Flag: Nepal
Registered: February 24, 2023
Last post: May 15, 2024 at 9:48 PM
Posts: 92
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If you're not a literal toddler, why are you crying about "WOMEN INVADING MENS SPACES!!", that's the type of shit toddlers do "oh girls have cooties we can't let them play with us"
Look inward, why are you childish, why do you constantly bitch about stuff? Grow up!!

posted 1 week ago

I am kind of a classic only guy, what type of books you wanna read? I'd recommend the gambler by foyodor dostoevsky

posted 1 week ago

Loud prerended to be bad to catch sen off guard

posted 3 weeks ago

Hey lol... I love brazil and uhhh valrant is okay i guess

posted 3 weeks ago

Does anyone remember that one sunset map where the teams kept ecoing eachother. It was such a fun match to watxh.. happened this year

posted 4 weeks ago

Pholosophy is a science, you don't read socrates to have the same opinion he does, you read him to understand the socratic method. Same thing with other philosophy

posted 2 months ago

Ofcourse you're a harry potter fan. I've yet to meet a single harry potter fan that's not a total moron.

"I googled hegel" πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ hegel invented dialectics, which you need to know to understand dialectical materialism to analyse the world we live in :)

posted 2 months ago

Username is philosopher stone. Doesn't know any philosophy. Read hegel

posted 2 months ago

It is that simple. War happens for profits. War bad. Simple as

posted 2 months ago

In the west npcs like you are so common, npcs who believe in government propaganda without giving a sexond thought, and somehow y'all think y'all are "free" lmao

posted 2 months ago

Bruh do you really think people will go thorugh bullying, hate, being ostracized from your family possibly, only to be in valorant game changer? LMAO

Ofcourse not. Just use your common sense

posted 7 months ago

it's litearlly fps. There's no difference between men and women players except like cultural.

It's not like swimming or running or some shit.

posted 7 months ago

GE Yay comes home from work after a 10 hour scrim with C9, PSG, and FNC, and 5 hours of vod review. He opens his door, and infront of him is GE Benkai in a maid outfit. "Welcome home yay-sama, would you like your dinner? Your bath? Or perhaps.... Me? D-don't just stand there! It's embarrassing for me too!" Benkai said. "Silly pumpkin pie, you know I would choose you and Valorant. Besides, I think I need support, no? :)" yay replied. The two went on with their night like they usually do; however, in the corner of the street a big boy watches them from their window, and it was Ardiis. He seems to be depressed as he slowly mutters the words "Bro, I miss him bro, I miss wearing the same maid outfit for him bro, bro, yay... What happened to us bro?" Ardiis said. He watches the couple till sunrise and he left after his jealousy and regret got the best of him. #GEKISSING

Thanks @Karmine_Org_WhispeR

posted 8 months ago

This gotta be the funniest copypasta ever

posted 8 months ago

I feel like csgo is one of fhe few games through which you can translate skills easily.

posted 8 months ago

Bro I was insulting you. You literally ignored my example of how american political system inspires violence inwards and outwards for money. You started complaining about me making fun of you for only being able to speak english.

Then now you're yapping about me insulting you again. You suck. When you have to deal with real political examples, you completely ignore that. Loser

posted 8 months ago

Love you. Have a good life

posted 8 months ago

Imagine defending an org. Orgs don't care about players lil bro

posted 8 months ago

How? If they had rhe same personality, they'd both be loved or hated the same way.
They carry themselves different. Kang kang is fun and cocky. For me, boostio isn't that funny

posted 8 months ago

I didn't know it was that popular huh. I loved the way it explained saint malo. I wanna visit one day.

Also look into Isaac Asimov. Mans basically invented sci fi but his books aren't as popular for some reason

posted 8 months ago

Gambler isn't that popular despite being written by dostoevsky.

All the light we cannot see is also not popular and I liked it.

posted 8 months ago

Dune is very hard to read. Hubert writes so weirdly.

