Flag: Vatican City State
Registered: May 13, 2021
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 6:10 AM
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shhh, dont jinx

posted 6 hours ago

A bit late to the party, but reading everyone's chats are so confusing to me?? Like it's not hard to use your frontal lobe and understand that what Yinsu said (in her tweet) is because she had to see Boaster (her BOYFRIEND) suffer first hand?? Also, in her tweet, she referenced trying to speak up for Sentinels on her stream, yet faced (some) backlash. Guys, it's YOU, the audience who makes it a hard space for the players and other big roles within the Valorant scene to to speak up in the first place. Even now, Yinsu tried speaking up about it, yet she still faces backlash because "ermmm, what a hypocrite!" I don't see you guys trying?? You call her actions performative, yet people on this idiotic website only "cared" about these players as soon as it was about Yinsu being a "hypocrite". Before this, I saw threads and threads (when relevant) of people shitting on "T0nz", "y0y", "Diamond1", "Botster", "c0m", sacy, etc. Commenting about how they need to be dropped and how they are shit underperformers. This even extends to the coaching team because guess what, you guys also shit on chet which was confirmed that he READS threads on this website. If you guys actually read Yinsu's tweet, you'd also understand that she is aware of her own actions and how she hasn't been a huge advocate for it in the past and kept it mostly private. I understand her comments about Soulcas was unnecessary and unneeded, but weren't you guys the same people agreeing that he needed to be dropped too lmao? Criticising a "hypocrite" from hypocrites is such a stupid thing.

posted 6 hours ago

A bit late to the party, but reading everyone's chats are so confusing to me?? Like it's not hard to use your frontal lobe and understand that what Yinsu said (in her tweet) is because she had to see Boaster (her BOYFRIEND) suffer first hand?? Also, in her tweet, she referenced trying to speak up for Sentinels on her stream, yet faced (some) backlash. Guys, it's YOU, the audience who makes it a hard space for the players and other big roles within the Valorant scene to to speak up in the first place. Even now, Yinsu tried speaking up about it, yet she still faces backlash because "ermmm, what a hypocrite!" I don't see you guys trying?? You call her actions performative, yet people on this idiotic website only "cared" about these players as soon as it was about Yinsu being a "hypocrite". Before this, I saw threads and threads (when relevant) of people shitting on "T0nz", "y0y", "Diamond1", "Botster", "c0m", sacy, etc. Commenting about how they need to be dropped and how they are shit underperformers. This even extends to the coaching team because guess what, you guys also shit on chet which was confirmed that he READS threads on this website. If you guys actually read Yinsu's tweet, you'd also understand that she is aware of her own actions and how she hasn't been a huge advocate for it in the past and kept it mostly private. I understand her comments about Soulcas was unnecessary and unneeded, but weren't you guys the same people agreeing that he needed to be dropped too lmao? Criticising a "hypocrite" from hypocrites is such a stupid thing.

posted 6 hours ago

g2 are terrible m8

posted 6 hours ago

respectfully this is an ignorant comment

  1. Boaster wont be assistant to fucking d00mbros, all "coaches" like d00mbros will be jobless once IGLs like Boaster, ANGE1 and other good t2 igls who dont have the firepower for t1 start transitioning into coaching
  2. IGLing in a different language is hard, stax doesnt even have great english so I dont even wanna imagine him calling in a language he doesnt speak that well or has experience calling in

Chronicle IGL might be good tho

posted 8 hours ago

he was smart, got derke while he was farming in t2 before other teams and then did the same with alfa, got them to carry him while running his gimmicky strats in a new game and then once he had the core of 2 superstars + him then he got the other two best players in EMEA, was smart and capitalized on the rest of EMEA sleeping and not getting derke/alfa before it was too late since they have bad scouting, his trophies are more thanks to him being smart and anticipating the opposition rather than being a world class igl

posted 9 hours ago

both are hard in different ways, you play few matches in valorant so losing those can affect u a lot in terms of mental health but CS can be very mentally draining travelling all around the world especially if u arent from Europe to play events, losing, having problems and then going straight to the next one without almost any breaks, HLTV is brutal too, way worse than vlr imo, in terms of big events u get almost the same hate in CS and Valorant but since there are many events in CS u can get away with having a bad performance in a Major/Kato/Cologne if u did well the rest of the year while in valorant you will get murdered and have to wait months to prove yourself again, I would say the hate is similar overall but in valorant the hate is more one region to another so it can be just a lot of kids trash talking because u talked bad about their regional darling but in cs the community overall/neutrals will shit on you, also CS is more mentally draining and unhealthy in that way, Valorant is just about not choking in the few events u have every year and being able to not let the hate get to you if u do choke while CS is just about enduring how mentally draining playing so many matches while travelling is and being able to perform well during the whole year since u will get judged on yearly stats and not just 1 off event

