Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: April 12, 2022
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 5:54 PM
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most based thing u said

posted 16 hours ago

you decided to debate a specific point, and lost because i know more about this specific thing than u. i'm not some cringe reddit nerd, i didn't want to spend 10mins of my life arguing about fkn nouns on LOL

posted 17 hours ago

single quotation marks ARE quotation marks what :sob: and they are used interchangeably. according to Gramarly, double quotation marks can be used to signify a nickname (so a proper noun), and single quotation marks apparently only have one purpose, which is to replace doubles when already quoted.

source: after literally one google

sounds like you're claiming random shit LMAO. why are we even arguing about this

yes used to hint to another meaning, precisely my point lmao. it's pretty inferable that that's what he was referring to.

posted 17 hours ago


posted 17 hours ago

lmao read my message above; tldr: it's in speech marks, signifying a proper noun.

posted 17 hours ago

yes, just as i don't understand the nuances of American conversation, as i never will be able to unless i live there, the same for every other English speaking country lol. it's not a question of me being on a high horse, more about a lack humbleness from you.

well the word boaster was put in speech marks, so it implies that it is a proper noun, not a verbal one, aka boaster's username. in any case, i'm still waiting for your example of any of them being on their 'high horse'.

posted 17 hours ago

sub-OP said that they had a "pompous hubris" and therefore are "literally 'boasters'". perhaps you can't follow simple syllogisms? anyway, i asked for an example and you haven't given it. i'm not on a high horse, i respect and enjoy watching American streams but can also appreciate their differences in style. rather, in being close minded to your own region, it is you who is on the high horse.

posted 17 hours ago

what shit talk? you provided 0 timestamp, link, clip or any kind of concrete example in your post.

posted 18 hours ago

any example or...?

posted 18 hours ago

??? any example? and what about Boaster's personality is pompous LMAO

i think it's more that you don't understand the nuances of European and specifically British conversation

posted 18 hours ago


this false equivalence is so braindead. she never said yay should be kicked, or called him a "FRAUD", and certainly not in the context of him losing a game especially not him having a full breakdown.

finally, on the COM issue, obviously she's gonna defend her boyfriend? and afaik COM hasn't been crying, tho true it has been rough for him. regardless, to make a point about one thing, you don't need to say something in every example. you're just looking for something concrete to supplement your lacklustre points.

posted 18 hours ago

Battle of Bataan
Saratoga campaign
Vietnam War
Red Cloud's War
Powder River Indian War

^^ a few times u guys surrendered (: by your own logic perhaps you should distrust your own views?

posted 5 days ago

this is the first time they've done..?

posted 6 days ago

yes, you're right, that's YOUR strawman lmao. that wasn't mine nor the OP's goal.

posted 3 weeks ago

they played it totally wrong tho, the point of reyna is the movement for A site... pushing forward around midsite, taking aggressive fights, etc, but they played way too passive with her

posted 3 weeks ago

yes, prevent them from creating "pipelines" specifically. how does that stretch to stopping racism altogether? you can't stop radicalisation through an individual action obviously, hence why i referred to specific means through which one can be radicalised that this prevents. that doesn't mean it prevents them in every case, it doesn't mean it prevents radicalisation altogether.

posted 3 weeks ago

but you're strawmanning the OP and me because neither of us claimed that this was "stopping" racism/radicalisation together lmao, who's doing the misinterpreting? in fact, i gave you the benefit of the doubt, and assumed that you didn't really mean preventing racism altogether, but clearly you did. not sure how that's lying lmao

posted 3 weeks ago

okay then, rephrase your words, how should he be attempting to dismantle the systems? what else did you mean than an individual? it's not a misinterpretation if you don't actually correct yourself.

"incredibly detailed" LMAO your entire paragraph was yapping. you provided barely any logical or empirical points, and instead just said cynically that everything that i claimed was untrue without giving sufficient explanation as to why. this current point which you made actually did address some of what i said. also, you say this after replying to half my points? lol.

tldr for your paragraph: people gonna be racist regardless of this post because they are already racist

i ask you, "what makes them racist?", you don't even give a response. if this post didn't exist, yes quite evidently racist people watching him would be racist still lol. thx for the tautology, but not my point. i'm drawing a distinction with those who are susceptible to racism - people like me aged 14, actually. i knew racism was bad, but if i didn't know people were racist, then i would buy into what they had to say. i used to say the n-word in class and things like that. my personal story aside - spreading awareness about such a figure of the community undoubtedly punishes the subject and makes at least the littlest amount of positive change by influencing whoever reads this article. the fact that you're denying this is bizarre to me.

he's not wining on vlr, as i said, he's spreading awareness. i wouldn't know about this on keznit if i hadn't read the thread, so i can say that he has at least helped me.

