Flag: India
Registered: August 1, 2021
Last post: December 12, 2021 at 5:09 PM
Posts: 157
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BR has my respect but you dont.

And btw many other region players earn less than 400USD

posted about 2 years ago

1.)Indian parents think gaming is a waste of time and send their children to study for exams like JEE and NEET.
2.)Mobile games are much more popular in the country (though cringe)

I wanted a gaming laptop in my 9th standard but my parents always told me "we will buy you when you get into IIT".
*IIT-top engineering colleges in India. Harder to get into than Harvard,Standford etc.
(Also Brazil stop sending death threats)

posted about 2 years ago

It continued from 14-13

posted about 2 years ago

I already did + my teacher told me to relax on the day before exam.
(U cant clear this exam with 1 day of preparation )

posted about 2 years ago

Fuck Fuck Fuck
Tomorrow is the most important exam of my life- JEE Advanced.
Its so fricking difficult. just look at this
Does this look like a paper for high school kids? No, right?
More than 150k high school kids give this paper in India
Fuck my life man. Fuck it.
Wish me luck

(Compare math section with that of SAT and you'll know why its the most difficult engineering exam)

posted about 2 years ago

Hey. Thanks for the support everyone.
Your support gave me confidence. Hopefully I will clear that exam.( JEE exam decides your future in India)
Family issues suck tho. (my father had an affair for 7 years and wants to disown me)
I've had depression for years but not a lot of people in my country take depression seriously.

(This is too embarrassing >< . Never shared this kind of personal stuff with anyone. Wont post anything for a few days >< )
Once Again, thanks for your support. :)

posted about 2 years ago

my mental health is too bad. I have a very important exam coming (literally the most difficult engineering entrance exam in the world for high school kids).
I had a fight with my family and things arent going really well.
attempted suicide thrice (one landed me in ICU for 15 days).
believe me this is not a joke. My life sucks

posted about 2 years ago

yeah thats a really good point.
They learned from their mistakes

posted about 2 years ago

Bro VS was able to take off a map against Gambit, even G2 And NV could not do it.
The only reason VS was not in finals/semis is because they were matched against Gambit in quarters.
and CR and NV are one the same level. CR almost fucked Gambit in their second meet. Feels bad for them as they had to play against Gambit in group stage

posted about 2 years ago

this thread.....did not age well

Feels bad for TSM tho. :(

posted about 2 years ago

I would say 1 year max for Korea to win any major.
For SEA, 2-3 years
For SA, 3-4 years (Sadge)
Also why are you Bhadva

posted about 2 years ago

Coaches are necessary for a team man. Players will think they are being unpredictable when they are actually making dumb moves which a coach can identify. There's a reason why every esports org tries to provide a coach for their team.

I particularly liked Gambit's coach. Whole Gambit respected him. They hailed him after the win in semis lol.

posted about 2 years ago

Gambit would've mouth fucked SEN.
SEN were predictable in Berlin and Gambit would've destroyed them 13-2
The only reason 100T was able to win against Gambit was because they destroyed Gambit's mental by making a comeback in Icebox.

posted about 2 years ago

thats why many big teams have multiple coaches and one head coach.

posted about 2 years ago

He cannot comprehend that Vision Strikers (and maybe Crazy Racoons ) could have beaten 100T or SEN.
Its just that these teams had to play against Gambit in the beginning.
VS even took a map off of Gambit whereas ENVY lost 3-0
F for TSM tho

posted about 2 years ago

ENVY's coach could not go to Berlin because of Visa issues.

(I could be wrong but I'm 95% sure that they have a coach)

posted about 2 years ago

nothing to see here guys, just some NA and EU fanboys trash talking each other in their natural habitat (

posted about 2 years ago

For Nats
-carries his team with cypher/viper
-singlehandedly fucked G2 13-0
-hot and handsome
-has a panda buff
-makes big brain plays no one expects
-kills flankers by sitting at spawn
Chad Nats
For yay
-peeks and gets instant kills
-fucked Tenz and Shahzam
-struggled for years before getting this good
-has the most KD ratio
-Average ACS in Berlin >320
-makes predictable plays and still gets away with 2-3 kills every round with it because he is just better

Sigma Male yay

posted about 2 years ago

I dont think they will nerf Jett hard bcoz Jett requires skill. Like you need to use your speed to get an advantage over your enemies.
You need to have crisp aim with Jett.
The only nerf she can probably get is 3-4 knifes instead of 5 or less dash speed

posted about 2 years ago

they lost 2-0 tho but it was when GE was very new (December 2020)

posted about 2 years ago

I think GE has a chance. They scrimmed against Xset and some other teams and won a few matches.

