Flag: India
Registered: May 31, 2021
Last post: September 17, 2021 at 4:31 PM
Posts: 3

Guys c'mon relax and enjoy the games have fun. Why is everyone fighting over regions. Tbh no one is going to get any benefit whosoever wins. It's just a game we are not going on war FFs. Whether it is the Twitch chat or the forum here same shit is going on - This region quite that region quite, these fans come here etc etc. Don't make this community like the CS one. Make the forum constructive rather than destructive.

posted about 2 years ago
  • when there are cs match fixers playing from top orgs :) and some whistle blowers got away easily without any consequences and got the benefits of betting too ... ahh valo is becoming the den for fixers and cheaters.
posted about 3 years ago