Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 10, 2022
Last post: August 9, 2022 at 11:21 PM
Posts: 88
1 2

So, looks like people are learning about Infoproducts huh?
Few months ago I did this post how I got into marketing digital world.
I made a infoproduct, not too different from what Tate sells (it's a infoproduct, e-book, virtual thing)
So now I've become a scammer from what everyone says since their example is Andrew Tate lol.
Honestly his HU2 course isn't bad, but after his fame people whoever was profiting is now profiting much more;

Anyway you don't need HU2, if you have 0$ just learn about TikTok Organic and do it.
South America is easy country to farm if you do properly.
Get rich.

posted about a year ago

Nowadays I got into TikTok Organic in South America, easiest way to farm without speding anything.

posted about a year ago

That's how infoproducts works, you do marketing for a product.
If your product too good, people are willing to try to sell it in organic way to earn some $$
Learn it.

posted about a year ago

Not sure, if you check my old posts I made a thread how I got 50k few months ago, and I used some of his methods that I learned from some coach from HU2 but not directly from HU2.
I also did affiliate marketing (Nowadays is shit, so i had to create my own product, infoproduct) but I followed some his steps, not gonna lie.

Anway my thread from 2 months ago

Honestly I just got in Bali about 2 weeks ago, and I don't regret all I did it.

posted about a year ago

ty <3 I tried, but my english sucks.

posted about 2 years ago

I think because you live in a country where they "separate" school phases. One school for primary, one school for elementary, one for high school.
In some countries is one school for everything, so people kinda have contact with everyone older-younger, they chat, do sports, things like that together so yeah their personality didn't change that much I'd say.
At least when I was at high school I had many friends from other classes (younger than me) who always chatted with me, wanted to play soccer together, things like that.
As example, here, weeabos from high school even chill with elementary weeabos to talk about anime, things they like, etc. So they kinda grow up with same mentality and 1-2 years difference don't change that much.

posted about 2 years ago

Kinda, idk but this cancel culture looks like looking at same event with different perspective, what happened in past you kinda accepted and was ok but after some years when you look at same event with your new perspective and it changed because your new beliefs, if it changed to something bad you start to cancel someone as a bad person even if in past you were ok with that and accepted it.
Also what he did he was 15yo, girl 13yo, during teenager phase, people change quickly, their opinion and outlook on things change a lot in few years unlike during adult phase.
It is hard asf to judge something like that if this event occured years ago... If it occured days ago then it would be more accepted about his mistakes.

posted about 2 years ago

I'd say it depends a lot, not sure how system works in your country;
In Brazil for example people at 16 are already at University with people +18 how are they supposed to date someone legally?
If you're 16 and already at University then you're fucked based of what u saying;;
Also at least here a lot girls at 13-14 prefer to date boys around 15-16.
Girls are 17-18 prefer to date 20+ and it goes.. not sure why but that's what happens at least here.

But main point is that pandemic fucked 1-2 years of teen generation that's why they become so weird and them didn't developed, young (teen people) got used to this virtual world, "yes mommy pls" brain won't developed being at home 24/7

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

LOUD contract is 30% but they always get 0% from prizes.

posted about 2 years ago

editei pra vc.

posted about 2 years ago

Why you guys keep talking about Valorant viewership x CSGO viewership ?

It's hard to understand that most Valorant players watch CSGO, but most CSGO players don't watch Valorant...?

posted about 2 years ago

np, mas é bem a true mesmo.

Eu comecei como afiliado e fiquei uns 18k líquidos no 2-3 mês após iniciar

Pra tu ter noção, ganhar dinheiro como afiliado no Brasil é bem facil qdo tu aprende a anunciar, mas qdo tu entende um pouco mais e começa a "garimpar" o sites de afiliados, tentando arrumar um produto com um video bom, vsl boa, copy boa, e várias coisas... tu se decepciona pra caralho kkkkkk pq tu simplesmente NÃO ACHA.
Daí tu tem q escolher o "melhorzinho" e mesmo assim consegue ganhar essa grana.

A maioria dos infoprodutos que vendem no Brasil + encapsulados (produtos físicos) é porca demais, raramente tu encontra um que tem sistema de boleto gerado, cartão recusado, e várias coisas.
Por exemplo, se o cara imprime o boleto e não paga? Eles precisam ter um sistema que avise pro cliente "Ei maluco paga o boleto" (escrevi na ironia) mas é preciso ter um sistema assim (claro que de forma formal kkkkkk), se o cara cancelou compra no cartão, é preciso ter um sistema que "dê uma promoção para ele" sacas? essas coisas... eu garimpava o mercado BR todo procurando um produto que tenha essas coisas e SIMPLESMENTE NÃO ACHAVA!!!

