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Registered: August 12, 2021
Last post: May 11, 2024 at 9:27 AM
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& keep approaching. Those who seek find & those who knock the door will be opened. Just keep pursuing. Find others to lift you up & let His words about you be what echoes most in your life. I’ve been battling some darkness too & it’s most often because I forget what God has said about me & to me. You’ve got this! & He has you. Praying!

posted about a year ago

Glad to hear you are doing better. Praying for you. Your life has value & you were made on purpose & for a purpose. If you ever feel down again remember that your value doesn’t come from others or even what you think of yourself. Rather it comes from the God who created you & suffered & died for you to know that you are someone worth dying for. Peace brother <3

posted about a year ago

I like the way you look at it :)

posted about a year ago

Yeah I know you have a point about the best of the best. Just seems like so much talent is still left on the table that we won’t get to see compete against the best. But I see your point.

posted about a year ago

I’m not on the team so…don’t know why you don’t like them because of me?

posted about a year ago

wth? What did they do to you? You so butthurt with SEN you just have to drag 100T in for no reason? Ok, have a good day friend :) really hope get what you’re looking for outside of Val & VLR forums

posted about a year ago

I’m not a FNC hater, but that’s literally not facts.

Can’t say things are facts when they aren’t. Alfa is cracked though!

posted about a year ago

There will be players like penny, wippie, Zander, NiSMO, brawk, Ethan, eeiu, Tex, Valyn, Trent, babybay, Dicey, & so many more who are going to miss out on this first year’s of tier 1 competition simply because you can only really have 5 from each category.

posted about a year ago

Yeah it would definitely be a powerful roster for sure! & who knows? Zekken or dapr could be an INSANE oper :) have a good night man

posted about a year ago

Yeah I would say the only problem is not the “no chamber” but more so the “no dedicated Oper” :) every year the number one agent in the game has been the agent who can use the Operator the best. It was Jett first, & now it’s Chamber. I worry that this roster doesn’t have a powerful Oper, but that’s really it! What are your thoughts on that?

posted about a year ago

As a fan, what are you hoping that EG does in the off-season? Roster changes? Coaching/supporting staff changes? Just curious :)

posted about a year ago

Hey Shahz, I know you lurk these threads (at least a little because you reply). This is not a hate comment at all. Really. I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the biggest SEN fan or fan of you. Nothing personal, for real. But you do not deserve all of this. The people on this thread & forum are all keyboard warriors both ways. None of them know you or the situation behind closed doors, but I just wanted to say from someone in the community, you don’t deserve all of this. It’s crazy really. You and I both know that there are probably things that could have been better, things you could have controlled, but man the things lobbed at you for almost two years is crazy. Crazy enough to drive anyone to bitterness & hostility. But just know that there are people, who aren’t even fans, who are sincerely praying for you & the future of your career & life. Peace brother. I hope whatever happens next for you is only good for your life & the ones you love.

posted about a year ago


Just worried about NRG because the core were struggling before Marved & yay. I believe though!

posted about a year ago

Skuba is actually nuts & I am so shocked we haven’t seen more of him. Love the callout!

posted about a year ago

I’ll be honest, I’m worried about the future of these players. They have certainly grown, & I am a peak Gold 3 player. But Envy without Marved & yay was a very different team. We will see :) these guys are mega talented & they have time, so the trajectory is upward for them.

posted about a year ago

Wait are XSET & OpTic still gonna be involved with T2 next year?

posted about a year ago

I imagine it’s…

yay - Primary Oper (Jett & Chamber)
leaf - Duelist/Flex (your raze, neon, & Kay/O)
Xeppa - Primary initiator (Breach, Sova, Fade) this would be a switch for him, but only slightly. His Fade on Icebox was always crazy good for him.
Zellsis - Sentinel/Flex (on maps where no Chamber he would be the sentinel, but he can also be an initiator on a triple initiator comp like on Ascent)
Vanity - Controller

That’s just my best guess :)

posted about a year ago

Dang man, y’all really letting these two live in your head rent free. Too bad they will never know who you are! Have a good one man, & I really hope you get whatever you’re looking for. Really.

posted about a year ago

Man y’all really taking this Shahz stuff personally. You ever met the guy? Talked to him? Or is your personality completely based off the other mob of people that don’t like him?

posted about a year ago

“Asuna chokes when it matters”

Guess you didn’t watch NA LCQ 2022, Stage 2 Challengers, Stage 1 Challengers, Masters Berlin comeback against GMB & Acend, or the entire First Strike era huh?

posted about a year ago

hey man I may disagree with some of your picks, but you don't deserve to be getting flamed like you are. appreciate you making a list and sharing! For 100T, what has you leaning to NiSMO and no bang? :)

posted about a year ago

with NRG, what would you have?

posted about a year ago

are you not worried about maps or metas where Chamber is not good? What would the team look like on a map like Ascent if chamber falls out of meta with leaf main duelist + yay + another flex? :)

posted about a year ago

Mitch IGL was a typo :) but yeah!

posted about a year ago

So this is what I think the rosters for this next year will look like for NA. Its hard to balance what I think will happen with what I want to happen. so this is my best shot! it will probably be a longer post, but I would love to hear genuine feedback.

100 Thieves
This one seems obvious, but I kinda predicted the move, along with a lot of people, before it happened. But this is a young team with tons of talent that grinds REAL hard. Also doesn't help that I am a 100T fan, but yeah I think this roster is their 2023 + I think its a really good one. Some people may want to replace Stellar, but the calling and IGLing is hard to see from the outside looking in. So not sure.

