Flag: Germany
Registered: April 28, 2022
Last post: August 13, 2023 at 6:08 AM
Posts: 84
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that kangkang got diffed by fithinho

posted 9 months ago


posted 11 months ago

time to downfrag this

posted 11 months ago

are people so bored with their lifes nowadays that this is a thing?

posted 11 months ago

NaVi clears them (this time was fluke win by NRG)

posted 11 months ago

Somehow no NA people responded yet. I think they will not open vlr forums for a while

posted 11 months ago

somehow dominated NAs strongest team.

EG is your last COPIUM, huff and inject it as long as it lasts...

posted 11 months ago

Remember, having 4 stars means you a no-life user of a videogame forum LMAO

posted 11 months ago

mAKO SMIling means he is happy and being happy means he is not playing as much, so he lacks practive

posted 11 months ago

Im asking again: what have they achieved?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

what have they achieved?

posted about a year ago

PRX is gonna do the reverse sweep and prove you wrong

posted about a year ago

sure, they winning tokyo

posted about a year ago

only once in a lifetime things

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

chill, NaVi winnin´g Tokyo

posted about a year ago

I trust NaVI to bounce back, Angel and Shao need to switch roles again, because Shao has more impact on initiator

posted about a year ago

do you think they are on level of Tier 2 teams on this list?

posted about a year ago

Tier 1 Favourites - Most likely to win ot get to final
fnatic: Dont think I need to explain this
Loud: Dont think I need to explain this

Tier 2: Contenders - Could still win the tournament, but need to step it up
NaVi: If they can make Shao the best player in the world again (by putting him on initiator) and Zyppen or CNed find their old god form again they could absolutetly win
NRG: If everyone keeps up their form and Ardis gets into 2022 form they could absolutely win this
PRX: If Jing gets into copenhagen form and the rest keeps it up (especially Davai) they could repeat copenhagen

Tier 3: Cindarella Run Potential - Unlikely to reach even semis, but if they find their form again, then maybe yes
DRX: Struggling rn hard, Foxy9 isnt on Ardis/Aspas/Derke/CNed level, but Buzz and Rb are even worse on Jett, but it seems they really want Zest to IGL. If they can maybe find a way to have both Foxy and Zest in starting roster and make it work, they could reach semis maybe
Liquid: If soulcas and nats keep their current formand Sayf really turns out to be a Top3 duelists, they could be very dangerous and even reach semis

Tier 4: Upsetters - Could knock out a team of above tier, but unlikely to do so twice
FUT: They look really strong and if they play like in playoffs, maybe with fresh gameplans or unexpected comps even more so

Tier 5: Bottom Feeders - wont beat anyone other then the teams in the same tier
EDG: Didnt prove anything yet on international stage
other chinese team: Same as EDG
EG: Without Demon1 it aint it
T1: Upsetting DRX rn, but its more so DRX looking weak

If you disagree, you dont know this game well

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

So many VLR and twitter users are parrots. Just repeating things they heard without evidence and the worst thing is that is spreads.
So if you parrot again "Sacy didnt corrupted Less mind and there is no evidence for it" im gona lose it. Maybe you should show is proff that Scy DIDNT maniplate Less...

posted about a year ago

So many VLR and twitter users are parrots. Just repeating things they heard without evidence and the worst thing is that is spreads.
So if you parrot again "Sacy didnt corrupted Less mind and there is no evidence for it" im gona lose it. Maybe you should show is proff that Scy DIDNT maniplate Less...

posted about a year ago

So many VLR and twitter users are parrots. Just repeating things they heard without evidence and the worst thing is that is spreads.
So if you parrot again "Sacy didnt corrupted Less mind and there is no evidence for it" im gona lose it. Maybe you should show is proff that Scy DIDNT maniplate Less...

posted about a year ago

damn, what a gangsta

posted about a year ago

damn, thats what happens if you go meet other epople without mask

posted about a year ago

He isnt throwing, but he is playing bad on purpose

posted about a year ago

but if suygetsu plays for knife-avoidance they can thrive. There are tons of setups for cypher...

posted about a year ago

lol, that pick wasnt even the problem. Liquids problem was ego peeking all the time on defence, instead of answering a slow defualt with playing safe and holding angles.

posted about a year ago

if they get twisten, maybe worth it

posted about a year ago

Koldamenta (IGL, controller)
Leo (initiator/flex)
soulcas (initiator/flex)
Jampi/Sayf (chamber/sentinel atleast in case of sayf)
Scream (duelist)

posted about a year ago

lmao, I watched his streams for a while, its insane of how "unsure" he is about things he should deffo know if even me, a casual immo player, knows it

posted about a year ago

sliggy is braindead. Thinking mans valo has 10x better understanding and analysis and he never was a coach

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

As soon as Liquid lost to Leviatan, all other EMEA teams lost a game, so thex wouldnt play against themselves in playoffs

posted about a year ago

Yeah, they gonna be all one-sided, but its still fun to look at NA teams getting demolished by EMEA teams, so Im gonna tune in on the last one

posted about a year ago

a broken clock is eventually right

posted about a year ago

yeah, sadly nivera is uncorfortable on anything other than sentinel

posted about a year ago

its dead. OW2 is even worse, bevcause it has less strategy, its more like CoD or BF. and you know that CoD and BF have no esports scene (CDL is pretty much dead)

posted about a year ago

just buff her dash:

Just keep it like it is now, but with one change: If Jett decides to not use her Dash in that 14 seconds timeframe after activating it, you shouldnt lose it, but it should go on a 30 second cooldown, so you can use it again later. But if you decide to use it after activating it, it only regenerates after getting 2 kills.

posted about a year ago

I have the best take:

posted about a year ago

best seeding so far, not like in the two previous masters this year. Some people say GROUP A is stacked, but thats because all EMEA teams are solid (even Seed #3) and you gotta remember, that Edward didnt prove themselves yet...

posted about a year ago

you cant do that, or only for yourself, as changing the look of things of objects in the game for others can cause confusion. Thats why for example, the RGX Vandal sound is only hearable to the player that plays with that skin, teammates and enemies hear vanilla vandal sound.

posted about a year ago

In case you guys dont know why sideshow + bren = bean and egg.
bean: in a platchat potcast someone meantioned that bren is autocorrected to bean on his smartphone, thats what the origin is for bean.
egg: sideshow used to have hair, but then he shaved it and the OWL community started to call him egg...

posted about a year ago

ddk lmao. ddk has the problem, that his cast style is very repetetive. He always says the same things, I know that because I heard him often casting in CSGO.

posted about a year ago

are the best caster duo in whole of VCT

posted about a year ago

yeah, but all asian countries getting more wealthy, more and more people will have access to PC or internet gaming caffees

posted about a year ago

as soon as valorant will establish as a household game in asia and becomes allowed in china officially, it will be gg for rest of the world.
Just think about it, NA + EU has 1 billion people, while india + china + south korea + japan + indonesia alone has 3.2 billion people.

posted about a year ago

didnt read, dont care, I can look up results myself

posted about a year ago

im ascendant 1 and im stuck because I dont play enough. I have 57% winrate after 100 games, but that means I gotta play a lot more to climb.

posted about a year ago
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