Flag: United States
Registered: November 12, 2021
Last post: November 12, 2021 at 11:47 AM
Posts: 1

He is not the greatest he is just the best in current years, the only player who we can give the title of best cs player of all time is f0rest, f0rest in his prime is like s1mple before s1mple became s1mple like Zet was f0rest before f0rest became f0rest. idk why younger generation don't know just how insane f0rest was in 1.6 people say they weren't as skilled back then compare to now are you kidding, f0rest doesn't even put much time in as others lol not even half of it, and still so consistent, if he wanted to play in a top tier team he would, as for TenZ, TenZ is nowhere near their level.

posted about 2 years ago