posted 9 hours ago

he cried because he knows how bad his individual level and his calling was, he knows that if he doesnt magically become good overnight his career as a player is almost over, he has said reading what is said online affects him but I think what affects him most is losing and feeling impotent about it thats why he cried and felt so stressed during this whole year, he has never experienced many bad moments as an igl so he isnt used to the frustration of things not working out, sadly for him I think his individual skill is a lost cause and his style as an igl is outdated and not good enough, would be more frustrating if he was doing a good job and they still lost because of small things but his performance and the way he has set up this team is objectively bad so there is no other way than looking at yourself and realizing you werent good enough, personally would feel more frustrated if I lost because of stupid shit while having played better and playing objectively great valorant

posted 9 hours ago

we all know he is joking thats why, its not deep and he is a nice guy this is just for the show

posted 9 hours ago

best part about kaquka using Twisten death is that he ended his life because of deep depression and anxiety that preceded him even being a player at t1 level, lack of respect to compare deep depression and true anxiety problems that had been going on for years to Boaster getting rightfully critized for his level shown and fans asking for changes, I dont agree with irrational hate and just trying to clown Boaster for the sake of it but she made it seem like those of us who critized him purely as a player giving real arguments and asking for him to get cut are on the same boat as the others, if that was it then no1 can get critized for their performance in a competitive enviorement anymore lmao

posted 10 hours ago

his problem is unironically posture, you cant be good mechnically with that posture, also remember him saying he was playing lots of aim labs during off season, mate you arent gonna improve your aim that way, just grind a shit ton of DM, improve your shooting technique/movement and obviously aim too, his aim seems slow and makes me think that its due to his posture/him using the wrong part of his arm to aim, he has 4 monsters on his team who he can ask for advice and fnatic can get him an aim coach or someone who is knowledgeable about posture/mechanics/science behind aiming to help him improve, doesnt help that he only plays this passively without every taking any risks, probably cant do that in matches but I would recommed him to play ranked just focusing on his individual skill, play duelist, disable voice chat and play agressively to get used to making fast decisions and having a better understand of how agressively u can play/improve your timings, you are always gonna improve most if you take a lot of fights thats why I recommed playing a lot of DM + play very agressively in ranked in order to limit test, have more fights and force yourself to improve your instincts and making the right decision in short amounts of time

posted 10 hours ago

no wonder we have gone from not losing a single series at first champs and having 3/4 teams in semis to these last 2 years if this guy is the face of the region and cant get criticized when even I without having played since last year have better mechanics

posted 1 day ago

they just be calling everything hate but its also the same people that will support irrational hate on players that dont have family friendly personalities like Boaster because they trash talked their fav team

posted 1 day ago

what part did u not understand?

posted 1 day ago

I am a bad person for pointing out how virtue signaling idiots like you abuse the word hate so your idols dont get critized is wrong? What a shame that sportsmen at the highest level get critized for their performance, we are all worse than Hitler

posted 1 day ago

he is also the worst individual player in the tournament and by some margin, his calling and leadership has been ass too, I think using the excuse of people targeting him because he is the "face of EMEA" is retarded

posted 1 day ago

couldnt agree more, what Demon1 is facing is hell, you can clearly see it in his streams with how sad he looks and how he lost passion for the game, Boaster has it good, if he cant handle losing and being rightfully critized and even hated on then I am jealous because it tells me he hasnt really experienced true pain like some of us

posted 1 day ago

I think he is crying because he knows what a disaster of a performance that was from him individually, as a leader and as a caller, doesnt seem to be able to handle criticism and hate well from what I have seen, seems like a very emotional guy and I remember him crying in a vlog from an old Fnatic bootcamp when they were doing badly, seems like a genuine nice and chill guy but these high pressure enviorements are not for him, to make it here you need to be broken inside, there is a reason why most top footballers have some sort of emotional trauma or have had a difficult life, he seems like he hasnt had many difficulties in life and he is very well protected by those around him, he is just too innocent for competition, you simply need to be an emotionless bastard that is broken inside and only thinks about destroying the competition to survive

posted 1 day ago

Getting personal and just hating for the sake of it isnt okay but calling him not good enough and asking for him to get dropped IS NOT hate, this is a competitive valorant forum and its only point is users giving their opinion on different topics. Also pretty pathetics that Boaster fangirls are using ad hominems to defend him since they deep inside know it has gotten to the point that he cant be defended anymore from a rational POV and only reason to defend him is based on emotions.
Also saying that its not right to critize his performance and ask for him to get cut because of job stability is dumb, this is a performance sport and getting paid thousands every month to play a videogame at the highest level is a priviledge, if u arent performing and u keep your job regardless u are destroying the chances of more deserving upcoming talent who are working hard in t2 to make it.
Lets just stop pretending Boaster cant be criticized because he is the darling of the valorant community and his girlfriend gets mad that a sportsman is demanded to perform or get cut so someone else who can perform gets the opportunity, time comes for everyone and doesnt forgive, only reason to defend him both individually and from a calling POV is emotional and u having some sort of friendship/relationship/being his fan.
I get not wanting esports to be like traditional sports where players get too much irrational hate but we must not confuse legitimate criticism even if harsh with hate, also wanting to stop famous people from receiving hate is literally impossible, if you cant handle criticism from idiots with an average rank of gold in forums or social media then highly competitive enviorements like this might not be for you, irrational hate IS NOT okay but using the trick of calling everything hate so you can never get critized like Yinsu does every time someone critizes Boaster isnt either, if u wanna live in your fantasy world where you get thousands to perform and you face no consequences if u fail to then that shit only happens in your dreams