My fav book is the gambler by fyodor Dostoevsky. I liked a little prince, 100 years of solitude and don Quixote too.

I think russian and spanish literature are some of the best. But idk. I have still a lot to read

Btw go to ted ed's "why you should read" playlist. They talk about the best books and why they're good. Good inspo

posted 8 months ago

Got me hooting πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

posted 8 months ago

Drama is good for ufc like how drama is good for wwe.

Companies are different woahh man!!!

It's true that companies can set subcultures and can use it effectively to make money. But as it stands right now, riot is content with being a normie company. They don't need drama gimmick to change their business strategy.

posted 8 months ago

Blud only replied to me insulting him being able to speak only one language πŸ’€πŸ’€

Also I'm pretty sure india and nepal are more diverse than canada.
Nepal itself has 123 recognized languages dude.

Just give up. You think the world works like a disney marvel movie or fast and furious. Your brain can't understand systems and how systems affect peoples.

posted 8 months ago

To me, that term makes 0 sense. A company can't be woke. A company only cares about profits. It'll do whatever it can do make profits higher.

They banned tbagging cause they don't want drama because drama = bad for business.

posted 8 months ago

You are Canadian. You literally speak english. This is the only language your head can comprehend. How the fuck do you not understand what I'm saying.

Asian immigrants lately who go to america are immigrants who already have money in asia and jave college education. So, despite there being bigotry, they can still succeed in academic and financial spaces.

Black americans are descendants of slaves who when freed, owned nothing. The plan grant had of giving the freed slaves land was not enacted.

Then after that, due to.american government's policies, they were not let to succeed. Black home owners weren't given loans, black cities were littered with drugs (due to cia and reagan), black cities were litered with crime because of poverty.

And because there's disenfrachisement and disillusionment to the political situation, black people had to make gangs to keep their neighbours safe. And these gangs were parasitic, and the good organizations like (black panthers and young patriofs) were destroyed by the cia/fbi + the police. Which meant only the bad gangs remained.

Basically, just like how American military funds isis and alqueda and creates conditiond that let them grow, and uses them as an excuse to increase military spending. The same american police does the same thing. They force conditions for gangs to thrive and uses gangs to increase police spending.

posted 8 months ago

God a canuck that cares too much about american politics is the most pathetic canadian. Just tryna larp as someone from an interesting country (amerika)>

Also, don't compare asian immigrants to black americans.
Asian immigrants who went to amerika as refugees (tibetian-nepalis) are much poorer than asian immigrants who went to amerika as college educated immigrants (indians).

Ofcourse asian immigrants, who go to usa to study in a good university and get a good job are gonna have a better outcome than black americans whose cities have been ruined by drugs (thanks reagen) and gang violence (gangs existing because amerikan police deliberately caused chaos and stopped actually good black+white organizations who were uplifting their community like BPP and YPO).

Also, ofcourse you're an EG fan. Stop using us asians to justify american history

posted 8 months ago

You are sensitive. No one's calling for EG players to be banned or whatever the fuck. We just think they're unlikeable and cocky.

If you can't take random vlr users calling your favorite players cocky, you're the sensetive one.

posted 8 months ago

But 0.01% of people play valorant to begin with.

So now take 0.01% of that.

Funnt thing is there are skilled nepalis afaik at games that are popular. Like mobile games such as mobile legends and pubg mobile ahahaha.

So there's 100% a lot of potential. Nepali boomers now think esports is a real job due to politicians supporting it too.

I think just wait 5-10 years. We finally got good internet and electricity. It'll happen naturally

posted 8 months ago

Whenever conversations of this sort happen, I feel like everyone misses the elephant of the room, which is the material conditions.

South asia is one of the poorest regions in the world.
24/7 electricity isn't guaranteed in most cities in South Asia. Most people don't have a pc at all, or a pc that can run games. And also the internet sucks.

Most people with money have consoles they use to play offline games. The select number of people who play competitive shooters in their PC are still not interested going full time.

