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Registered: April 12, 2021
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 1:20 PM
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Yes I agree. They're above just tier 1, they're tiers above everyone. Their tier is 9000. And their matches always end in stomps.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm pretty sure it just goes to runner ups in NA because otherwise it wouldn't make sense. Because there is a dedicated spot to the winner of masters 3 so one of the 2 NA spots wouldn't just randomly disappear. If that actually is the case. I'd be surprised.

posted about 2 years ago

Good take. I think they should but I don't think they even need a sova because sova is probably gonna run out of meta with the skye meta but who knows maybe a sova would be good but I don't know of any sova igls that are free agents right now but who knows that would be a really good thing. They probably should get an actual smokes player or put subroza on smokes. Because subroza's omen is good. And also. Get a fucking decent viper player. Just get jammyz bro. TSM literally have 210 million. If they aren't able to acquire this player. I'd be surprised. And honestly. If I was TSM management. I would probably bench wardell. I think it's the huynh problem. It conformed GEN.G to a specific playstyle just because they had to play support for the jett which is literally TSM. Also thwifo would be a good option. DaZeD would still be better than some of these players.

The one thing i do have to say about hazed though. Is that he can't IGL which is what TSM need. So uh. At least from my perspective. TSM's strats looked like shit and they looked lost always. I think hazed is still the most consistent player. But he isn't really what TSM need. But I think the can keep him if they change literally like half of the roster.

posted about 2 years ago

oh yea true. idk. I think TSM need a shit ton of changes though. It's like 5 midlaners. shit doesn't work.

posted about 2 years ago

0/8 bait. jkjk. But you really do have bad taste. s0m and subroza are overrated in my opinion. Hiko is just ehh in his firepower. Shahzam is good. Not the worst take honestly but I do appreciate the effort to put in multiple teams to not just put in TenZ, Dapr, Shahzam, Zombs, Sick.

posted about 2 years ago

I believe that Skrossi is a very good jett but I don't want the Turkey embarrassment to happen to them. Turkey still look fine but the first time you meet international meta's. It takes a while to get used to. I think GE will qualy to champions through the MENA thing. And I don't think they'll do the best but they'll def have a jump back in Masters 1 next year. Skrossi will be very good but people need to stop hyping him up like god because it'll 9/10 times end worse than they expect.

posted about 2 years ago

Just get thwifo and replace hazed and get jammyz to replace botler if possible. ez claps and also replace drone with a decent sova player. I would say zekken but I guess there are no really good sova or skye players at the moment but I guess they could just put subroza on skye but I wasn't a fan of subroza's skye and then get like 2 actually good duelist players even though double duelist is getting weaker. There are so many good free agents on the market right now. TSM GOTTA DO THE C9 REPLACEMENT PROCESS. THE TEAM IS NOT FUNCTIONAL BECAUSE IT'S LIKE HAVING 5 MIDLANERS JUST LIKE HOW OLD C9 FELT LIKE 4 SUPPORT PLAYERS WITH ONE MIDLANER.

edit: my brain is dysfunctional. botler is already off the team. but hazed is an ehh player so they really need to replace that and they need to get players who aren't optimal on duelist because i stand by my point that TSM is literally 4 duelist players and hazed

posted about 2 years ago

Sentinels get the free spot. And the other two best NA teams would qualify for champions. I think. or is it 3.

posted about 2 years ago

But hey at least you can follow samurai esports amiright. :)

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly not that unreasonable if there wasn't only 2 brazil slots. And brazil looks much better now. I think OCE def deserves a spot. But I'm guessing what's happening with OCE and MENA is that they were added late so they couldn't actually implement them into the vct well without messing shit up.

Also one thing. Japan deserves those 2 spots more than people realize. Because org support and twitch viewers are high af in japan. And also japan likes the game. The one thing Riot needs to do is to give turkey it's own spot because it really does deserve it. But I'm guessing Riot is doing the slots based on how well the game is received in that region and the size of it's playerbase rather than how strong it is.

posted about 2 years ago

OK SO THE REASON WHY JAPAN HAS 2 SLOTS IS BECAUSE THEY ARE INVESTED IN THE GAME. The big question is why Turkey doesn't have it's own slot. But that's fine because EMEA has 4 slots. And also EMEA is the biggest region of player base which is why they have 4 slots, whether you like it or not. Oh yea one thing that should happen is a slot should go to OCE because that seems dumb that they have no way to go to berlin. But ehh probably they added OCE late to the VCT so they couldn't incorporate just like with India but hopefully next year they get more support than they do in league.

