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Registered: August 12, 2021
Last post: May 11, 2024 at 9:27 AM
Posts: 250
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Is WARDELL a good pick up? I’m on the fence. Don’t know if his passive OP play would be good compared to other opers. Plus, not sure why he didn’t move for his last team. Worried about dedication. I believe in the 100T support staff & vision though :)

posted about 2 years ago

That’s the Steel I know <3

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think WARDELL is gonna compete...seems like it at least because he didn't want to move to Texas...but I could be reading into things :)

posted about 2 years ago

I cannot say anything other than this is a massive W. Good structure, good coaching, and then the roster. Let’s get it 100T!!!

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah I don’t really mean that the missing piece is a coach or the roster needs an entire rebuild or anything. Just from the 2021 off-season and the 2022 season so far, it seems that the team is really struggling with a vision on what the team should be (roster, roles, & what not) and how they want to play. That’s why I think a lot of their matches have looked like ranked play, really good ranked play but ranked play :)

posted about 2 years ago

I think the role issues still exist within the team…I mean you have Hiko jumping from Sova to Viper to Killjoy on some maps, & Ethan taking Sova on others while being Chamber on some. Then on Icebox he is apparently Omen? I don’t know. I think this time off would be best suited by picking up a coach with a real vision, truly deciding the future of 100T VALORANT roster and all, & pressing forward with that roster for the year.

That being said I think everyone on the current roster is insane, & they all have the ability to surprise us.

posted about 2 years ago

Thought you might be an expert considering you are flagged from a tier 2 region

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah I think he was just saying bang is a role issue, so if they could get him on sentinel it wouldn’t be an issue :) when did he play KJ? I didn’t see it in his vlr history..

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah I know Sean is probably going to SEN, but a man can dream..

posted about 2 years ago

I agree 100% on roster roles and coaching/structure being the biggest issues.

Currently the issue to me is you have Asuna on Jett being the primary operator player (a role he statistically & historically does worse on compared to his Raze/Reyna) or Ethan on Chamber (a role I think he is good at but he says he does not like apparently) and then Hiko picking up Sova (a role he himself said he is too passive for and is trying to move away from) so in that situation the core three are all on roles where they either don’t shine or are uncomfortable.

+some cracked operator player that has flex from Jett to Chamber (Kanpeki?? Will?? Mina??)
+a solid anchor/sentinel player even though NA doesn't have any crazy sentinel players right now. (Bjor is a FA, but not sure about his particular play)
+sgares who can lead the team in good fundamentals (spacing, lurks, timings, and things like that) plus he has been an IGL of top tier CS teams, so he can help Ethan grow in that role.

posted about 2 years ago

Regardless of what I think, I do believe this roster will figure it out because it has a ton of talent. I think they can do some real damage in time. I just think roles are currently the main issue :)

posted about 2 years ago

no I think we just like thinking about this sort of thing for the teams we like in a game we like...ya know? :)

posted about 2 years ago

Currently the issue to me is you have Asuna on Jett being the primary operator player (a role he statistically & historically does worse on compared to his Raze/Reyna) or Ethan on Chamber (a role I think he is good at but he says he does not like apparently) and then Hiko picking up Sova (a role he himself said he is too passive for and is trying to move away from) so in that situation the core three are all on roles where they either don’t shine or are uncomfortable.

I think the roles need to be...

Asuna - Flex/Secondary Duelist...His rifling is too good to put him on the op + he statistically does way better on Raze/Reyna. I am not sure how he would do on Kay/O or Skye, but he has played those roles on some random team during the offseason last year.
Ethan - Sova/Secondary Flex/IGL...his sova is really good. Its an agent he is comfortable on. Its a role not many outside of Crashies and Trent are incredible at, so he fills that for 100T. Plus he has the ability to switch off on maps like fracture and split.
jcStani - Controller/Secondary IGL...He is a really smart player with great aim, comms, and ideas. He has lead teams in the past, so he is a great asset for Ethan as he learns the IGL role. Plus he is a solid smokes anchor.

-bang (just because of role overlap...if he wanted to pickup the sentinel role it could make sense, but it would overlap with Asuna in this idea of the roster)
-hiko (the way the current team is again there are way too many role overlaps, and they aren't solid enough to justify.)

+some cracked operator player that has flex from Jett to Chamber (Kanpeki?? Will?? Mina??)
+a solid anchor/sentinel player even though NA doesn't have any crazy sentinel players right now.
+sgares who can lead the team in good fundamentals (spacing, lurks, timings, and things like that) plus he has been an IGL of top tier CS teams, so he can help Ethan grow in that role.

posted about 2 years ago

yeah its hard to tell how the controllers will shape up with the current patch, so viper could be replaced with another controller. I am not sure though

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah I view her being set up similarly to Jett or working with a Kay/O or Skye. Although her play would obviously be a little different than Jett with her lack of dash.