posted about 2 years ago

I predicted Gambit atleast.
I dont think anyone got their pickems right about Envy defeating SEN and 100T

posted about 2 years ago

I want NV to win bcoz I want to see TSM.
I want Gambit to win bcoz Fnatic will get a slot in Champions


posted about 2 years ago

I feel bad for G2. How does it feel to practice 12 hours a day, think about so many strategies and still get your ass clapped 13-0 in an International tournament and on your best map?
I was rewatching the series and seeing Mixwell's reaction was ..... sad....
They reached semi-finals but still dont get a seat in Champions. Just sad
F for G2


posted about 2 years ago

use VPN and go to NA servers, believe me NA silver is like SA iron.
On the other hand, even Immortals in SA cannot compete with Diamond in NA.

posted about 2 years ago

Coming here after Gambit mouthfucked G2 by 13-0 score in icebox and ENVY Analfucked 100T by dominating in Haven and Ascent

posted about 2 years ago

bruh u kyedae simps with tier 3 yearlong sub
Imagine your homie getting body shamed in front of 50k viewers. He did nothing wrong but just played well in a match.
Kyedae has such a big ego that she cannot apologise.
Just say you're sorry.
Marved was wrong back in the day but I respect that he sincerely apologised multiples times.

Also yay is a very great guy. He struggled for years before getting famous unlike someone who got famous bcoz of their spouse

posted about 2 years ago

she body shames crashies after he saves NV from comeback from SEN in Haven.
calls crashies "Scrawny fuck" but when chat pointed out thats not something she should say, she replied "oh but I'm scrawny tooo lolololol (screams like crazy here)"
Good thing, Berlin has revealed her true colours.

(btw Crashies has food allergies)

posted about 2 years ago

Now you're on my clown list.
Good Work

posted about 2 years ago

I came here after 100T mouthfucked Acend by making a massive comeback.

posted about 2 years ago

The collective IQ of SEN fans is lesser than the Age of my 9 year old cousin

posted about 2 years ago

-better fanbase
-less toxic and respects their enemies
-accept defeat in twitter (unlike sentinels)
-makes memes on themselves
-worked very hard to be here (yay struggled for years)
-Indian guy buff (Pujan FNS Mehta) (personal preference tho)

NV just better

posted about 2 years ago

I will never respect them because they never send the "Defeat" tweets in their twitter.
To get respect, you need to give respect.
Sentinels never give respect and appreciation to enemy teams (except Tenz and Sick, they are really nice).
Why cant they accept their defeat? Zombs literally tweeted "better seed secured" instead of saying "GGs @G2, you guys played well. We will come back stronger" or something
I hate the guy behind Sentinels twitter

posted about 2 years ago

Nooooo, it was a big brain plan by the Sentinels.
Now they get better seed for champions.
and now they can do "SEN vs The World" 76 days for Champions

posted about 2 years ago

Translation "In fact Sentinels, he already let himself win for that"

posted about 2 years ago

Clearly Envy was the easier seed for Sen.
Sick said "they are our local competition and we are quite comfortable around them"
Shahzam tweeted "All good"
And the legend Zombs tweeted "better seed secured"

Nice one Sen. Now you got a better seed for Champions.

When will Zombs and Shahzam start appreciating the other team.

posted about 2 years ago

I just realized Tenz actually got tilted and bottom fragged in Split

posted about 2 years ago

They will never accept their defeat. I hate the guy behind SEN twitter.

posted about 2 years ago

For some reason, most IGL whiff the most and are usually bottom fraggers (Shahzam is exception)
Koldamenta, Bonecold, Bonkar(he is trash), FNS

posted about 2 years ago

EZ for Békéscsabai E-sport Egyesület (even though I've no idea about the team. Nice name I guess)

posted about 2 years ago

Saw them doing timeout for the first time.
NV did their homework

posted about 2 years ago

Nothing could be done. Sen is winning bcoz I sided with NV. Whichever team I cheer for loses. GG

I'm the curse

posted about 2 years ago

Wait what happened? Didnt search bout him

posted about 2 years ago

Not too toxic
Has a good fanbase
Pure hardwork (yay struggled for 5 years before becoming El Diablo)
Indian buff (personal preference, Indian pride FNS)
Good and Humble people( always respecting enemy teams)


posted about 2 years ago

The fact that you consider yourself "King of Valorant" and are still hardstuck silver is just amazing.
but you should change it.

Supernova-Joker of Valorant

posted about 2 years ago

came here after 100T mouthfucked Acend by making a massive comeback

posted about 2 years ago

carries his team
makes impossible jett shots
always calm
probably best jett player
hot and handsome nice guy
has all skins but still chooses Prism awp

posted about 2 years ago

I hope so. They jinxed it

posted about 2 years ago
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