Flag: United States
Registered: July 25, 2021
Last post: May 27, 2024 at 5:57 PM
Posts: 542
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Fantasy Team
MVP: Aspas
Duelist: Heat
Initiator: Sacy
Sentinel: frz
Controller: Killdream

1st: Loud
2nd: KS
3rd: Sharks
4th: NIP
5th-6th: Liberty, GLB
7th-8th: FUR, TBK
9th-10th: VKS, ING

posted about 2 years ago

If no one posts, my job will be easy lol.

posted about 2 years ago

Whoever posts will just be guessing at random for which VLR users they think are good at VTT. Results from this wont come until after Masters 1.

posted about 2 years ago

People pick 5 users they think will be top 10 on your leaderboard and I will compare after Masters 1 from the VTT leaderboard. I havent decided if this will be a multi stage thing or not.

posted about 2 years ago

Lol, I didnt actually run this by PrTsty, since it is mostly a joke, but I am going to follow through until I hear otherwise.

posted about 2 years ago

Attempting to ratio Brazilians on VLR is like attempting to eat a swimming pool of ice cream. Its funny to fail and you know it will never work lol.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

General Information about PrTsty's VTT here: https://www.vlr.gg/68414/valorant-toasty-tour-official-announcement

The Goal: guess which users will gain the most points for all of the stage 1 VTT tournaments combined. After masters 1 I will check the VTT leaderboards to compare results.

The Reward: one upvote from me on a post

Time: Until stage 1 starts if you want to guarantee you get counted. At some point at my convenience before the first tournament concludes I will screenshot the data on this forum and no more revisions will be included.

TLDR: Make a team with 5 VLR users. Users can only be used once. You can include yourself

Points are counted as following:

  • 5 points for each player on your team in the top 10.
    +10 points for each player that is in the exact place you predicted.
    +5 point for each player that is 1 place away from where you predicted
    +10 points if you are in the top 10.
    -1 point if you pick yourself but don't make top 10.
    Tiebreaker: guessing my points on the VTT leaderboards. Extra tiebreakers will be arbitrarily decided by me ad hoc.

Tournament VTT Points Included:
EMEA Challengers 1
NA Challengers 1
BR Challengers 1
Latam Challengers 1
APAC Challengers 1
KR Challengers 1
JP Challengers 1
Masters 1

Example: List the VLR user and their predicted place on the VTT leaderboard.
PrTsty: 1st
FerahgoTheGreat: 8th
ciro :9th
CalypsoGHC: 2nd
enigma: 10th
FerahgoTheGreat points: 51.

posted about 2 years ago

MVP: keznit
Duelist: NagZ
Initiator: Mazino
Sentinel: Maka
Controller: delz1k

Placements Latam Finals
1st: KRU
2nd: 9z
3rd: 6K
4th: Inf

posted about 2 years ago

Oh so if cNed plays 10 maps of Jett (250 ACS) but two maps of Sage (210 ACS), I would just get the 250 ACS and not worry about the sage at all?

posted about 2 years ago

Part of the trick here is picking people who you know the role of. If someone flexes a lot you won't get all their points. Also PrTsty, are you going based off in game agent descriptions? ie. Viper being a controller not sentinel? I would recommend some rule about if 75% (you can determine the number) of their games are on a specific role, all their games count otherwise people will start picking only people that never flex.

Fantasy Team
MVP: ScreaM
Duelist: cNed
Initiator: Leo
Sentinel: Xistou
Controller: AsLanM4shadoW

Team Placements
1st Place: LIQUID
2nd Place: GUILD
3rd Place: GMB
4th Place: G2
5th-6th Place: FPX, ACE
7th-8th Place: LDN, FNC
9th-10th Place: NAVI, SMB
11th-12th Place: BIG, BBL

posted about 2 years ago

Oh no the last thing he posted was on my thread. I am ready for the conspiracy theories to start lol.

posted about 2 years ago

Prepare to cry, I aced the EMEA LCQ Pickems and have failed every single pickems before and since.

posted about 2 years ago

✋ Lol, I have to start studying for the most important event of the year now.

posted about 2 years ago

Do I get bonus points for trying to predict the ACS of every player at Champions 2021 and getting some right?
This sounds like a lot of fun.

posted about 2 years ago

I made a post about this a while ago.
The problem is they used VCT 2021 points but invited orgs not players, and they didn't even franchise the league so it doesn't make much sense.

posted about 2 years ago

Yes I think the masters slots should be expanded to at least 16 with slot allocation potentially decided by how well each region does.

posted about 2 years ago

I am not sure how I didn't expect a valve vs riot debate here, but at least it keeps bumping the thread lol.

posted about 2 years ago

TLDR: This describes a potential future solution for the VCT slots using the CSGO, 3 stage swiss system. This only works if the points system is reasonable. VCT 2021 had a completely unbalanced circuit points system where qualifying for LANs was basically an instant qualification for masters or LCQ because there were so many points and barely missing out gave you almost no points.