When I played csgo, i literally knew almost every single guy from Nepal who played csgo regularly.
And every indian pakistani or bangladeshi in try hard community servers had a mutual steam friend with me or were my steam friend.

Now, since the pool itself is this small, the amount of people who are willing to give this game their "all" is even smaller.

posted 8 months ago

Lmaoooo ahahaha whattttt

posted 8 months ago

Me when I lie.

Back during optic vs loud, me and my friends were supporting loud lol

posted 8 months ago

Tell me what's ironic. I am not a public facing personality. I can be rude, it doesn't matter.

If you're a player, you need to have some form of social awareness. Demon1's villian arc is funny cause he's self aware. Boostio just doubles down on his already stupid takes

posted 8 months ago


Sorry, I will make a twitlonger about how I shouldn't have made fun of americans :(

posted 8 months ago

Some people were saying boostio's comments on edg and chinese valorant were racist. I don't think so. I think he's just socially inept.

Sideshow, TMV, sliggy etc said similar stuff but they aren't dumb so they know how to word criticisms better.

posted 8 months ago

Demon1 being a villain is kinda funny, he's being ironic and shit and you can see that from his tone.

Boostio's comments are just your sterotypical ignorant american's comments. They're not funny. I doubt he's racist. He's just an american slob.

posted 8 months ago

what if someone jerks off to calm their nerves? between maps they jerk off. What if someone meditates for a minute??

It's not adderal or coke or some shit wtf

posted 9 months ago

First of all, i didn't know euros did that shit ahahahah
In here, only boomers do that and people think it's kinda gross so that was kinda fun to find out.

SNUS is no different than smoking ciggies to calm your nerves (which is pretty normalised)
I mean I don't do them but yeah. I think it's not a big deal

posted 9 months ago

genz tried to cancel eminem???

AHAHAH i thought it was a meme about how eminem fans are cringe

posted 9 months ago

by god he just seems like an insufferable 15 year old tech bro who watches alpha videos and Elon musk CEO Grindset videos cause he had no good father figure in his life AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

The last tweet is very sus though but I feel like most elonmusk fans are just dumb tech bros who don't understand how tech or the market works.

posted 9 months ago

If you don't wanna talk politics, why are you even putting this here in the first place? But now you've forced this on people. Atleast give some context.

look at how people immediately paint a picture because of a few twitter likes

What did he like? I genuinely don't know. Few twitter likes could be some edgy jokes or liking some neo nazi's post about how the holocaust wasn't real. Stop using vague terms you shitbag.

It reminds me of when people said notch was being cancelled for being weird on twitter. I thought oh damn that sucks for him, people can't even be dumb on twitter?

I went to his twitter and he was tweeting how the jews silenced him or some friends or some shit.

posted 9 months ago

no one can prepare for kang kang

posted 10 months ago

EDG get rid of all EMEA teams except Fnatic.
PRX get rid of all the Americas teams
DRX gets rid of the other mid teams



posted 10 months ago

EDG gonna get rid of all other EMEA teams. PRX gonna take down Fnatic. Champs is ASIA BABY!!!!

posted 10 months ago

He's the reason I watched this shitty event

posted 10 months ago

vlr is cancer

posted 10 months ago

you're responsible for jinxing btw

posted 10 months ago

No one thought PRX was gonna make it to the lower finals with a sub, EG is in it's cinderella run story. EG barely beats PRX, and NA fans are acting like they just won the tourney and being toxic to PRX.

None of these "under dog" supporters will ever support a non NA underdog at all.

I always support new teams and I like EG players and respect Potter, but seeing braindead NA fans, I want Fnatic to completely destroy EG.

CRITICAL SUPPORT TO FNATIC. THE ANGLO boaster BETTER THAN braindead Yanks and canucks

posted 10 months ago

with a sub, they beat nrg and almost beat EG lmao. what the fuck are you talking about you yankee pig

posted 10 months ago
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