Flag: Finland
Registered: March 7, 2021
Last post: September 8, 2022 at 2:28 PM
Posts: 2141
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royal fnc choke incoming

posted about 2 years ago

if fnatic win split with this comp they are GOATed

posted about 2 years ago

its both for both....

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

magnum just had the choke of a lifetime twice in a row

posted about 2 years ago

not yet mate.... not yet..

posted about 2 years ago

if c9 win icebox theres no way fnatic comeback

posted about 2 years ago

reality check for fnatic incoming..

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

they are still using this shitty UI software lmao..

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

its so weird how its the same shade of purple too when it was the yellow champions color before???

edit: nvm i guess its only for map select

posted about 2 years ago

what is it?

posted about 2 years ago

i can see that

posted about 2 years ago

monkey see, monkey do

posted about 2 years ago

im talking the main stream on twitch

posted about 2 years ago

150k max

posted about 2 years ago

Open chat, type "I HECKIN LOVE TENZ BatChest", close chat. Repeat every 10 minutes.

posted about 2 years ago

if it's on the same stage with same props etc, i'll agree tbh

posted about 2 years ago

for how long does he have to isolate? until negative pcr? when did he get his positive pcr?

posted about 2 years ago

steel to faze??????

posted about 2 years ago

thats what dividing by the amount of representatives does, no?

posted about 2 years ago

If they don't perform well; that's the condition. They've stuck together for a year so if it doesn't work in this tournament, it's probably not going to work in the future.

Though they have magnum for example on contract until 2024, so if anyone is going to get off it's not him.

posted about 2 years ago

I think we all know how upper bracket fnatic is going to do..

posted about 2 years ago

i dont have much faith in fnatic pulling through here, but once they get knocked to lowers, it's squeaky bum time and they'll deliver prayge

posted about 2 years ago

its not a vct event without brazilian teams getting their scrimbux pumped to the moon

posted about 2 years ago

if they become the best they'll gain my respect

posted about 2 years ago

we're at this phase of shitposting before the event huh

posted about 2 years ago

navi looking rough right now

posted about 2 years ago

When Uber comes through it'll get much better.

posted about 2 years ago

God damn the levels of delusional G2 fan in your post. Stopped reading after the first few lines.

posted about 2 years ago

Ironic you're over imposing your own personal interests over theirs as if they held any value. Your text lacks any substance whatsoever, exposing a narrow-minded vision and cherry-picking scenarios ignoring the most obvious reasoning.

Really? It's as if it's my own opinion and how I see things. Crazy how people can have opinions on the internet.

Claims you made, that are addressable:

1) Nobody is forcing anyone to join G2.

Correct, but point me to where I said that anyone was being forced. What I'm concerned with isn't that they're "forcing people into G2", it's that they're primarily picking up players from other teams, that are already established, which may or may not lead to that established team becoming worse and at the worst dissolving. There is no creativity in this rosterbuilding process and in my view leads to a net loss for the scene overall. And they keep doing it, because they're wealthier than any EU team, orgless or not. It's like they're the center of the scene roster-moves wise because of how much they can put in.

2) G2 Valorant 2020, Europe (and arguably World's) best team was made up with teamless players except for Ardiis. Their first org was G2.

I'm not saying G2 hasn't done good things for the scene, this era of G2 you're talking about is when I respected the org the most, the scene was still in early times back then and they had creativity and didn't only pick and choose players from established teams, they held their own tournament for upcoming talent and picked some of the best there too, that's respectable. But as the scene moved forward the approach for G2 shifted, once they don't have the results they want, the approach they take is not to fix, but rebuild with talent in established teams. All you need to do is compare and contrast their approach and the degree to which they exert it with other organizations in the scene, the differences become immediately clear.

3) TH was imploding, there was an internal crysis, Nukkye and Avova both stated they wanted to leave before G2 showed any interest in them.

The owner of Heretics said it was the most extreme poaching he's seen, that's what I'm basing it on. I didn't imply G2 was the cause of Heretics' problems. They took advantage of the opportunity and gave Nukkye and Avova an exit when the team was in shambles, leaving the rest of Heretics twiddling their thumbs. Now my prescription related to this is, that the way and frequency at which they create incentives for players in established teams is the problem, not players taking those incentives.

4) You're making assumptions about Giants.

No, I never made any assumption about Giants. I proposed a condition. If that condition were to be met, I will lose the respect I have left for the organization.

5) Megastitut??? Promising??? THEY'RE NOT EVEN AN ORG. How tf is that promising?!?!?!?!

