Flag: Norway
Registered: April 12, 2021
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 1:20 PM
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Oh yea guys. There are way to downvote threads. Remember to do that here.

posted about 2 years ago

Sweden vs France.

posted about 2 years ago

I think TenZ is not a hypocrite but his fans are most definitely brainless zombies.

posted about 2 years ago
  1. TenZ
  2. Leaf
  3. Zellsis
  4. FNS
  5. Asuna

Really strange list. But I'm picking the best player from each of the top 5 teams NA at least in my opinion. This is too remove some of the duelist bias. And some of the sentinels bias.

posted about 2 years ago

Can't wait to watch some c9 x7

posted about 2 years ago

Xeppaa has replaced poiz so honestly i wouldn't be surprised if c9 just sell him off. And Jammyz hasn't been signed yet.

posted about 2 years ago

I think the team is just poorly designed from the core so I think it's just better to start from a core that actually works well. I think that I might be pushing it on how bad TSM is but I really think they need big changes. 1 or 2 changes won't do anything unless you have like sliggy as your coach and you have like 500 iq. You need to inherently change the team rather than just adding firepower because this team just doesn't work.

posted about 2 years ago

I think they have to change a ton. Like there's no reason to have 4 players who are optimal on duelist on the same team. I would probably delete the whole roster honestly. There's no reason to keep this roster except maybe building around Subroza or using these as support players but idk. I would probably get Aleksandar because he's probably the best unsigned player right now and TSM do have the cash to pay him. And then probably get poiz or something. It might be a pain to get but C9 probably don't have any reason to keep him because he's not big as a content creator. Or Kaboose either works. But this will create a good duelist pair who can probably entry and just carry the team. And then you need a killjoy/cypher player. I think they should get thwifo. Probably one of the better free agents and also he can igl. I think that's the main problem with TSM. They don't have a competent IGL. Or Co IGLS I think a loose IGL structure is fine as long as there's someone to pick up the pace in case everything is falling apart, which wasn't the case for TSM. And then I think a viper/omen player is the next thing they need because viper is still strong and astra is getting a little weaker. Which honestly I think Subroza is fine for. I think he's a pretty good omen but I'd rather have someone who could flex on to viper as well. So Jammyz. Yea I think Jammyz is kinda poggers. And I think they'd work well together because Subroza can also play skye.

I think Aleksandar, poiz/Kaboose, thwifo, Subroza, Jammyz would be a good team and TSM could honestly afford all of these players probably.

posted about 2 years ago

I think the NRG thing was more surprising. I thought that they had the IGL problem handled if they kicked off their main IGL because I thought they signed a new one. But no. They honestly seem pretty bad. Seems like a TSM problem with 5 duelist mains but a lot of people thought NRG were gonna be like top 3 NA.

I personally didn't think IMT were gonna do that well though because teams like C9, ABX, and GENG are on the rise so I thought they'd make it to closed qualys and then bomb out. But still surprising to see them be upset by FPL-C.

And I absolutely agree that TSM noble was probably not the biggest upset.

posted about 2 years ago

I think DarkZero can be a mainstay in like the tier 1.5 scene where xset used to be a while back. Honestly I think all of their players are really strong so they don't really have any glaring weaknesses like cough EG cough or most tier 2 teams. I think the signing really releases a ton of pressure off them which will probably continue to help them for a while. Maybe they will fall off but all of their players are fantastic except screwface can be ehh at times. And if they play well Honestly I think they could stay tier 1 for quite a bit of time. Like they have the potential to do it. But it's only a maybe if they do.

posted about 2 years ago

I mean andbox is actually good so if they lose to andbox that wouldn't be surprising as andbox could be top 5 NA probably in like 1 month

posted about 2 years ago

Rip heretics

posted about 2 years ago

I agree. But they were good once. Like TSM. But look at how far both of them have fallen.

posted about 2 years ago

Andbox 2-1. GENG look really strong and I think they'll qualy to challengers finals through second event but. Andbox look nasty. Really strong. These are both teams that I've been hyping up.

posted about 2 years ago

Good article. :)

posted about 2 years ago

I think they need to work on rifle aim as well.

posted about 2 years ago

I mean. Was I wrong.

posted about 2 years ago

I mean I kept saying that TSM copium is not good for your health. There's no easy way back to a normal life now. I hope that you get well but remember to get out of the basement.

posted about 2 years ago

I like BDS so I want to see BDS win but I think Finest can make this close.

posted about 2 years ago

Idk. I usually only follow like tier 1 eu but this team looked kinda pog. When did this team actually get very good. Idk maybe they were always this good.

posted about 2 years ago

My username?

posted about 2 years ago

Make a post about Skrossi for Indian fans as well. I mean most indian fans don't give a shit about everyone else except Skrossi.