Ok so back on to topic. Japan are actually really invested in this game. Japan does have pretty high twitch viewers and and the player base is very large for valorant. Of course this slot amount will probably lowered in the future. But Riot is appreciating countries that are appreciating them. I think that's a very good developer player relationship. I think this will probably only last for this and maybe next year but there are reasons why japan has 2 slots. It's not like they just like japan. It's because japan likes them.

posted about 2 years ago

I like gMd and koosta listed here. Honestly such underrated players. Koosta got some spotlight. But gMd never got the respect he deserved for being probably one of the top 4 omens NA.

posted about 2 years ago

i agree

posted about 2 years ago

Who said we were playing OwO

posted about 2 years ago

He has a wider agent pool and is more consistent overall. He's a good fit for the team because they didn't have that much variety in team comps because they were always restricted to a certain style with huynh when they tried to support huynh but Nature is much more self sufficient.

posted about 2 years ago

Should we make dignity's first long af paragraph a copypasta to joke about when someone tries to ramble about one point for 3 hours.

"Let's wait a bit before chimping out and calling each other delusional. What I mean when I say whether a criterion is invalid is, that the criterion cannot reliably predict the outcome, because fundamentally; that outcome is out of the hands of the person evaluating the data. Why I bring up sports betting as an objective measure is, because it is the most reliable objective measure we have for predicting whether a team is favored or not."

Did I ever state that the criterion could predict the outcome of the match? No, your premise is false. I stated that the best criterion FOR JUDGING THE 'FAVOURED' TEAM, keyword FAVOURED team TO WIN, is to look at past results. Obviously you can only tell whether a team is favoured in a match up, not whether they would actually win. That's not what this argument is about.

"There are more factors, than just match history to consider and weigh. How you measure how impressive a team's given record is requires assumptions to which there is no valid criterion. There exist objective and subjective criterion for this, but no valid criterion."

what does this even mean? Match history is obviously the only valid criterion. There are no assumptions required to assert that a team's record at Iceland like Sentinels was factually perfect, thats not an assumption, yet its measuring, objectively ,the teams record. Envy, at the playoffs, really good, consistent, got 4th. Thats a fact, there are no assumptions needing to be made about the impressiveness of their result and consistency. The valid criterion is the results in itself, its as simple as that. This is a fact, if you deny it, again, you are delusional.

"On gen.g was higher ranked, than andbox; on their ranking has andbox ranked higher, than gen.g. These are both objective criterion based on match history(and some other things), but neither of them are valid, as they do not predict future outcomes. Another objective criterion is to look at an aggregate of bettor opinions, which is what sports betting websites do. This gives a quantitative ratio between the people who think team A will win and people who think team B will win(with money bet of course). This measurement correlates better with the outcome of the game, than any ELO system, game record or other measure(if it didn't, that system would equalize the odds and it would). Therefore, objectively it is a better predictor of which team is favored over the other. This does not make it valid, but it makes it a more reliable predictor, because it outperforms any other objective measure we know of."

LMAO. what a bad example, to back up your even worse argument. Everyone with a brain knows that VLR rankings are trash, and invalid in every way. Therefore they cannot be used as any criterion, they are not objective nor valid. You cannot compare VLR rankings to match history at all lmao, because match history shows actual results in which you can factually determine the best teams in NA based on results, and not some funky invalid ELO VLR ranking. Bettor opinions again dont mean anything, they dont make a team favoured, they are not a valid criterion like match history is. Your entire premise is just so flawed, because I've never stated that there is any valid criterion for determining the outcome of a match, only for what team would be favoured. Objectively the best criterion for favoured team, is again, match results. You are delusional if you deny this.

"The measure you are using is subective(your own judgement of the teams records' & what importance it holds), rather than a quantified systemic aggregate of the opinions of many people, which is what sports betting odds are. So no, what you are proposing isn't "factually right"; it is in fact your own subjective evaluation."

No, it is not subjective because anyone with a brain would realize that a team like Sentinels would be favoured against a team like Soniqs. Once again, not because of betting, or vlr rankings, but because of match history and accomplishments. What type of retarded fucking logic are you trying to use right now? Its not my 'own judgement' of the teams records and the importance of it, its objective, if a team like soniqs wins a small NSG monthly against tier 2 teams and a team like Sentinels wins Masters 2 against the best teams in the world, obviously objectively sentinels results are much more impressive and accomplished? It is a fact, not an opinion. Your logic is completely flawed. I'm factually right, you're simply delusional, and I've explained why.

"The objective in mind is predicting which team is favored to win. The objective measure you can use to measure how good a system is at predicting which team is favored over the other is to simply take the ratio of what predictions you made and how many of them were correct.

There's a difference between calling a criterion objective and valid. To call a criterion objective means, that the criterion can quantify the objective with some sort of system. To call a criterion valid means, that the criterion must be a valid predictor of the objective. The objective being prediction of which team is favored to win. If there existed a valid criterion, then this disagreement wouldn't happen and you'd be the best sports-bettor in the world."

