Flag: Turkey
Registered: July 8, 2021
Last post: November 2, 2021 at 7:27 PM
Posts: 8

I hope so. I don't think his team would abandon him just for this and, people will forget those events in time so, if twitch and riot give him a chance that would not affect his career, I guess. The critical point is what will the tr jurisdiction decide? I hope he could clear his name.

posted about 2 years ago

The deal like I will donate you xk bits and you will send 50% of them to me back as cripto etc. So if someone sends me bits with stolen cards I wouldn't be responsible but if I take the deal I would be responsible. Even if I don't know bits are from stolen cards this is a kinda scam.

posted about 2 years ago

Ikr. If I know right brother is his manager and if that is right I think cNed should find a new manager. Cuz it seems like his brother is involved with this scam for sure even if Cned does not.

posted about 2 years ago

The bad fact about this is cNed said that he only sent half the money and we don't know anything about what he do with another half. I guess the scammer sent bits to prove what he can do while he tried to get a deal with her brother deNc but, to think that they didn't send all money back even if they refuse the deal is something else.

posted about 2 years ago

Paura would be a super IGL for this team, this way Bonecold could focus on fragging and can be 2nd igl too. Idk about Cloud btw, can be someone else

posted about 2 years ago

This Region has no Team to loop up to. Every Team in EU is so trash and inconsistant its not even fun to watch the games. I predict EU will be just about playing Challanger and after the LAN Event we will always see Orgs with Money lure the Players from other Teams with Money and get bad again, fail again and do the same shit over and over. We will never have a good team like SEN that makes the scene interesting since in NA everyone is literally waiting for the moment a team beats the unbeatabl while we have matches in EU that make no sense. one day you think you have seen the best EU Team and the next day they lose like silvers. Seriously, WTF is this?

FNATIC, LIQUID, G2, FPX, GUILD, BDS, NIP why are you doing this to eachother?

posted about 2 years ago