Flag: Norway
Registered: September 22, 2021
Last post: March 13, 2022 at 4:52 PM
Posts: 17

Lol yeah, the title got me messed up

posted about 2 years ago

Exactly, this is even applied to big tournament LAN's where teams are faced to each-other "bantering" from one side to another. So in that way, it's part of the fun being "rivals" and competing. What happens after and saying gg (not ez game) is then good sportsmanship.

Being toxic towards your own teammates on the other hand, does not make sense at all as you said and I could not agree more with you on this. Wish more people could just think like this, it would make not even e-sports better - but also in general.

posted about 2 years ago

To everyone who has replied. Your kindness and advices have far exceeded my expectations for an online e-sports forum.

Your comments and time spent here are very much appreciated! Thanks.

posted about 2 years ago

Thanks, I will try this for once when I feel tired. I think I am giving people too many chances, like even when I am tired. So... maybe, I should just once in a while do this

posted about 2 years ago

I have pretty good internet connection, so I am going to try this lol

posted about 2 years ago

I don't care much about ranking up or down, since I am in it for the fun of it. So yeah, definitely I would prefer playing with friends. Unfortunately, friends cannot always play together. So, sooner or later one will have higher or lower rank than the rest

posted about 2 years ago

I think, maybe I would like NA servers more. I prefer the fun over skill.
Yes, a lot of EU people have a hard time communicating in English... I am very fine with just simple comms like Yes/no or just pinging though.

posted about 2 years ago

I keep giving the game more chances because once in a while, I can play with some friends. Then it is actually fun, but yeah.. I have been thinking about it, and maybe just go back to CSGO. I am global elite there, so the people are a bit nicer in random matchmaking (Though I probably play like LEM/Supreme now after some time with Valo)

posted about 2 years ago

The threshold for surrender is amazingly low in this game. 8 out of 10 games, I match up with people who WANT to surrender. If my team is leading, the other team has a full argument going on in /all and either ends up surrender or trolling the rest of the game.

posted about 2 years ago

I wish it was that easy, especially when the game is so dependent on comms. Sometimes I do have to mute certain individuals though, because of excessive rage or just trolls.

posted about 2 years ago

It's so sad actually... I mean, most people just want to have a fun game after a long day of work or school. That sense of excitement disappears so fast when we meet such toxic people.

posted about 2 years ago

That's so messed up. I don't understand how people are capable of saying such words. I am happy to hear that you guys are able to laugh it off now.

posted about 2 years ago

Plat 2 - Diamond 1

posted about 2 years ago

I am actually trying to be positive throughout the game, and saying good job/nice try/we got this etc, regardless of how much of an disadvantage or level of mistake they do. Sometimes it works if we are more than two who are positive and motivating. When it is only me, it's rather hard

posted about 2 years ago

Sadly, I have come to a point where I am not able to enjoy the game anymore. Not because the game is bad, because it is in fact very good!
It's more about the people that we get matched up with, and the inability to play with friends because of the maximum rank range. Very often, almost all the time - I am forced to play alone, and that's horrible! The game is even more so defined by communication and teamwork than CSGO, and without a positive team that speaks and motivates - The team just crumbles. Every single time.

This does not apply to every single match though, once in a while I meet really nice people - and that is so appreciated. It's only sad that many players may not be in a positive mental state, and that affects the gaming experience. Aka, tilted gamers.

I'm pretty sure someone might comment on this post and say like, just quit the game, I am overly sensitive or something negative etc. I kind of expect that to come, its the world wide web and people can comment as an anonymous. I mean, sure just come with it.. but we should all learn to be more human to each other and just enjoy the game or whatever it is. Being toxic is not helping for the ones who are already in a bad state. You might be an indirect-killer who inspires someone to suicide. This does not apply to me, so for anyone who thinks I am in a bad mental state. I just try to enjoy a good game, as much as possible.

I could say much more, but I won't.
For the sake of others, think about what you say and just relax in the game. It will help you win the game, and regardless of a loss or win... just be okay with it. It's a game, a game is meant to be enjoyed.

posted about 2 years ago