Então tu já entende boa parte do mercado e se pergunta, como a galera ganha 100k+ por mês? Simples, eles fazem o próprio produto, alguns preferem vender o próprio curso pq é um conhecimento que a galera vai se interessar, ele gosta de fazer, e tals. (Não devemos julgar quem vende curso, acredito eu)

Outros já fazem um produto pica, com tudo que eu falei acima, video bom, vsl boa, copy boa, bem organizado, didático, um funil de vendas ótimo (esse sistema que eu disse de informa os boletos gerados, mandar audio para o cliente e de preferência ligar para o cliente com o DDD do próprio estado kkkkk pq se vier DDD 11 o cara já sabe q vai ser cobrança kkkkkk) mas é bem nessa pegada mesmo, eu pra fazer meu produto com todas as coisas que falei acima gastei 1500 só.

Enfim.. basicamente eles preferem criar o proprio produto (ganha o dobro que ganhava como afiliado) + modelam o funil de vendas da forma que eles querem usando essas coisas que falei um pouco acima.. então eles cagam dinheiro.

posted about 2 years ago

Boa mano!! Esse mercado tá crescente mesmo, lembro que o Pedro Sobral deu uma aula de gestão de tráfego esses dias, eu recomendo demais!

Eu atualmente não acompanho mais nenhum canal BR que ensina as coisas já que aprendi boa parte das coisas em fóruns gringos, e quando tentei seguir um BR ele tava falando basicamente a mesma coisa que aprendi no canal do gringo + escondendo algumas coisas, então eu meio que sabia que eles escondem as coisas e preferi não seguir tanto... o segredo é tu procurar tudo em inglês e ja era.

posted about 2 years ago

Olha, eu não tenho medo pela facilidade que tá para conseguir ganhar dinheiro aqui no Brasil, vc só precisa saber o básico e realizar que você consegue ganhar 2k-3k facilmente por mês sem sair de casa.

Eu não tenho medo pq como eu disse, eu sei que vou conseguir fazer outros PLR que irão vender e to nem aí para taxa que vou pagar, claro que eu fico bolado, mas pela facilidade que é de se ganhar dinheiro eu não fico triste.

Eu penso assim, o mercado americano por exemplo, é pica, tem que manjar muito, e as taxas sem menores ok?
Já aqui, você só precisa do basico bem feito que vai lucrar muito, então as taxas meio que corta um pouco esse lucro + inflação e várias coisas.
Mesmo assim você acaba saindo no lucro pq você consegue ganhar muito sem precisar quebrar a cabeça, igual os americanos, fora que, lá o salário médio é bem maior, a galera lá ganha 100k de dolares por ano facilmente.

Eu vejo mais o Brasil como sendo algo melhor de se começar pq te gera resultados fáceis + motivação para continuar, e se tu ganhar 10-30k por mês tu já ta entre a 95% da população, lá fora tu precisa ser o pica do conhecimento pra conseguir ganhar algo que em outros empregos te dariam a mesma coisa, entende?
Então eu me vejo no lucro kkkkk

posted about 2 years ago

new trend I'd say xD

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

#25 I explained about it a little, just see all convo.

posted about 2 years ago

Np <3 My English isn't that good to be able to explain everything correctly :(
I wish I could help more, but just search!

All I said here is at Google, I'm not special or anything.

Just don't forget to write things down when you're learning, it helps a lot, google docs or anything else.

posted about 2 years ago

If you can understand English perfectly, I'd recommend Russell Brunson as start.
But keep in mind that you need to try to learn step as step, his channel talk about many themes as organic, paid traffic, and you can't have "knowledge obesity".

First try to focus in one traffic like, Organic (medium to long time to start earn) or paid traffic (short, kinda immediately.) Basically if you wanna start by using your own money or start using your time instead your money.

Try to focus only in one market until you understand, for example when I started I really wanted to buy my PC (also I had some money that I gathered bc my parents gave me weekly to school, food, things like that)
So after choosing paid traffic I choose Facebook Ads; because, no reason, also I got into this thing because an FB AD haha. So I just choose it.

