Flag: United States
Registered: August 17, 2022
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 5:26 AM
Posts: 187
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Real. He's a great player but I'm just not convinced he belongs in this team.

posted 1 week ago

Only 1 time in kickoff, since stage 1 he hasn't gone positive at all. 0/10 iirc

posted 1 week ago

C0M is 1/12* in positive K/D performances since kickoff, and the only one is in his first game, against 100T. He is on a 12 game negative/neutral streak which would be fine if he had crazy util or crazy awareness, if he was IGLing or a clutch demon, but he's none of those. His playstyle just doesn't seem to fit LEV, nzr being dropped was a massive fumble imo.

posted 1 week ago

Tells you which 3 needs to go asap :) (except for the fact that it's only ascent and bind and not split lol)

posted 1 week ago

Boaster, FNS, ANGE1, etc. Don't frag by they aren't cut because they provide top tier igling. C0M... is not IGL. I think C0M is a good player but he just doesn't fit on this team.

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

To add onto that, preferably Champs lands in emea so everyone can watch from every region.

posted 1 week ago

Then Champs will be boring too. I don't know why we have to put 2 tourneys in Asia, we could just do 1 asia 1 emea 1 na every year and that ensures that there's 1 tourney that a region should be able to watch live, comfortably.

posted 1 week ago

I could have sworn in EVERY grand final in 2023 we had brenshow but I could be wrong ig

posted 3 weeks ago

fr. But at the same time, a player doesn't need to have accolades to be good or be given a title. sScary is the perfect example of that.

posted 3 weeks ago

(as a regional team)
Less (if he speaks good english. Otherwise, kiNgg can fill this role.)

(as a global team)

Both teams rely on the brains of the IGL and coach while the rest of the players shoot. The hope is that the teams can suit the Gen.G kind of playstyle with someone just getting 3 every round and winning the game via raw head-clicking and big brain IGL and coach.

posted 3 weeks ago

language barrier might be an issue tho (with mako, unless he speaks english well).

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

yea ok not sure about this one either, +2 round diff isn't exactly destroying a disjointed team. C9 do look pretty good but OXY being the x factor isn't great because he hasn't been super consistent in the past. Doesn't fill me with that much confidence quite yet. Team is pretty good but we're playing them up a bit here.

posted 3 weeks ago

ah my bad, thought we was talking about NRG cause nrg and c9 fans are so similar. 2-1 isn't really destruction tho, it was a pretty close series other than Icebox. Dunno where the ego comes from icl.

posted 3 weeks ago

me when I destroy a team who just landed in the country with 0 prep time and 9 hour jetlag

posted 3 weeks ago

Dude missed damn and the forever story, crazy

posted 4 weeks ago

I would have an opinion if I knew who u were talking about

posted 4 weeks ago

^ this or like a team because of logo or name, or both. I love LEV for this reason

posted 4 weeks ago

pancc should never have the word "hero" next to his name ever.

posted 1 month ago

...we don't need to see that.

posted 1 month ago

I don't think so, because Omen would have been nerfed by now if this is the case. He has a flash 2 tps and 4+ smokes if you survive.

posted 1 month ago

This xeta team is sScary, cook bro.

posted 1 month ago

Rossy made a massive impact for this team tho so idk about kicking both.

posted 1 month ago

To be fair, OXG would beat a lot of teams rn, which is great cause that means that there's gonna be hella talent coming in next year. Next year is gonna be potentially the best year valorant will have esports wise imo

posted 1 month ago

Pistol rounds are too important and the underdog team being able to get 2-3 rounds up fairly consistently from them makes it wayyy more difficult for the favorites. That being said NRG just got fucked, no excuse for them.

posted 1 month ago

fuck EG, but she made a tier two roster a world champ roster within a year. I haven't seen mini do that.

posted 1 month ago

brilliance probably, them boys are cold and each one are always good for 3 every round somehow.

posted 1 month ago

can u hit a lil rich flex for me, and QCK...

posted 1 month ago

NRG fans did NOT like either of these icl

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

So can Monyet though? Monyet played Omen in the no-duelist comp, something we haven't seen Jinggg do.

posted 1 month ago

Leo 1st twice in a row but only Champs matters? Seems legit.
1st, 1st, 4th vs. 9th-16th, 2nd, 1st. You tell me, what looks better? I don't even like FNATIC all that much but the logic here makes no fucking sense.

posted 1 month ago

So what would you say to Twisten? Clearly it's not all sunshine and fucking rainbows from us if we've had incidents like this already. Not everyone is mentally strong, especially under pressure, so shitting on people when they're down is asshole behavior.

posted 1 month ago

This. Being inconsiderate haters should not be egged on, it's sad that people even care this much about someone they don't know anyways. If you are actively and knowingly inconsiderate I hope the afterlife treats you worse than your parents did.

posted 1 month ago

When we get another twisten-esque incident, I want you to stand by this statement. Not playing a part in the pressure that causes suicide isn't going soft, it's being a good human being. Clearly not your forte.

posted 1 month ago

Motherfucker, this is their job and for they make money, hearing people who don't know shit about the environment you're in tell your employer to fire you surely isn't good for their health. I'm being a hypocrite since I do this but now that I've seen the shit you psychopaths put out in this site and in this post, I'll probably do it way less.

posted 1 month ago

Idk, he was pretty good in the old liquid roster, and he seems to be the only player shooting back in liquid atm. We should wait for him to get inserted to a better core and see how he does before he gets on fraud watch

posted 1 month ago

C0M should be on fraudwatch over Mazino. Unsurprisingly, flanking and lurking on scan Initiator every round gets predictable and hurts your team because they have no Initiator to help get into site. C0M pls let tex do his job so he stops getting called a fraud for no reason πŸ™‚

posted 1 month ago

When are we fixing this voice comms bug? Just lost a game because I couldn't comm when my stuff was going up/down on Viper for all of the 2nd half, and this bug has been here for like a month or two at this point.

posted 1 month ago

how is TenZ not on the top 3 duelist peaks but Demon1 is? TenZ was a monster when teams didn't know what they were doing in 2021

posted 1 month ago

c0m is not on EG anymore bro

posted 1 month ago

f0rsaken and who else? He's pretty comfortably in the #2 spot imo.

posted 1 month ago

Let's kick an improving player while he's down even though he's filling the shoes of arguably the best player itw, call TOP 3 AT MASTERS "bombing out", and say that he's the issue, even though PRX still won a lot of games with him, against really promising teams, like KC and TH. That makes total sense man. SleepyBear is right for saying there's something wrong in your head.

posted 1 month ago

LOUD had no prac. As for LEV, I think their sunset comp trolled the game for them, but they look horrible regardless.

posted 1 month ago

Or aspas. Imo f0rsaken shouldn't be on the Raze team. I love him, but his raze is top 10, not top 5.

posted 1 month ago

Mr. Morale still clears all of Cole's discography except 2014 FHD, which is to show how good Kendrick's discography really is. Why did Cole ever diss that of all things about Kendrick? That bar is tragic.

posted 1 month ago

? NRG vs. PRX happened in Masters Tokyo, and PRX won.
and OPTC vs. PRX in Copenhagen? Which PRX ALSO won?

posted 1 month ago

they're all delusional, did they forget DRX still has 3/5 members that made deeps runs in internationals, including the IGL? DRX obviously downgraded but still, a few changes that don't change the IGL'ing won't completely kill this team.

posted 1 month ago

both of y'alls flairs. I love both those teams, why tf are we talking about trophies with APAC flairs? there's a reason APAC is constantly getting cooked in forums and this doesn't help.

posted 1 month ago
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