The situation I see is like on Breeze or something with:

Fitting into a comp like that :) I appreciate your reply though! I like being able to talk out this stuff with others instead of with myself lol. New and different perspectives are always best for these things.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah I don't think her slide is crazy good or anything, but I think the rest of her kit is pretty darn good. I don't think you are supposed to use her slide like a Jett dash though.

posted about 2 years ago

ouch my first ratio </3 but yeah jcStani is cracked. So happy 100T have him now

posted about 2 years ago

Because I was thinking about it, and I wanted to talk to other people who like VALORANT too :) you don't have to agree with me, but yeah thats why

posted about 2 years ago

Agree to disagree, but I appreciate you brotha. At least for not trolling or being weird :) I think her ability to create space for herself and others lends itself to some pretty powerful combos with other agents, but yeah Jett is still absolutely a nuts agent

posted about 2 years ago

Relay Bolt/Stun - The retake potential for the stuns is really high. On Breeze specifically there are so many lineups for back B site, in several pockets of A, and really just anywhere else you may need a stun. On Ascent there is market/stairs stun. There is a ton of early pressure stuns on Fracture.

Fast Lane/Wall - Creates space not only for Neon, but also any other agent who might run in with her. This allows for that Flex player who plays Skye or Kay/O to aggressively take site with your duelists. Where Jetts smoke and dash breaks crosshair placements and creates pressure, Neon can do this as well, but over a greater area and with her teammates. The wall also naturally combos with Kay/O, Skye, Reyna, and Sova. The same reason that these agents combo well with Viper, they can combo well with Neon. It allows for agent to create the angles and peeks they want. Plus a well placed dart can allow for teams to split up defenders and take them out.

High Gear/Sprint - Creates really weird and awkward timings for both attackers and defenders. On maps like Haven, Breeze, and Fracture, I can see her sprint being used on defense to help other agents lock down a site. Same with on attack, she can help sell a fake on one site and quickly move to the other.

Overdrive/Ult - Now this is her biggest weakness. It is not the same as Jett knives or Chamber Op because it is easily traded. There isn't a "one hit kill" like with those ults, but I think this can be worked around with again her stun and other agents abilities.

Chamber being in the meta...this allows for other duelists to shine because the operator role can now be given to a different agent. Jett isn't the sole op'er anymore.

Would love to hear other people's thoughts, criticisms, and ideas. I am just really excited about this new Act having a lot of potential to shake up old metas and give relevance to new and old agents.

posted about 2 years ago

His record is pretty darn good :)

posted about 2 years ago

VAMOS KRU. we love you too <3

posted about 2 years ago

Heck yeah juno I am right there with ya. I am so glad to see TSM doing well again. VLR users are going to say, "tier 2 tournament. get out of opens. lul." but really TSM has some real talent on the roster, and the coach from Akrew is helping to iron out a lot of their old mistakes. TSM looking good, and the match was fun.

posted about 2 years ago

so OP you are telling me that a team with two new roster additions, new (& first time) IGL, new roles, new map compositions & only three to four days of practice with no time to set up trap plays and things…100T looked bad? Alright my guy. Have a good day :)

posted about 2 years ago

When do you think Steel will stop trash talking other teams and spend that time working on his own teams game? KEKW

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think it will mean too much if they did. These games for 100T are mostly about building up comms and team chem. Trust me I want to see them win, but it wouldn't be the end of the world.

I also think 100T will win, but TSM has a nasty academy team. Glad to see them and main roster doing well.

posted about 2 years ago

I have seen people say Koosta is a paycheck stealer..I don't pay too close attention to Gen.G, but how do people know he wasn't dedicated to the game? Just curious :)

posted about 2 years ago

Ethan, Omen, and Ascent

posted about 2 years ago

nah man they are moving Hiko to sentinel just watch...come back here when the comp is..

asuna - jett
bang - skye
ethan - sova
hiko - sentinel
jcStani - smokes/IGL

posted about 2 years ago

well I guess never mind on what I

posted about 2 years ago

Ok so here are my thoughts..let me know what you think..

Asuna - Jett/Primary Duelist
NiSMO - Flex/Secondary Duelist (this guys has a 256 ACS/165 ADR on Raze, 238 ACS/153 ADR on Skye, and 235 ACS/152 ADR on Kay/O..this guy is nuts and on par with a Zander/Cryo level tier 2 pickup) also bang would be a good pickup too :) just stats aren't as nuts, but he is a young talent with room to grow
Ethan - Sova/Secondary Flex and Secondary IGL
BabyJ - Sentinel (he was actually playing really well in the last match against the Guard, and he left FaZe with some nuts stats too)
ec1s - Smokes/IGL (I am willing to bet they want to see this experiment play out more, which I can understand completely. Can't call it quits after two matches even with a 13-0) but if they want to move on I think jcStani would be a good pick. Absolute grinder who IGLd tier 1 with immortals till that org decided that didn't like esports anymore...)