(I like indian valorant but there are way too many skrossi fans)

posted about 2 years ago

Except fans. Yikes. NA fans and BR fans need some therapy for their anger management. And also meta. Brazil has been behind meta for a while and NA has been as well. V1 was really the only team to adapt to the meta well quickly. But there were many more EU teams that have adapted much quicker.

posted about 2 years ago

First there was I need girlfriend. Now there is need girlfriend. We are evolving as a species.

posted about 2 years ago

Say TSM is the best team in the world and gtn is best yoru and brimstone gaming are going to win berlin.

posted about 2 years ago


I think soniqs are the better team than renegades. Also ABX are good. So I don't they'd lose to EZ5. And no way in hell you put rise over bbg.
I'd want to see Noble beat TSM and Ghost beat T1. But that's unlikely because Noble lost Zekken and TSM got bang. Also T1 look good with their roster.

posted about 2 years ago

I mean I think that it's worse that ABX and GENG have to fight over a spot. They are both teams that probably both deserve a spot more than tsm. Idk. Maybe one of them could be bad after the roster change though but I'd see that hard to believe.

posted about 2 years ago

Idk. These are all the teams Ik that are on this tier list.

posted about 2 years ago

Well you got to have some takes that are actually interesting. That separates the decent from the recognizable.

posted about 2 years ago

I think you mean it's too much.

posted about 2 years ago

What are your guys opinions?

btw im saving all these opinions in case G2 or Acend fail horribly kekw jk.

posted about 2 years ago

Haha jokes on you. I'm actually a FPX/Guild/C9/ABX fan.

posted about 2 years ago

But I mean we have gtn. Oh wait we aren't brazilian fuu-.

posted about 2 years ago

True. but it's not like you have good takes.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

nice lmao. C9 do look very good so you won't be disappointed.

posted about 2 years ago

I mean less EU users have TSM flairs so they usually have better takes. That's all ill say.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I mean 374 posts in total is still yikes. and u did like a 100 in 6 hours.

posted about 2 years ago

Some other good players for each of these roles are:

Jett - Seoldam(Nth), Patiphan(X10)
Phoenix - Idk
Sage - Lowel(TH), Leo(GUILD), Shao(FPX), Yay(ABX), Sheydos(GAMBIT)
Astra - Vanity(V1)
Skye - Stax(VS), Ex6tenz(NiP)
Sova - I already listed in reply above
Raze - I already listed in reply above
Cypher - nAts(GAMBIT)
Killjoy - LogaN(BDS)
Reyna - Niesow(TH)
Omen - Ange1(FPX)
Breach - Stax(VS), Ex6tenz(NiP)
Brim - IDK
Viper - Mistic(FNC), Ange1(FPX)
Yoru - I already listed in reply above

posted about 2 years ago

If you haven't seen good yoru play. I think HANN's(WGS) Yoru on ascent the WGS vs Vision strikers game is a very good one. And also Draken(GUILD) has some good yoru play. Idk about 90% of other teams though because it usually doesn't work.

posted about 2 years ago

Raze: Nukkye, Zyppan, Mwzera, Shao(plays raze only on certain maps but he's a monster), Bunny, Leaf, Thief or YaBoiDre maybe.

Sova: Lakia, Xeta, Sacy, Shao, Hiko, Chronicle, Sinatraa, and Boaster.

These are just some more that are good choices.

posted about 2 years ago

SQ 2-1 or 2-0 RNG. I mean. Soniqs are probably a better team. I'd be surprised if RNG take this.

posted about 2 years ago

gtn best yoru. jkjk.

Good list though for NA. I would prefer Vanity over Marved on Astra and Xeta over Hiko on Breach but other than that. This is a pretty good list.

posted about 2 years ago

ur not wrong but xeta and mitch are very consistent players.

posted about 2 years ago

ur kinda worse kekw

posted about 2 years ago

I mean.

posted about 2 years ago
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