Flag: International
Registered: March 17, 2023
Last post: January 1, 2024 at 8:27 AM
Posts: 16
  1. demon1 based on 1 event? lmao

leo, alfajer, less all clear demon1

posted 5 months ago

but wingman is cute

posted 10 months ago


posted 11 months ago

it is satire, how do you all read this and think "damn hes serious"

im a viper main and im done with riot fucking my agent up every few months, she isnt even viable as a solo controller anymore

posted 11 months ago

Riot still couldnt completely kill the agent despite trying their best, so here's some thoughts to kill her completely:

-> Put a radius to her orb and wall, if she's 40m away from them, she can't use them
-> Her fuel ends in 10 seconds
-> Her fuel ends in 5 seconds if both orb and wall is used (Make it x2, why stop at 1.5x)

-> Her wall is 2 times shorter

-> Her orb doesn't decay enemies health

-> Mollies dont make you vulnerable anymore

-> Decrease her ult's volume, so it only takes 2 smoke orbs worth of space

Cmon riot you can do it, even just remove her from the game lmao

posted 11 months ago

just renaming agents' roles won't change the game though

posted 11 months ago

i agree with #3 about money being hidden but i think ult points should be visible to enemies

even when you know about the enemies ult status, the ults are hard enough to deal with because they are very strong (as they are supposed to be), if you take enemies ability to see ults of other team, thats just very game breaking

posted about a year ago

i think he should be able to buy 1 extra flash

having only 1 flash isnt enough because if you go for a risky play then you cant pick up your flash anymore, and if you go for a safe flash to be able to use it later, then you arent having a lot of impact with it

having 1 extra flash will give more chances to fuck up for gekko players, he is already not a very good agent to play imo because picking up orbs is hard

posted about a year ago

little dude doesnt need any nerf, gekko isnt really op

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

when will pros be allowed to use him at pro matches?

posted about a year ago

I would give him an additional flash that he can buy, just because you cant get much value out of him on ct side if you dont use your flash with the fear of not being able to pick it up

posted about a year ago

its changing slowly with harbor imo

posted about a year ago

biggest cap

posted about a year ago

his previous tp range was his most broken part though

posted about a year ago

Either remove his trip range, or keep the range and give him 2 trips

Trip cooldown 20 seconds instead of 30 seconds when recalled

TP cooldown 20 seconds instead of 30 seconds when recalled (still 30 seconds if you tp), and 45 seconds if destroyed (The cooldown is 45 seconds for cypher and kj's signature abilities when destroyed, so he is more in par with other sentinels this way)

Ult requires 7 ult points

He is just so shit right now, we need updates for him riot

posted about a year ago