MikesHD - Assistant Coach
Jovi - Analyst/Assistant coach/whatever (honestly its hard to tell what exactly a coach does for a team unless they tell you...)
fRoD, Akrew coach whose name escapes me atm or would have been Anderzz before he was picked up - Head Coach (bring in some creativity and drill in some good fundamentals into the team..spacing, trades, on)

Thoughts? :)

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Yeah Steel was a really good IGL for 100T I mean look where he took T1 in a matter on months.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah Food and Crashies were benched from T1..YaBoiDre was dropped by LG...and all three of those guys suck and never found success on any other team

posted about 2 years ago

Where are you even getting 100T in this? 100T said they wanted to do the NSG tourneys, but they couldn't because they ran into issues with ec1s visa. By the time they got it worked out, the time to enter them had passed. They were just at a bootcamp for 2 weeks practicing 9 hour plus days and scrimming 6 times a day. They have been grinding, so whether or not they get the results, they are putting in the effort. Can't say they aren't.

posted about 2 years ago

100T replace Hiko with YaBoiDre...a bunch of firepower in all roles..except smokes lol

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah 100T said they wanted to do the NSG tourneys, but they couldn't because they ran into issues with ec1s visa. By the time they got it worked out, the time to enter them had passed. They were just at a bootcamp for 2 weeks practicing 9 hour plus days and scrimming 6 times a day. They have been grinding, so whether or not they get the results, they are putting in the effort. Can't say they aren't.

posted about 2 years ago

I am thinking because of two things:

  1. The team had all year under his leadership and suffered many critical losses the entire (2021) season outside of getting to Berlin. Even in Berlin they were never convincing victors. Even though I love 100T, you only can pull off incredible comebacks if you start off really far behind. Constantly being behind isn't good. Then they got read and anti-stratted real hard by Envy.
  2. Probably not always the best having someone at his level of "toxicity" or whatever you want to call it all the time if the team isn't built for it. How the team feels as a unit matters.

I am thinking it was a year or so of disappointing finishes and an unhealthy team dynamic that probably lead to it. The second point is a real stretch and just a guess based off of whispers and rumors.

But that is probably why :)

posted about 2 years ago

Did I say that is how the roles should switch? Man you are lost. Of course no team has seen any success with major role changes. Except Acend switching BONECOLD from smokes to Sova, Starxo from Skye main to smokes, and Zeek to that initiator role. Or Gambit with Chronicle playing three different roles in a single series and seeing success.

But no you are right. Players and teams should stick to one play style and show no flexibility. The point I was making was that teams have seen success in role changes before. They lost some pretty major parts to their roster, so nothing should be off the table as far as a rebuild goes. If a role change makes sense for 100T in server and practice, then they should do it.

But keep crying about Sentinels still losing because "it was a seeding match" against KRU.

posted about 2 years ago

Dang I hope the players find a new org... Sushiboys was nuts

posted about 2 years ago

What is 1head and stupid is thinking that certain people can only play certain agents. Sure, should 100T sign someone who fits the chemistry, yes. Do they need to only sign a sentinel player? No.

People change their roles all the time. Jamppi from mainly Jett to Sova. cNed from Jett to Sage on certain maps. Ethan from Omen, to Sage, to Skye. The roles can be flexible. Anyone who can't flex when the team needs it will struggle.

So those thinking that they need to sign more firepower to the team, I agree. It could be a sentinel, or it could not.

posted about 2 years ago

NiSMO...the fact that no one is talking about him is a tragedy...he deserves to be on a Tier 1 NA team

posted about 2 years ago

He has never IGL'd or won a major

posted about 2 years ago

I have to say this is a pretty silver take. I understand about being upset by nitr0 and steel. Steel had been IGLing for the team for the entirety of 2021 and struggled to see consistent results/improvements. His calling was not working for the team. They made the switch to nitr0 who decided to leave. What else can 100T do?

And a T2 IGL? First, ec1s isn't even really T2. He IGL'd early in Liquid and was climbing EU with an mostly unknown roster to compete really well against T1 EMEA teams. What T1 IGL is reasonably available in NA who isn't signed? Several pros have outside of 100T have said that buyouts are STUPID high right now for players who are basically unproven. So 100T are picking up a imported young IGL who has shown skill and room to continue to grow at a CHEAPER price than some T2 IGLs who have only ever competed against stream and academy teams.

Come on.

posted about 2 years ago

riot is lost

posted about 2 years ago

How does Riot have two EMEA teams in a single group? How?

posted about 2 years ago
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