yes, prevent people from creating pipelines through which to worsen racism. that doesn't mean stopping racism altogether. if people know someone has done racist things in the past, but their fanbase don''t know about them, then i would argue that's a pipeline through which the fanbase can be radicalised. pretty basic stuff man.

as for the liberal point, you seemed to be suggesting that he wasn't radical enough, making him a liberal, or that there wasn't enough 'praxis' in what he was doing, despite the clear epistemic value of making this post which you are conveniently ignoring.

as for your strange critique of my point about being socially liberal. you will find that there are socially liberal feminists who don't believe in liberation of trans people and (less often) vice-versa.

posted 3 weeks ago

you literally told him that he should "attempt to dismantle the systems"....? suggesting that it's an action that an invidual (he) can carry out. 1 line in and you already contradict what you said ?XD

i don't think he ever said that activism is "limited" to making vlr posts, perhaps that is all he does but so what? as long as he is making some consequential positive change, where is the issue?

i never said he was "stopping", but increasing the amount of people who can be wary of racist influencers clearly has a positive impact on them. what makes someone "susceptible" to racism? it's exposure to it. decreasing their exposure thereby means they will be less likely to be racist. pretty basic stuff man.

liberal also doesn't mean left wing lmao, political liberalism is an ideology founded by John Locke who supported slavery and prescribed property as a "natural right". being socially liberal can be selective towards certain groups, it doesn't make you automatically left wing.

posted 3 weeks ago

how do you attempt to "dismantle the systems" lmao? name me one political philosopher who considers that an action of an invididual. how do you know he's a liberal? the best way to fight online racism in content creators is to spread awareness, and to out those who are, to prevent those people from creating pipelines through which to influence their younger fans.

posted 3 weeks ago

tbqh you could probably say analytically hate breeds violence, but if you want studies check this

posted 3 weeks ago

where is the slippery slope? there's plenty of empirical studies which show that hateful language leads to violence.

posted 3 weeks ago

well that's a bit of a strawman - not sure "constant buffs" are required. for viper, it's only really sage which needs to be changed to offer a reasonable alternative, i.e on split, a sage buff would also reduce cypher's monopoly on stall a bit as well.

posted 1 month ago

he's exaggerating but the point still stands no? i happen to like the current meta, and don't think viper or cypher needed to be nerfed this much. look at what happened to Jett, she just ended up being replaced by maximum two agents. hardly a diversification.

posted 1 month ago

just because an agent has a high pick rate doesn't make it need a nerf. as the OP was saying, it could be just as feasible that other agents have a buff. furthermore, it's also such a logical jump to suggest that a high pick rate is an inherently bad thing. in some ways, having some consistent agents allows teams to experiment and learn individual different agents to compare against non-mirrored by 1 agent comps.

posted 1 month ago

KRU are 4-0 in one of your groups....

posted 1 month ago

being able to help enforce an imperial power (:

posted 1 month ago

Legends of Runeterra 😎

posted 1 month ago

then just don't have a public endpoint for scrim results lol, seems weird to have an all or nothing model

posted 1 month ago

except for Achilios pacific casting feels so underhyped... when yay pulled that undisputedly (even for someone who doesn't think he's great) brilliant ace the reaction was "waowwwww" and that was it. if it was pansy, doug, or someone else like that you could almost guarantee that they have a great one liner to put out there to carry the hype.

posted 1 month ago

Tenz (:

posted 1 month ago

it's a lil annoying that this is the case more globally. i get that they don't want to have to deal with GDPR etc, but non-personal data such as match statistics etc should be accessible even from a Riot API

posted 1 month ago

one day, we may hope for a VLR public API :(

posted 1 month ago

remove that flag dawg

posted 1 month ago

how is adding <3 letters in an attempt to be more inclusive something worth of 'critique'...? do you criticise all of the UN organs/agencies/national government departments for changing their names...? very strange thing to criticise but ok (:

posted 2 months ago

FNS often speaks positively about him

i agree you should believe victims, but that is presupposing that she is. i don't know whether she is or not, but what i can tell you is that an audio clip is such weak evidence nowadays, especially with the tools available (AI, cutting) and there's no way of knowing the context etc surrounding it. judging by your downvotes there isn't a 'silent majority'. simply, that it's not generally well liked to label people as things in cases in which all you have heard is a <30s audio clip and an accusation. do i claim that Sinatraa is therefore 'not' a rapist? ofc not. but there is certainly not enough evidence for you to label him as such either.