Megastitut was a very promising team until Keloqz got picked, in fact they were looking for an org during that time period; what most likely changed course was them getting significantly worse after the departure of Keloqz. And now he's being dropped from G2.

6) They picked up an unproven Tier 3 talent out of nowhere, how does that add up to your point?

Keloqz was not a nobody. I had him on my list for one of the biggest EU unsigned talents back then. He was an extremely talented kid and it was extremely obvious to anyone who was looking at the scene back then. I don't blame Keloqz for taking the opportunity, because Megastitut had no financial backing, that's understandable. I think G2 picking him up was good for him. Again most of the moves from the perspective of players make sense, that's not my gripe.

7) Can you explain what you mean by "Allowing them to grow".

Simply put, I think G2 is too hasty in their roster-building process. Let's compare and contrast with other EMEA teams in champions for example:

Liquid sign Fish123, boarded Jamppi, boarded Nivera. Took risks without destruction or impact to the rest of the teams in the scene and kept their core throughout.

Fnatic sign SUMN FC, integrated Derke from CrowCrowd roster which at the time lost 0-2 to ForZe in CIS Masters 1, which was a big risk that paid off thanks to their good scouting.

Acend(RYE) sign Don't Even Ask, a roster, that came in 5th-8th in a recent LVP, they stuck with the roster apart from the the trade which was initiated by G2.

Gambit sign FishkaVTom and have stuck with them to this day, regardles of all the ups and downs they've had.

All of them built their rosters out with their own ups and downs, but they made it into the biggest event of VCT. This is in my opinion more respectable, than what it took for G2 to get an entry into Masters 3.

8) How do you expect them to sign teamless players when almost every (good) player is signed?

I expect them to invest in their own talent and grow it, rather than throw it all away once they start running into issues. This has been my gripe with G2 and rosters like G2. There are waves of creation and waves of destruction. There seems to be no baseline reached where this organization can say "yes we're going to stick with this core, build the roster out and grind to become the best". Rather it seems, that the organization thinks they can buy their way into becoming the best and the way they accomplish this is by picking and choosing from established teams, which lacks creativity and almost seems corporate incentive structures-wise. This is why I don't respect them in this scene and it is entirely my opinion, which I am entitled to.

If you have a different opinion or value different approaches a team takes, that's fine. But from my perspective and seeing the way G2 approaches rosterbuilding, I don't respect it. That's all.

posted about 2 years ago

Depends. Yoinking players/staff from a competing roster, which leads in the collapse of that roster, I would, especially a roster with as much effort and as Giants. It seems like a repeating pattern for this organization.

They stand on the graves of previously promising rosters. Heretics, Megastitut and now potentially Giants and we're only a year into the scene. Honestly they stand on the graves of players they've taken in and dumped as well without allowing them to grow first, Zeek being the exception. Giants would be the last straw, Davidp has already voiced his concerns, so we'll see what happens.

I value the entire scene more than a single team, but anything can be justified by that team becoming the best in the scene, if they fail, they fail the entire scene.

Example of a good move: ABX -yay for NV +yay, bolstered the NA scene internationally & ABX was a failing team already so it made sense.

posted about 2 years ago

I will forever hate G2 if they destroy what Giants have built.

But I'll take that back if G2 becomes the best team in EU as a result of that.

posted about 2 years ago

its a trial and error thing, they said they've tried a lot of coaches up until now

no matter how impressive your resume is, doesn't matter if you don't mesh well with the team as a coach and person

and its not like he lacks the understanding or experience of what it takes to win big events, he's lead a team to winning the final owwc, he knows what that kind of run needs to succeed

at the very least im sure his presence wont be a negative impact on them

posted about 2 years ago

v1 smb

posted about 2 years ago

nordic keyboard layout user exposed

posted about 2 years ago

probably had 2 premade templates ready for either team winning and edited + posted the wrong one is my guess

posted about 2 years ago

Good outcome for this tournament imo..

Liquid needed the confidence boost after the roster move and the other champions participants needed a reminder, that they are mortal and will fall behind if they don't prac their hearts out.

posted about 2 years ago

looks like a nerves issue

posted about 2 years ago

if they have to keep relying on jamppi to drop 40 every game just so they can win i dont think theyll have a chance at winning champions but jamppi could still carry them through it ig until they make some roster changes i dont think they win champions

posted about 2 years ago

turkish jett nightmare

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

that's it i've seen enough, giants are winning champions 2022

posted about 2 years ago

all of them and poach ldn utd

posted about 2 years ago

i waited for fut and they delivered

posted about 2 years ago
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