The Slots Problem: There has been a lot of discussion about the regional slot allocation for VCT 2022. The biggest focus has been on the minor regions getting a ton of spots that people don't think are deserved. I think the primary problem is having only 12 teams at the masters events. The 2021 LCQ setup was pretty good and I would like to see at least a 16 team distribution every LAN. It has been proposed to have larger cross regional qualifiers, but assuming that is unfeasible for logistical reasons, I am proposing a different solution for Champions.

CSGO Majors: CSGO has used a 24 team 3 stage swiss system for quite a while and in 2021 they had to use a circuit points method of selecting those teams which makes it a much better comparison. The bottom 16 teams participate in a Swiss system to select the top 8 of them to move on, and as an added bonus there is a lot of seeding that can happen instead of random seeding. The 8 that move on go through another 16 team swiss stage against the top 8 teams and the 8 that progress from that go to the playoffs. The regional slots would be quite different in Valorant but in CSGO it was: Top 8: EU1, EU2, EU3, CIS1, CIS2, NA1, NA2, NA3, Next 8: EU4-9, NA4, CIS3, Bottom 8: EU10, EU11, NA5, CIS4, CIS5, SA1, OCE1, Asia1.

Seeding in Valorant: Valorant has much more participation and competitiveness from minor regions than CSGO so the slots would be different. My recommended format would be the top 16 teams be decided by regional circuit points and the bottom 8 to be decided from regional LCQ's. My distribution would be Top 8: EMEA1, EMEA2, EMEA3, NA1, NA2, BR1, KR1, SEA1. Next 8: EMEA4, EMEA5, NA3, NA4, BR2, LATAM1, SEA2, JP1. Bottom 8 LCQ's: EMEA{2}, NA{1}, SA(BR+LATAM){2}, APAC(JP+KR+SEA+OCE+southasia){3}
This ends up with a regional distribution of EMEA:7, NA:5, SA:5, APAC:7. For people who think that APAC has too many slots, it has a ton of combined regions similar to EMEA.

Pros: More teams means less inequality in slots. More teams is better entertainment.
Cons: More teams is harder to set up a LAN for. Regional points are never going to be perfectly balanced so by the time Champions comes around people will dislike the distribution.

The Points Problem: If VCT 2022 keeps the same regional points structure as 2021 this system WONT WORK. For example, if you look at the Circuit Points from 2021, simply qualifying for a regional LAN guaranteed you so many more points that a team that just missed the qualification. In EMEA Stage 3, a team that placed 5th got 50 points and a team that placed 4th got at least 175. I understand that you want to count wins against international competition more, but the jump from barely missing out to qualifying but not even beating anyone at LAN should not be 3.5 times the points. Placing really well at the LANs should be worth a lot but the base points given for qualification were stupid and completely mess up the circuit as fluke teams get valued so much greater than consistently good but not quite great teams.

Points needs to follow the following conditions: 1) More points are awarded for events later in the year closer to champions. 2) Consistent performance across many qualifiers without a breakout performance is enough to at least get into the LCQ. 3) Winning a cross regional LAN by itself is enough points to at least make the LCQ. 4) If regions play separately but are combined for things like the LCQ, the tournament structure and points need to be coordinated to not favor one over the other. Regional slots in smaller cross regional events can help but does not completely mitigate this problem. 5) There are enough events that give points to make it less random. Both CSGO and Valorant only had 3 circuit events in 2021 and this was not good for the balance of points. Hopefully the VRL events are balanced well enough to help with this.

Feel free to discuss or debate anything I talked about here. I do not believe the current slot distribution is terrible but it absolutely could be better and this is just one way to help with that.

posted about 2 years ago

I grew up with a mouse that I could wrap one hand around and a mousepad that my thumb and pinky could touch the desk on either side of the widest part.

posted about 2 years ago

1200 dpi, 0.8 sens

posted about 2 years ago

I made a post about this detailing my problems with VCT BR 2022

posted about 2 years ago


  1. TL: Controversial, but I think they have the highest ceiling. I still think there are weak links, but they can beat anyone when they get in their rhythm.
  2. ACE: They have a tendency to be inconsistent. I still think a roster move could make them a superteam but they aren't one yet.
  3. GMB: They have been performing at their peak in my opinion. They shouldn't change anything but I don't think this roster will be dominant. Even in their Berlin quals/LANs they have rarely been dominant. The epitome of very good across the board.


  1. G2: This roster has the pieces to be the best but until they put it together they will struggle. I think they need an IGL as hoody/nukkye are two of the best in the world, and everyone else is solid at their roles.
  2. Guild: Sayf and Leo are great, trexx is inconsistent on support but can pop off, this is the best level of strategy I've seen from a koldamenta led team (maybe Barrbarr's influence). As a Guild fan, they are a bit overhyped from rolling bad teams but they can become one of the best.
  3. FNC: They still lack firepower in my eyes. Derke showed the return to form, and this team is still some of the best at the non stats aspects of the game, but they do not have a whole lot of mechanical skill.


  1. FPX: Not a single player has had consistent performances. They can definitely challenge any team but until they do so often rather than sporadically I put them here.
  2. SMB: This roster impressed me but I still don't think they are an improvement over the old SMB. I think Xistou has been by far the best sentinel in Turkey, and Izzy is still very good, but the bottom of the roster is quite weak fragging wise. Maybe CyderX's IGLing can work some magic against EU.


