Flag: Canada
Registered: November 28, 2021
Last post: June 3, 2023 at 3:21 AM
Posts: 18

nzr over kiNgg???

posted 11 months ago

masculine instability

posted about a year ago

Whoopsie daisy

posted about a year ago

Guild 2-0 OpTIc
Optic don't stand a chance against an eu team

posted about a year ago

You say that the new LOUD are unbeatable with their increased map pool. You also say that LOUD have proven their worth by making it to the Grand Finals of their first masters, but lets take a look at their run.

LOUD beat Liquid who didn’t even deserve to be in that tournament so that win meant nothing

They then beat G2 who are frauds and fluked their way into the top seed

They then beat OpTic who were having an off-day, but still lost to them in the FINALS which is far more important than the earlier match, not to mention they were swept.

I think it’s safe to conclude that LOUD have in fact never proven their worth and shouldn’t be anyone’s favorites to win the next Masters.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Do we know which teams made franchising?

posted about a year ago

idk but all the games are the 5 same players playing. its probably that the other 4 are inactive or something.

posted about a year ago

You see where I’m going with this

posted about a year ago

Why is it that the top team in India can never stay on top?
The number 1 spot always fluctuates between velocity, GE, and Enigma (I don’t pay too much attention towards the Indian scene).

posted about 2 years ago

but if he's a reporter then we shouldn't really give a shit about his thoughts or opinions, we just use him for leaks and news

posted about 2 years ago

Who's George Geddes? Why does everyone hate him?

posted about 2 years ago

How did they fall off so quickly?

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

First time on LAN and Loud have already taken down 2 EU teams. OpTic have attended LAN three times and have yet to take a single map from any EU team.
LOUD 2-0 OpTic

posted about 2 years ago

You think PureR would be a good pickup for 100T?

posted about 2 years ago