  1. Cryo - Primary Oper/Duelist
  2. Asuna - Flex/Secondary Duelist
  3. Derrek - Initiator
  4. Stellar - Sentinel/IGL
  5. bang - Controller
  6. sgares - Coach

This one is only difficult because of the current meta and sentinel role, but here is my best guess based on current roles.

  1. yay - Primary Oper/Duelist
  2. leaf - Flex/Secondary Duelist
  3. Xeppa - Initiator
  4. Wippie - Sentinel
  5. Vanity - Controller/IGL
  6. JamezIRL - Coach

Sentinels is hard because in the past the team has seemed very much player run, which obviously has been an issue with success. That coupled with the concerns with clout over real potential (ie. signing Shroud for LCQ) makes me worried for the team. However, I believe if the org starts to take a better handle on the team, it can make a real difference. Also, me not including Shahzam has nothing to do with me thinking he is a "rat" or bad. I actually don't think he is bad at all, but the cultural change has to happen somewhere, and I think getting in new leadership is crucial.

  1. TenZ - Primary Oper/Duelist
  2. Zellsis - Flex/Secondary Duelist
  3. bcJ - Initiator
  4. dapr - Sentinel
  5. Zander - Controller/IGL
  6. Kaplan - Coach

This seems inevitable that FNS and maybe a good bit of OpTic will go to this team because of the friendships between many of those players. That is a big reason for this list.

  1. s0m - Primary Oper/Duelist
  2. Ethan - Flex/Secondary Duelist
  3. crashies - Initiator
  4. FNS - Sentinel/IGL
  5. Marved - Controller
  6. chet - Coach

I had a hard time with this one too, so that is why I have two in the Primary OPer/Duelist spot. Jawgemo has been incredibly good for EG, but he sometimes lacks in consistency. There, it really comes down to internals with the team, but this is my guess. I think building around a core of The Guard could really start this team off on some high chemistry. Plus, they can thing plug in players who really round out the roster well to allow for more firepower.

  1. jawgemo/sayaplayer - Primary Oper/Duelist
  2. zekken - Flex/Secondary Duelist
  3. Trent - Initiator
  4. mitch - Sentinel
  5. Valyn - Controller/IGL
  6. mCe - Coach (if he wants considering he said he intends to stay with The Guard)

Would love to hear your thoughts and team ideas for NA next season!

posted about a year ago

you are totally right! but I worry about a team that builds for this current meta as opposed to an unchanging one. ya know? also considering how Riot is actively trying to nerf Chamber and buff other sentinels like Cypher. Its tough to build for though. Thats for sure!

posted about a year ago

Why no Zander? Just curious :) I like the current 100T roster, but curious why you don’t want Zander.

posted about a year ago

I have been thinking of this, & C9 need a Sentinel or Controller. If Marved joins, Vanity will most likely move to Sentinel.

yay - Primary Oper/Duelist
leaf - Flex/Secondary Duelist
Xeppa - Primary Initiator/Secondary Flex
??? - Sentinel
Vanity - Controller

Just my thoughts :)

posted about a year ago

This guy has no idea. Asuna has been the best & most consistent player for 100T. Has a bad series battling COVID & little practice against some of the top teams IN THE WORLD. But yeah, “he’s bad.”

posted about a year ago

Wait what? Why finally? His stats are pretty good for a sentinel. Am I missing something?

posted about a year ago

Nothing but respect for DRX. They kept grinding. Kept showing up to every tourney, & they were INCREDIBLE this year. Head up king 👑

posted about a year ago

cry is free

posted about a year ago

What did dephh do? I am not really aware of what happened and why :) anyone cool to explain?

posted about a year ago

Yeah it was a scuffed situation either way.

posted about a year ago

You’re right OP. I definitely get way too into it. If anything I said bothered you or added to it my bad. For real. Have a good day! Any EMEA team could still take it. Tons of crazy talent on all of those teams :)

posted about a year ago

XSET played really well! Crazy having all 3 EMEA teams in lowers, but any of those teams could make a run. Good luck to them all!

posted about a year ago

Mans pretty quiet now. Good pred though. Was a quick 2-0.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

It’s good for your health & it starts your nervous system by activating parts of your brain early in the morning by natural stimulus:)

posted about a year ago

Doesn’t your socialized medicine mean that your health is decided on whether or not the government will pay for your medical bills? Get out of here with that.

posted about a year ago

I'll reply. What's up? Its so crazy to me how you all act as if your silver rank perspectives on this game and the play between regions even matters at all.

posted about a year ago

me? brother I don't even know you. have a good one :)

posted about a year ago

man you cannot really enjoy being this annoying and pathetic. ggs bro. please find something to do other than being the way you are.

posted about a year ago

What did he say? Legitimately annoyed if an EMEA org gets an NA slot instead of an org that’s been investing in the scene & region

posted about a year ago

This man shows exactly why Chamber should be deleted xD

posted about a year ago

I definitely think it’s possible :) 100T have the coaching, skill, & fundamentals to beat FNC. Won’t be easy especially with COVID, nerves & such, but for sure possible! 100T all the way

posted about a year ago

That’s why. No real life exposure.

posted about a year ago

Dang that sucks. I mean, of course I want them to do well, but man it must stink to get to LAN & Champions of all that just to get sick..dang! Praying they get better soon.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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