posted 2 months ago

rly funny and original joke

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

ITS SAAADHAK not fkn sa'dark

posted 2 months ago

stop trying to call our chocolate 'vegelate' and vetoing nato leader applications bc you still mad about brexit

posted 2 months ago

FNS literally admitted at the time that EU were more advanced in defence protocols, and that's coming from the winner of the tournament and an NA loyalist lol. last year as a whole NA were probs more advanced, i noticed a difference when i watched them after/before EU. but it was MASSIVELY the inverse the year prior, and with the exception of optic (who even then weren't on EU level) NA really didn't look great, i remember genuinely feeling concerned for NA and if you look at what analysts (TMV etc) were saying at the time you'd agree. even optic lost to The Guard etc. all in all, while they won the tournament, it was not fair for reasons that we already know. really, had it been a fair tournament one of the teams you mentioned would've won (fnc or fpx) and indeed when they were back to normal they were able to win copenhagen, even though FPX were arguably already past their prime.

posted 3 months ago

ah yes a-levels, the highest mark of education one can achieve (if you actually think it matters i got A*AA so by your own logic i'm smarter than you lol). paying £9k a year, 'sponging the system'? hm, sure, that sounds about right. you probs got them in Business and Sport rofl

posted 3 months ago

LMAO you are actually trolling. unless you earn more than £150k/yr unlikely that you pay more than my entire family. uh, actually my degree is Arabic and Politics which yes does involve a lot of concrete, real world examples. "didnt want to sponge anymore" you're actually a joke lol. what does it have to do with whether your parents have put into the system lol? it shouldn't matter how much work your parents have done to enjoy benefits from the state. also it's just as conceivable for children of benefits parents to exist, so by your logic they should not be entitled to school as they have supposedly not put into the system? i'm sure you do bro, that's why you're on VLR arguing with people, it's clearly the mark of a multimillionaire. lying on the internet about your networth is considerably sadder than anything that i will ever do XD

posted 3 months ago

lmao that's a great look for your argument, not listening to people trying to learn things - ad hominem and bad ad hominem at that. you're a great advertisement for Nigel farage fanboys: uneducated, unwilling to educate themselves and lazy to engage with arguments that don't fit their narrow, twisted version of the world.

posted 3 months ago

i literally don't know you lol, i'm here to debate farage fanboys now, all g. i don't think you got heated and you have no need to apologise. and yes we are very far from perfect, as are most countries, but if you want to see the source of a lack of perfection you don't have to look much further than other people cough on this thread.

posted 3 months ago

"get off google and actually leave your room" i'm literally a uni student, loser XD. and god forbid i should google facts instead of, well, using none like you have done.

and why should people who are born here not have to offer something? simply by virtue of them being born here? i find that ridiculous, i don't know what you think half of this country does but it isn't pretty. but, as i literally just told you, immigrants are forced to claim benefits for at least 12mo because the government doesn't let them work. "putting it back into our system" ??? so you've never bought anything from a foreign company or transferred money overseas? they've obviously bought things in the UK etc. if we weren't so strict on immigration then their families would be able to come over here and then they wouldn't need to send money back home lmao.

as for VAT, each year it raises £162bn, so actually yes i do think it is sizeable enough a contribution to permit them to have access to the NHS etc. also, if we use your logic, then why should people who were born here, who were not immigrants but have never paid income tax receive free housing? Nigel Farage does not have it right, he exists purely to distract and divide the bulk of the country from the dreadful economic policy that we have been used to for the last 10 years. the man literally said he didn't want Romanians living next door to him, so no, he does not 'have it right'.

posted 3 months ago

even if you don't pay income tax monka, you pay regressive taxes regardless of what you earn, hence why they are called that.

posted 3 months ago

but he has put into the system.....? at the very least he has paid a considerable amount of VAT (in addition to the exorbitant fees to simply apply for residency), at the most he has paid that and some level of capital gains and income tax. Furthermore, whilst immigrants residency/asylum claims/etc are accepted, and even after they are they are not allowed to work (for 12months) and receive just £37/week of the government. i disagree with what the man is saying but he has just as much right to have an opinion and to 'moan' as i do, regardless of where he was born. and how is this hypocritical? you need to get off the Nigel Farage youtube channel and understand that our country was built off immigration, and that to avoid the problems that the rest of Europe has it is vital to have a young and capable workforce. stop complaining about the 'boat's, you can't apply for asylum anywhere except in the UK, 'illegal' immigration is the only possible immigration for these people. instead, level your anger at those who mismanaged the economy for the last decade.

posted 3 months ago

if you'd read what i wrote you'd see that i said that a lot of other cuisines are better then ours, but i'm just confused what you mean when you say we 'stole' food? as for the three replies i just kept seeing things in your comment that were... strange, so i posted more comments (and you replied with two anyway...?). also, if you've never tried traditional dishes "apart from a couple of times" can you really be 'certain' that there is better food than them? at least try food before you slander it, otherwise you're no better than those who you criticise for having 'no palate'.

posted 3 months ago
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