Flag: United States
Registered: June 28, 2020
Last post: August 25, 2020 at 10:42 PM
Posts: 35

TSM number 1

posted about 3 years ago

this some PR spin IMO... you dont go play with other teams when ur simply trying to get better at awping with jett

he gone

posted about 3 years ago

ska supposedly is benched and they looking for replacement... and their coach outfrags their entire team

T1 is a mess.. and sitting out tournaments early on is a HUGE part of why

posted about 3 years ago

What a series. Valorant esports is lit

My boys TSM put in the work and didnt give up and it paid off. So exciting to watch. Almost think they should take a week off and relax lol. They supposed to play again this weeend already. They are nuts in a good way lol

posted about 3 years ago

ya thats just a good flick her certainly saw him before smoke landed

posted about 3 years ago

tsm those final 2 maps looked like vintage tsm from a month ago.. really hope they keep that form the rest of the tournament, i was getting so mad these last few tourneys with the same constant mistakes and bad plays

posted about 3 years ago

sentinels struggled to beat immortals who were missing bjor and they struggled to beat renegades

TSM looked much cleaner this tourney unlike the previous 2, and the new comp seems to suit them very well

I think TSM takes it and shows everyone 1 tournament doesnt make a team the best(sentinels)

posted about 3 years ago

TSM all the way

posted about 3 years ago

he says he wants to stream, which is sad because I too think he could be one of the better or atleast exciting and marketable pros

posted about 3 years ago

I was worried, and turned out I was right. I was really upset at how TSM played this entire tournament despite getting wins.. they played really bad in pretty much every game they played and needed huge comeback/clutches to win games. This is 2 really disappointing tourneys in a row from them, and I am definitely worried.

Hazed and Cutler were really, really bad today.. usually they are solid. TSM is making tons of small mistakes like not checking corners, reloading while peeking, not properly trading, dry peeking CONSTANTLY, and seem to not have many new set plays/executes.

I am really worried about them moving forward tbh. Subroza early on was capable of being top fragger and carrying, it seems that isnt happening anymore, its either wardell and or drone go nuts or they have no chance.

30bomb tourney in 1 week is a good way for them to comeback strong but idk

posted about 3 years ago

T1 has not won a single tournament that wasnt a twitch showmatch when no other team had their full team in it besides them

posted about 3 years ago

eh, homeless has some really good players, and T1 is sitting out like every tourney, pretending they are too good for it. I think it is more of a knock on T1 and their strategy of sitting things out than it is on other NA orgs. Teams like sentinels and immortals and C9 continue to power up and gain ground on TSM who is still currently holding strong

posted about 3 years ago

T1 needs to stop sitting tourneys out, and someone needs to sign homeless ASAP

posted about 3 years ago

np :)

posted about 3 years ago

Just fyi, the rankings/results page has Envy losing 2-0 to W2F when they actually won 2-0.. just a heads up

posted about 3 years ago

literally ZERO sympathy for these idiots, and to then claim mental issues and hide the fact you cheated is BEYOND scummy

posted about 3 years ago

awesome, hope the game keeps growing in brazil

posted about 3 years ago

seems to be so

also rumors of Envy signing a valorant team, possibly TWAT

posted about 3 years ago

thats a big ass upset

posted about 3 years ago

if riot dont give us player distribution in ranked we... riot

posted about 3 years ago

does that count simple things such as a players rank? How can they not allow sites to have player distribution, thats a joke

posted about 3 years ago

There is a bunch of hoopla in the details about their API and I dont fully understand it. All I would like to know is if sites like this one, will be able to show full playerbase ranked distribution, similar to op.gg for league of legends where it breaks down the percentages. Or is that going to be hidden behind this RSO and only players that log into this site and look up their name will be shown in the ranked distributions? I really hope its the former and not the latter...

posted about 3 years ago

oh really? what is changing in the criteria? I know I had previously mentioned some things, and when will it be posted?

posted about 3 years ago

ok cool, that makes the most sense. Thanks for the quick response time :)

posted about 3 years ago

I assume these games wont count towards rankings right? TSM is playing with Myth again and running off agentd and no strats just havin fun with it.. I assume the other teams may be doing similar.

posted about 3 years ago

good article!

posted about 3 years ago

also, can we talk about T1 beating team ninja and getting 29 points lol? that was a team thrown together that isnt even a real team ...

posted about 3 years ago

got ya,

So at around what point does a team like T1 or others with less games start earning the same amount for wins as a team like TSM? It just seems its over inflated to help catch them up too quickly and doesnt reward the team that has been playing lots of games and winning them all.

I do get the point of helping catch a team that is clearly better than their score up, it just seems it may be doing that a bit too well

posted about 3 years ago

I guess I understand more if at some point the points start to stabilize and become less as teams gain more games, it just seems a bit out of whack for how much more they are getting, but thanks for taking the time to break it down a bit. Maybe some small adjustments like you mentioned would help some.

posted about 3 years ago

I know what ELO rating is

posted about 3 years ago

because they are only playing NA teams.. I havent looked as closely into the EU rankings to see if this is happening too for their region, as most of their teams are way more active than T1 has been, I doubt the discrepancy is that large in EU teams

posted about 3 years ago

This makes a bit more sense, but I still dont see how a 34 to 15 difference is called for, that more than double the points gained, on top of theoretically, Immortals ranking is lower when T1 beat them compared to TSM beating them because they had already accrued the loss from the TSM game.

I get what you are saying in that T1 didnt have a lot of games so its a catch up of sorts, but that still doesn't seem right. As you said maybe a higher baseline start? But I still dont think you should get more points for wins just because you have less games played. All of their recent wins are in the mid 30s for points while TSM is getting anywhere from 6-12, at what point does T1 start getting 6-12 points for a win?

posted about 3 years ago

T1 is the 2nd ranked team in NA to TSM's 1st place rank. You really think its ok for the 2nd best team to gain 35 points for winning with less margin of victory over the same team 1 day after the 1st place team gets only 14 points for it?

I mean, I can see TSM getting 14 and T1 getting like 15 or 16 maybe.. even that's odd, but 35 to 14?? and they won by less of a round margin?

If that is being justified then you can just throw all these rankings out because they are meaningless lmao

posted about 3 years ago

Why is T1 getting over 30 points for every win, and TSM is getting like between 9 and 12? Even when both teams beat the same opponent 2-0? For instance T1 just beat Immortals 2-0 and gained 35 points for it, While TSM just beat them the day before 2-0 with an even bigger map score win and only gained 14 points for an even larger win? That's a MASSIVE discrepancy and it doesnt end there, all of T1's recent wins are over 30 points. There is either something massively wrong with the formula or there is some massive favoritism going on lol

posted about 3 years ago