  1. LDNU: They have become that standard top of tier 2 team that always challenges but rarely beats the good teams. Their consistency gives me hope but they are a bit outclassed here.
  2. BBL: Their roles are messy but if they put it together they have a good shot at being the best team in Turkey. This could easily fall apart though.
  3. NAVI: Jady was a huge pickup, but Cloud has struggled playing even more supportive. I think they are a move away from contention still.
  4. BIG: They have long struggled in tier 2 and have slowly upped their game. I still don't really believe in anyone but Twisten against the best teams.

My list is getting messed up somehow but it is in order so ignore numbers that dont make sense.

posted about 2 years ago

He doesn't have the best reputation as either a tactical mind or a personal leader. He will get a job, but probably not as big of a team.

posted about 2 years ago

No I do not. Feel free to use whatever you like.

posted about 2 years ago

EMEA groups have a similar format, but only 4 out of 12 teams were invited and they had tons of circuit points and kept the same players (mostly).

posted about 2 years ago

TLDR: The VCT BR 2022 stage 1 groups are very lopsided. The problem is the fact that ORGS got invited and not TEAMS/PLAYERS.

To start, I do not think teams in groups should be distributed based on how good people think they are. They should be random unless actual results can be used for seeding. That being said the VCT BR groups for stage 1 are completely lopsided. In my opinion and in the opinion of most people looking at the groups, every team in group B (Keyd Stars, Sharks, Furia) are better than every team in group A (Vikings new roster, Gamelanders new roster, Liberty). Here is a thread where people ranked the BR teams. or Noyn's rankings

Group B will also get one of LOUD/NIP from the first closed quals. This means that group B will have at least 4 of the teams that were consistently thought of as top 5-6 teams in the region.

I would like to make the case that the problem does not lie in the randomness of the seeds but rather the fact that too many orgs got invited. If the best teams/players got invited there would be some lopsidedness but at least everything is competetive. EU and NA invited teams based on 2021 circuit points and the standard for all of VCT is that a core of 3 players is needed to keep circuit points. The Gamelanders lineup has a single player from 2021 to go along with 4 of Stars Horizons players who were 8th in points, and Vikings have none of the same players. If you invite unproven teams into random seedings you run the risk of bad seedings which does not benefit most of the players, the fans, the tournament, or the scene.

I am against franchising even when it works but for it to work you have to have orgs buy spots and be guaranteed them for the year which is not the case here. In franchising, the players are incentivized to pick teams who have spots in order to play in the big tournaments, and the orgs are incentivized to buy players without the risk of it not working and them losing their spot. For example, Vikings is not a big org and were only here because their previous team did well. They did not have the money to keep their players or compete with the big orgs for the best players but are here anyways with a budget team (I still hope they do well).

Hopefully the teams in group A make it competitive so there isn't a clear disparity in performance, but it is entirely possible Group B ends up with what could have been all of the top 5 teams in Brazil. More likely a couple teams in Group A are good and one or two in Group B get screwed or fall apart.

How I would fix with the 3 player rule: If a team does not keep 3 players they do not get invited. I would invite 4 teams which would default to KS(5 players), Liberty(4), Furia(4), and SH (4 but now gamelanders). Not great but at least the new Vikings aren't randomly here and there would be 6 spots for teams to earn their place instead of 4.

How I would fix with individual player points rule: If players can keep (1/5th) of the VCT points they earned in 2021 the teams(points) would be KS(250, 4/5ths of KS points and 1/5 of GLB from mwzera, 1/5 of Vorax from v1xen, 1/5 of Pain from murizzz, 1/5 of HL from heat), Liberty(165, 4/5 of HL stage 3, 3/5 in stage 2, 1/5 of Vorax from krain), LOUD(161, 2/5 of VKS, 1/5 of SH, 1/5 of Jag, 1/5 of SLK stage 2), Sharks(156, 2/5 of SHK, and 1/5 of VKS), Furia(99, 4/5 of Furia minus Txddy1's points from stage1/2), GLB(63, 4/5 of SH and 1/5 of GLB).
You can choose the top 4 or top 6 in this case as at least the spots will be earned.

If you support franchising, Vikings needed to be guaranteed that spot for all of VCT 2022 or they don't have enough incentive to spend.

posted about 2 years ago

Duelist: cNed, TenZ
Flex: Nukkye, ScreaM
Initiator: Sacy, Leo
Controller: Leo, Ethan
Sentinel: Xistou, Saadhak

posted about 2 years ago

The fact that mitch is their awper is a good reason to put him on Jett. I need to see him against the tier 1 teams before I really believe in the roles they are using.

posted about 2 years ago

Oof, both of them are on the same level if not higher than all the invited teams except MIBR.

posted about 2 years ago

Ggs what a game. A shame we don't get to see more of Yonk.

posted about 2 years ago

If bonkar gets more kills than keloqz, I will play paladins again.

posted about 2 years ago
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