need an igl

Even a bot igl would be a step up, plus it would free up scream to focus on fragging

posted about a year ago

Seems like all the smoke players going ham

Perhaps one day we may even live in society that insta locks smokes

posted about a year ago

Forskin too stronk.
Ez 4 india

posted about a year ago

Riot r dogs.

posted about a year ago

Super massive dumpsterfire

posted about a year ago

Latamand BR deserve more slots then NA in franchise league tbh

posted about a year ago

Need to unite and steal more slots in the league from them gringos 🥸

Perhaps one day pakistan and india could also take over asia but paper hex stolund our best player ( foreskin)

posted about a year ago

Y he say the mean thing
Poor keznit must be tremboling in fear ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

posted about a year ago

Melser went fuckin ham on xsets cheeks

posted about a year ago

Dropped king only to be spanked by king 🧐

posted about a year ago

Feel bad for SEN fans, theyre like the kids whos dad went out to buy cigs and never came back, now the rest of us gotta pretend like hes gonna come back, when in reality hes either moved on and started a family he loves more or is dead.

Tldr Sen no come bek. f

posted about a year ago

Haodong finna wip out his fat dong and dick slap emea and NA monkeys smh

posted about a year ago

Because no chinese team.


posted about a year ago





posted about a year ago

Whoever makes organises brackets and groups for lans should be fired.
Y fly teams out teams to lan only for them to play against teams that almost in the same region?
Whats the point of all teams from americas in one group and all of asia in another :| ?
Then in the bracket eu on one side and america on the other? Do we have to watch fntic v fpx and optic v xset yet again ;-;
Its like theyre taking the piss and trying to make their events shittier

posted about a year ago

Netero for presedent.

posted about a year ago

W list

posted about a year ago

How long will he have to quarantine?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yeah, i guess it could help if there was more cross over or more opportunities for some teams for GC to compete against non vct teams

I can understand why, from a financial/ career perspective, some female pros may choose to stay in GC/ take opportunities in GC bc the pro scene is cuthroat af and passion doesn't always pay the bills

posted about a year ago

No-one cares.

posted about a year ago

Only one i saw praise him was magnum lol

posted about a year ago

Outside this site, seems like hes not being talked about as much as youd expect w someone putting up numbers this crazy

posted about a year ago

Casters do, but every time a game ends i thought his clips would be all over Twitter or some shit, then i check n didnt really see anyone mention the kid lol

posted about a year ago

I felt like trent had more hype prior to iceland then alpha does?
Before iceland everyone was on about how trent is the truth, this clips would be all over Twitter and all the podcast hosts would be saying that this kid is nuts

posted about a year ago

Not fighting, im genuinely curious, i dont spend that much time on this site, but usually i just see threats about x> alfa

Was just supprised cuz normally players like this would be all over twitter n yt, but w him it seems like people werent that impressed?

posted about a year ago

Really? Ive mostly seen people shitting on him saying hes gonna flop on lan

posted about a year ago

Kid put up nutty numbers in the emea qualifier but people seem to not be impressed?

I mean the fact that he kept up w derke, a player some regard to potentially be the best if not top 5 in the game right now, yet seeming has relatively little hype?

Watching him play, not only did he have stupidly good aim, he seemed to play much more intelligently then you would expect from a young aim star, yet people in the scene seem to sleep on him?

Other then the fact he has no lan experience, is there something else I'm missing? I cant help but feel like if some NA player pulled of the shit he does, he would be hailed as the 2nd coming of Christ.

posted about a year ago

He said he benched himself cuz he wanted to play in a more tactical team w proper igl

posted about a year ago