When I say the criterion is objective and valid, I'm using both words interchangeably. Objective as in, factually right and valid. The criterion of match results definitely predicts what team is favoured, as I've explained with the sen vs sq example. This disagreement is happening only because you're delusional and cannot accept clear facts and logic that I've explained. You disagreeing doesnt change the objective fact that I am right. And no, I wouldnt be the best sports-bettor in the world because again, theres a fundamental difference between knowing what team is favoured, and knowing what team is gonna win. You can NEVER know what team will win, that proposes knowing the future, which is impossible. But you can definitely factually know what team is favoured to win, based on match results, stats, and achievements.

"There exist many objective criterion, but no valid one. Your criterion is a subjective one based on your own observation and analysis of the match history. The rankings are objective criterion based on ranking algorithms, which take in the teams' match histories. To evaluate which criterion is more reliable, all you need to do is calculate which criterion has the highest success-rate.

To end, I challenge you to prove, that your subjective evaluation of teams' histories will outperform the aggregate opinions of sports bettors. I'll write down the pre-match odds for each game in the European challengers qualifier playoffs and you'll make your prediction in the comments and we'll see whether your subjective assessment outperform the odds produced by sports bettors."

delusional, once again. My criterion isnt subjective, its factually objective. And I dont have to prove that my criterion is factual because I've already proved it above. We're talking about how to know what teams are favoured, not whether the favoured team would actually win or not, so the results by sports bettors compared to my 'favoured teams' results do not matter whatsoever. Regardless of results during the EMEA challengers, the factual criterion remains that certain teams are obviously favoured. Do note, though, that not ALL matchups have favoured teams obviously. Only some of them do. Like if we were to do a 100T vs Envy again, theres no clear favourite, both are extremely close, and you could argue for either one because of how close their previous match was.

posted about 2 years ago

But if they are opinions. They aren't objective. Objective opinions don't exist. kekw jk. Opinions are objectively not objective though. I think I objectively beat dignity at how many objectives you can put in one post. Although I do mean what I say. This post is just objectively a troll to piss off dignity about how subjective he is.

posted about 2 years ago

Yea TSM isn't T2. They're at the bottom of T3. With the ranks of OOKERS, Basilisk, and EG.

posted about 2 years ago

I mean what's the scope even used for.. jkjk. But his first blood awping on defense is something that pissed me off because I wanted Fnatic to win bc I don't like liquid because they stole all my channel points because I believed in them before.

posted about 2 years ago

Well. You're not wrong. But you're not wrong. But you have shit taste in everything else. But this is a good take. I can't say shit about it. fuck.

posted about 2 years ago

You're not wrong but I type in mini text paragraphs in discord. So my friends get like 500 pings. So I'm not even sure that this is a good thing.

posted about 2 years ago

Gasp indian who doesn't say skrossi best jett in the entire universe. IMPOSSIBLE. jkjk. I think seoldam is a very good jett but I don't think he's the best but he's def someone to aspire to become like.

posted about 2 years ago

Hmm. Yay, Koosta, Stax, cned, Magnum, Zyppan.
Really odd list but I think these are some of of my favorite players.

posted about 2 years ago

Their tier is above 9000. Their power is unrivaled. Any match they have would be a stomp.

(I hope you guys get the joke)

posted about 2 years ago

And it doesn't say on that they disbanded. They seem to have been on the decline but they still seemed to not have really bad results even when they were falling off.

Was it an impulse decision from the management because they disbanded on the same day that they lost to EDG and Suning. Really strange. Or maybe the management is just really bad.

posted about 2 years ago

I checked liquidpedia valorant for fun and on the home page there was ranking for Chinese teams and KaiXin were apparently the top team. But it also said they disbanded. Did they actually disband. And does anyone know why. I don't follow Chinese Valorant but this seems sketch.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Good take. I like FPX, C9, and Fnatic because of how they play. I want to see them win. But I just like how they play. Good to see someone with a mind on this site.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Because they qualified to closed vct challengers probably. Which makes it so that you couldn't qualify for NSG events.

posted about 2 years ago

10 minutes. That's still concerning. But what can I say. I have a similar amount of posts to you.

posted about 2 years ago

That's really odd actually because their hidden elo should be high enough that you wouldn't ever meet them. Or maybe they reworked hidden elo so that their elo is actually diamond so they actually do face diamonds to make it easier to rank up for them but everyone will trend down in ranks for a bit. Really odd.

posted about 2 years ago

And I would say that. It may be objective in many cases which doesn't make all cases objective but I'ma shut up now because I gotta sleep. It's literally midnight for me and I was already worn out after going to a friends house.