After you need to pick a niche to study, something that you like I'd recommend. (I didn't wanted to start something that I liked because I found that niche to be really hard, so I started on a cliché theme, health.

I really recommend to study at least 15-20 days before start trying things by yourself in a specify niche.

That's all I'd say. Try to not gain knowledge from many areas as beginner because it can more harm than help, try to focus in a specify traffic, specify plataform and start studying! Google is your best friend.
Example: Traffic organic > Instagram > and learn about it.
Example: Traffic Paid > Facebook Ads > learn about it.
Example: I wanna start as affiliate instead creating my own product! So study affiliate channels, forums, etc. How create goods ADS, what's famous ADs script? Headlines tech? Text tech? ALL!
You need to pick few area as beginner, after some time you start understading everything + even how VLR.gg works as example and how they gain public.

Try to learn one as one + Google is your best friend!!
Even my first PLR is mostly found in Google, because you're selling your organization + product + save someone search time!

posted about 2 years ago

he kinda asked me to give him all my material data as free lol or which product I'm selling but I can't tell it.

posted about 2 years ago

I was very skeptical about it and it was one of the things that got in my way at start so I needed to read a book that someone recommended to me(the power of your subconscious mind by joseph murphy), but yeah. I started about 5 months ago, 3 months ago I had my first sell (as affiliate) and 1 month ago I sold my first own product. Everyday I think how tf I did it.. I'd not lie that sometimes I think about buying a good PC hahaha but I'm holding me down because I know if I go back to living comfortable playing video games, it can destroy me (also I always lacked of discipline I can't focus in two things in my life, I can only focus in one)

posted about 2 years ago

você precisa estudar por vc mesmo mano n adianta eu te ensinar nada se você n tiver a ânsia de estudar e pesquisar sobre o tema por vários dias e eu mesmo n sou expert, pq so tenho pouco tempo no mercado, mas oq eu posso dizer é que se você pesquisar em forums gringos você tem muita chance de se dar bem pq o mercado brasileiro é mto fraco e quase ngm usa tecnicas afundo (pq n tem necessidade, se o basico vende pq vai ter que aprender algo avançado?)

só de vc pedir o material ja sei que nem vai tentar estudar por si que é o mais importante q eu pude aprender nesses meses.

posted about 2 years ago

By ad, when I was at FB appeared ad on "how to make money on the Internet"
Ofc I didn't buy it, but I researched about this topic, I basically spent 15-20 days watching youtube videos, forums (foreigner, English forums)
Also what I could realize, that in Brazil it is very backward... I learned;understood techniques;stratagies that great affiliates in the world uses but when I tried to search in Brazil if someone used these things almost nobody really needed to use to sell well.. Products that sold well (in world) didn't need to use the techniques that "foreigner" people needed to use to sell.

I'd say here is way more easy to start over starting in US or Europe as example.

posted about 2 years ago

depende, no meu funil de vendas eu utilizei o valor padrão que era 97 reais (que era a compilação completa, com diversos) e só o produto principal, que eu realmente utilizava você conseguia comprar caso negasse a oferta principal, que saia por 50 reais, eu utilizei upsell na oferta de 50 reais, vendendo o restante , etc. basicamente pra vender um infoproduto vc precisa ter toda a base de "afiliado" antes, pq vc precisa saber anunciar.

posted about 2 years ago

i'd too.

posted about 2 years ago

1 mês e 12 dias mais ou menos.

mas no 1 mês já tava 90k, só que os anúncios que eu tava colocando começaram e morrer pq eu tava vendendo um produto do nicho black e acabei ficando sem conta de contingência pra escalar mais, dava até pra ter conseguido mais.

posted about 2 years ago

a famosa "facada" kkkkkk

posted about 2 years ago

não, apesar do mercado de dropshipping ser um pouco similar, eu comecei sem vender que me pertencia, eu vendia produtos dos outros que é o famoso "afiliado", até que ganhei 6k depois de uns 2 meses e tentei fazer meu primeiro produto para vender (algumas pessoas preferem vender o próprio curso de como elas ganharam 6k, 10k, sacas? principalmente quando elas ficam estagnadas pq é a maneira mais fácil de sair, eu em vez de vender curso criei um infoproduto para vender.) E é algo que eu utilizo todos os dias que me ajuda bastante em questão de memória, etc. kk

tipo tem vários "ramos" de ganhar dinheiro na internet, blogs (trafego organico), facebook ads (oq eu utilizei mas é trafego pago) e google ads(utilizei tb trafego pago tb), youtube (trafego organico), etc.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm still minor, no jobs wanted to hire me when I really wanted to work to buy a good pc gaming.

