Flag: United States
Registered: August 16, 2023
Last post: May 18, 2024 at 8:54 PM
Posts: 12

I was watching vanity's stream a day ago or so, and he said that Wedid's at an EDC concert...

posted 2 weeks ago

For what it's worth, zekken is rated 17th in Americas (1.08 rating).

He's the fourth best Raze player (1.12 rating over 199 rounds) and the sixth best Jett player (0.98 rating over 98 rounds).

posted 3 weeks ago

Pretty sure their outfit options are given by stylists, AFAIK.

posted 1 month ago

in mc we trust

If you're referring to mcE, C9's coach for this season is actually Immi (formerly of Version1 & G2). mcE is currently coaching at the collegiate-level while finishing up his degree at Maryville University.

posted 1 month ago

Chronicle's jaw swings like he's taken MDMA

This straight up isn't a metaphor. You're comparing his behavioral trait (jaw swinging) to a symptom of MDMA (not even sure if this is true), using the word like.

There isn't any substance of any analysis added to your statements, so that's why I was confused about why you would even mention MDMA at all. Hope this helps 👍

posted 1 month ago

A metaphor is a figure of speech that, for rhetorical effect, directly refers to one thing by mentioning another. It may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two different ideas. Metaphors are usually meant to create a likeness or an analogy.

Do you not know how to communicate your own thoughts and ideas? I'm aware of what a metaphor is. You still haven't provided anything of meaning--congratulations!

posted 1 month ago

What is even the point of posting this? If you're trying to discuss e-sports players potentially abusing stimulants, at least type with some self-awareness and contribute something more meaningful than pointing at a behavioral trait and claiming he's abusing MDMA(???).

posted 1 month ago

amazing level of understanding and nuance to come to this conclusion

posted 7 months ago