posted about 2 years ago

I mean neither of us will back down if I reply again. And I still will think you're wrong but I think it's best to have just the community opinion even though our minds probably won't change. I just want to stop this because honestly the more time we put into this. The more time we're wasting.

posted about 2 years ago

Ah sorry I meant to put this post as a reply to dignity.
Don't mind it.

posted about 2 years ago

8/8 bait. Actually unique take on the shitty take genre of forum posts

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Ok everyone.
Is common sense objective? I've been arguing with dignityx3 about this for way to long and i need community opinions on this. Honestly maybe I'm wrong but neither of us will probably back down for a while so I want to put this to rest by asking the community.

posted about 2 years ago

oh wait really. KEKW. actually i take back my word. he's shit.

posted about 2 years ago

The problem is that All common sense isn't objective through common sense. If common sense is objective. Then common sense makes it objective. But that's not the case. Common sense is sometimes objective but it's objective because of other reasons. Not common sense. I think it might be hard to understand but yea.

Also that 10 reasons why the earth is round article is pretty sick. And I do agree with all the points. BECAUSE I DO BELIEVE THE EARTH IS ROUND. I just don't think common sense is objective.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

If it's abused on one map. That's fine because it's meant to be a niche. If it was overpowered on multiple. That's when it gets bad but remember. Yoru is probably OP af on Breeze and Icebox and he is really strong. Because it's meant to be a niche.

posted about 2 years ago

To participate in NSG tournaments or be dropped.

posted about 2 years ago

I had a ton of shit about soniqs but im too lazy to rewrite it.

posted about 2 years ago

Fuuuck. I had a 6 paragraph essay to write but then I accidentally pressed the back button on my thumb button. Well I guess I'll just rewrite it.

The 35% of elders in America statistic is also biased. Everything is. At least according to statistics. Because it would be biased depending on the age group. The selection of adults. The location. And even more in the math of it. Literally everything is biased. And I find it hard to believe that your estimation is objective if even statistics aren't.

Dw I don't think covid is a lie but all statistics aren't objective.

So another problem is that. Assumptions aren't objective. A quick first way to understand why. Is by using a real life example. Such as. A white man from the 1800s(NOT CURRENT, CURRENT PEOPLE ARE LESS RACISTS) sees a black man on the streets. Even though the black man is wearing casual clothes. The white man would still believe the black man is poor. This is probably as simple to them as the sky is blue or the soil on the ground is yucky to eat. I don't believe this racism is justified by any means. But common sense isn't perfect. Especially when it's by only one individual. Now let's talk about why Assumptions aren't objective from a scientific point of view. So the thing is that nothing is actually objective. Observations are just assumptions as well. Such as eyesight or even the fact that the earth is round. Because there’s no true way to prove it. That’s why all things in science are called theorems. Because they are always built off of some core assumptions. Such as in quantum physics. There is parity symmetry. But 2 types of parity symmetry were disproven before which made a decade of research irrelevant. This is possible for anything. But our emotions believe that what we see is what we see. It might not even be real. Honestly we could be in a simulation but I’m not that much of a weirdo even though I’m atheist. And I don’t really like to concern myself with that kind of philosophy. And even in mathematics the only two very objective(not completely objective) forms of mathematics are set theory and geometry, specifically Euclidean Geometry. So what is set theory. It’s the theory that everything in this world can be categorized inside a set. But that’s also an assumption so that’s why it’s also technically not objective but also they had another problem. When you put sets inside sets. Shit didn’t work. So they had to make a rule that sets couldn’t contain other sets. And when you put this together and these 2 rules. It takes like 20 pages to prove that 1 + 1 = 2. Like common sense can be objective. But it’s not objective through common sense. It’s objective through other means. And Euclidean Geometry bases itself off 5 basic postulates which we already determined that assumptions are not objective which makes this already slightly subjective but. Yea everything is made sure that it doesn’t have any other assumptions that these 5 postulates. That’s why it’s so hard to disprove. Because the 5 basic postulates have never been disproved. That’s why it can be considered objective while statistics can’t be.

Now why does this connect to Common Sense. Well common sense is our basic ability to judge something. That’s an assumption. And it’s very often built off an assumption that could be one day disproven. Common Sense can be objective. But it’s not always objective. And common sense is not what makes it objective.

So. Common Sense isn’t objective.

posted about 2 years ago

You also have good taste. I personally don't like rise and honestly C9 looked way more lost than rise looked good to me. But that's probably my opinion. I think FPL-C(KCP, I call them FPL-C bc it sounds cooler lmao and doesn't sound like KFC) prob won't upset 100t. But you're pickem is interesting. Also try reading my argument against this braindead dude in the c9b fans come here discussion.

posted about 2 years ago

yours is as well but I'ma swallow my copium after GEN.G go out in round 1 but it won't happen because I have trust in the boiz.

posted about 2 years ago
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