posted about 2 years ago

Nomad is the way that people calls someone how can earn money doing something (normally they're from marketing digital), selling things in "auto" mode while they can travel to any places, enjoy, etc.

basically you start to decrease how many hours you need to adjust your things because you already know many things about this theme, so you reach a point where you need only to work 4h per week

posted about 2 years ago

thanks buddy!! <3 <3 <3

posted about 2 years ago

16! 17 in next month.

Nomad is the way that people calls someone how can earn money doing marketing digital, selling things in "auto" mode while they can travel to any places, enjoy, etc.

basically you start to decrease how many hours you need to adjust your things because you already know many things about this theme, so you reach a point where you need only to work 4h per week.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm got my first 100k by selling my own PLR product.

R$ 100k = 19.76k USD.

I only spent 1.500k (350 USD) to create one!

much love <3 I always wanted to buy a good PC but now that my work is paying off unlike all my tries to be a pro player I'm starting to lose interest in gaming overall. That makes me sad but I'm really happy to see my work, all night studying, reading forums, etc. Finally something in my life is paying me off

I hope someday to become a nomad just like many other people from Marketing Digital. <3 (and no, I didn't buy any course to start, also I didn't sell any course to gain this money lol. I just sold product like to help people to have a good memory, good for multi task things, etc. I just searched in famous American universities, articles that improved people's performance in memory, things like that so I did a compilate, tried some. One really worked in me so I started selling this infoproduct in Brazil) Of course in short it looks easy but I had to use and test many funnel, vsl, copy, copywriting, spy (other affiliates and how they made money, their strategies, etc).

posted about 2 years ago

3200dpi 0.157

posted about 2 years ago

No one in Valorant have GOD aim.

XANTARES appreciation!!!

LOOK AT THIS AIM SO NUTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4inMiVWnkA&t=228s

GOD AT SPRAY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aulXtfvL0ek

posted about 2 years ago

u mad bro?
at least JasonR is being loyal (weird way) to his wife instead being a toxic person how betray his teammates for money xd
each person value things differently.

posted about 2 years ago

This lagging is making me feel that my eyes doesn't feel 144hz smoother anymore, time to upgrade to 280hz....

posted about 2 years ago

Cap at what fps

posted about 2 years ago

Guys I'm having some weird lagging issue with Valorant.
My FPS is around 350-600 Ryzen 5600x + GTX 1060 + 144hz
But when I'm spraying with vandal or phantom or any other weapon looks like I get some lagging like stuttering (looks similar as having 100fps with 144hz) kinda lagging idk how explain but my mouse feels weird to aiming in these moments.
During these moments I figure out that my fps were around 300-350 but still 144fps+ above all time
I checked my SSD and It's normal usage during these moments, my GPU as well never hitting over 70% usage because I use MSAA 4x
So I don't know what's cause.. I wanted to know if someone ever felt something like that.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm going to say some truth here and why female teams fails to wins against male t1 teams.
First: it is not about talent or aim diff or anything like that

Main reason is that they need to study teams that they gonna play against (other females team) so they ended up living in their ''bubble'' playing to win, anti strat, only OTHER FEMALE TEAMS.

I'm saying many good female teams gonna lose their time to anti strat, studying, their enemies to win against them but that doesn't make them better to be able to compete against T1 male teams because they play completely different.

This is something I start to understand when I saw Team Liquid (Female TEAM) always losing to 5 random ranked players, they even lose to caster's team but when you watch their games against other females team (also radiant players with good aim) they play completely different and destroy them.

Males during T2-T3 scene they need to build many fundamentals of this game, also need to learn how to deal with unexpected things because T2-T3 scene is CRAZY while Female scene doesn't learn these things at begin.

I'd say female teams are used to study to win + anti stat others teams (good coach from good org kinda help too) instead to learn how to deal with unexpected things that happen during T2-T3 male scene, T1 female are used to play the game ''correctly'' but fail to play against ranked demons how play like ''PRX'' as example.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm going to say some truth here and why female teams fails to wins against male t1 teams.
First: it is not about talent or aim diff or anything like that

Main reason is that they need to study teams that they gonna play against (other females team) so they ended up living in their ''bubble'' playing to win, anti strat, only OTHER FEMALE TEAMS.

I'm saying many good female teams gonna lose their time to anti strat, studying, their enemies to win against them but that doesn't make them better to be able to compete against T1 male teams because they play completely different.

This is something I start to understand when I saw Team Liquid (Female TEAM) always losing to 5 random ranked players, they even lose to caster's team but when you watch their games against other females team (also radiant players with good aim) they play completely different and destroy them.

Males during T2-T3 scene they need to build many fundamentals of this game, also need to learn how to deal with unexpected things because T2-T3 scene is CRAZY while Female scene doesn't learn these things at begin.

I'd say female teams are used to study to win + anti stat others teams (good coach from good org kinda help too) instead to learn how to deal with unexpected things that happen during T2-T3 male scene, T1 female are used to play the game ''correctly'' but fail to play against ranked demons how play like ''PRX'' as example.

posted about 2 years ago

Not at all.
I have i5 11600kf + GTX 1050 3gb and I play 240fps+ all time.

My fps is 240~500.

I ended last act at Radiant 173 btw.

posted about 2 years ago

I think his ult slow is good for his role to hold angles/anchoring a site. Now chamber can do this and If he misses his shot he can just tp and play with his trademark to slow enemies during their entry in a site.
Two trademark has too strong to hold a site entirely even after he missing his shots

He could hold entire site in fracture as example putting two trademark at each side + holding any other angle left.

Chamber strong point is to hold angles + win duels to slow enemy team.
Now even after losing duels he still able to stop enemy team by trademarks.

If chamber lose duels in his anchor site he should get pushed more easily instead being able to secure it even after losing duels.

posted about 2 years ago

This nerf is good tbh...
Riot want AWP players to be sentinel role instead being duelist.
All entry fraggers (Jett main) before had to play with her as awper bc was too strong.
Now awp players can play Chamber as a sentinel itself instead trying to do entry while not playing as awper
What I say about Chamber being sentinel is holding angles, lurking, awping. Not about his trademark itself.
1 trademark is kinda good imo.

posted about 2 years ago

What was the reason? I'm crying rn because I just lost my precious cat...
was with a urinary infection problem but today I received call telling me that he had heart attack for unknown reasons during ultrasound to check his health
:( damn It was unexpected af I'm literally destroyed...

posted about 2 years ago

Reason why I started guitar and tried drummer 10 years ago because Toe - Goodbye
You're not a fan probably just a weabo who got recommended recently by YT bc watch too much jp things

posted about 2 years ago

Dude plays ranked with ping 2 and abuses ADS LUL

Even a bronze playing with ping 2 can hold angles easily with ADS
His ranked experience is just like LAN experience.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah his AIM is not good. Dude plays Ranked games with ping 7 and still cannot stomp against ping 50 players, wtf.
First time I've seen such a bad pro player tbh.

posted about 2 years ago

You literally have no idea about Brazil.
Brazil have so many talented players to form even 2 more super teams
Just look at Pancada from LOUD he didn't got a chance in last year because Brazil have a big problem called "friendship"
pancada tried to play with his friends from CrossFire used to carry them every single game and it doesn't happen only with Pancada, there's a lot "Friendship over sucess" here. Isn't because we're untalented unlike KR or JP.

People from other scenarios like CrossFire, CS, Point Blank. Always preferred to invite their old friends instead some random talented user
That's why Aspas, Less, Cauanzin, and many others players could not attend in past events (I know that's because their age but people always prefer old teammates + Lan experienced players over talented players )

Now in VK is happening something similar about VK's coach inviting his old companion to be 5th player, dude is already 25+ yo and untalented, going to perform OK because his old experience but he won't shine at all.
Another great player from here declined VK offer because his team is like "family" for him.
It really hurt BR scenario but I can understand if they prefer to play with cool people instead a Team focused only on results.

Do you remember FURIA from last year? It's also a team about "friendship" and LONG TERM PROJECT.

Qck from FURIA is destroying every single match, Khalil, nzr too. but three players cannot carry 2players dead weight.

Just like I said Brazil can form 2 more super teams if they focused more in Sucess than Friendship. We deserve 1 slots until' we fix this issue so we're going to get 2 slots.

posted about 2 years ago
1 2