posted 1 day ago

u just misunderstood me, I am not angry or anything, just wanted to make sure to let u know I wont reply anymore since I dont think you know what you are talking about which I forgot saying in the first comment, just so u dont expect a response back if u reply

posted 1 day ago

nice, good luck in the final today

posted 1 day ago

wont waste my time teaching valorant to someone who has no deep knowledgeable about it and just wants to defend his idol

posted 1 day ago

just drop him lol, its not like he owns fnatic or anything, and his strats arent good, fnatic havent been good tactically for years and his calling has never been good, idc about comps, talking about comps is irrelevant since u can make almost any comp work and its about how u implement it

posted 1 day ago

remember how shit fnatic was at champs? they started losing around the time mini left but its a coincidence more than anything, thats just lazy analysis blaming it all on a coach change when its boaster who has always had the responsability in the team, losing mini is def not the cause for this fall off, its just that the effect of what the problem really is started to show up around the same time he left

posted 1 day ago

cned and city fan, bro didnt make the right choices in life

posted 1 day ago

better to retire early than drag yourself on the server stealing paychecks, Kroos the goat for this

posted 1 day ago

Milanisti show up

posted 1 day ago

Boaster, british and very npc friendly so those npcs will defend him like crazy even if he proves he isnt good enough, they will always make excuses for him and blame it on elmapuddy/hate/mental

posted 1 day ago

what has Elmapuddy even done to get all this hate? fnatic was already shit at champs and the IGL has 10 times more impact than the coach specially since its Boaster who has full authority in the team and not Elmapuddy, only case a coach is more important is KC, Boaster is just not good enough, some might not like it but its the truth

posted 1 day ago

what a retarded take

posted 1 day ago

he is just not good enough regardless of mental

posted 1 day ago

it might work, its a gamble tbf and honeymoon periods are real, I have lost all trust on Boaster and see 0 chance of Fnatic winning champs, with this roster its a must to compete for champs, top4 isnt good enough, if u make rosters changes now u get some exp ahead of next year and who knows, maybe the gamble actually works out, chronicle igl so its easier to integrate the new player maybe?

posted 1 day ago

only as raze tbf, I dont trust Derke to become a good smoker so I would just leave things as they are

posted 1 day ago

they won because they have 4 monsters and heretics threw a 2-0 lead in grandfinals while FNC was dogshit for the whole season, its not a matter of results either, its just that its clear to anyone with a pair of eyes that its time to go for him and with this superteam winning or getting close is a must, losing to fut and looking bad the whole year is not acceptable

posted 1 day ago

fnatic was already shit at champs even without elma, they should get rid of elma but he isnt the main problem specially since this is not league of legends, in tac fps the IGL counts way more than any coach, specially since its well known that Boaster is the main man in this team unlike Enghh in KC, one of the reasons fnatic is bad now is that the level is just higher, his style is no longer effective and u just need someone who can frag, he is just not even remotely close to being good enough individually and he has never been a good caller, just great innovating and hard worker but that doesnt work anymore

posted 1 day ago

I hate his ass purely from an IGL POV, nothing personal tho but its sad to see players drag themselves on the server like this when their time is up

posted 1 day ago

he won 2, was always innovative and always dominated emea, will be remember as one of the great igls of early valorant but its simply time to go, even last year u could have made a case for him not being that good of an igl and needing to go but at least they just had the firepower to stomp everybody, now its not enough

posted 1 day ago

nah, its just that boaster has always been about hard work + innovation instead of good calling, his calling has always been pretty mid without much adaptation until last year, there isnt much innovation in valorant rn since u cant come up with whole different ways of playing maps like before which is what made Boaster good so his style isnt effective anymore, also the firepower of teams has increased a lot, Boaster is easily the worst individual player in Shanghai and wouldnt even be t3 level if not for his IGLing, its 2024 and u simply need a fragging igl, just look at every top team rn

posted 1 day ago

derke is inconsistent but he is still good, I dont see him playing smokes either, boaster has never been a good caller but compensated with his hard work and creativity when it comes to innovating, you might be onto something with chronicle becoming the igl ngl

posted 1 day ago

0 chemistry in that team I think, might be another leviatan even if you have better players, kingg would be interesting with bonkar as the coach, idk if he is a good igl but he has great firepower and some exp, will only improve under bonkar too

posted 1 day ago


posted 1 day ago

this heretics is fun, they have benjy who would be cool to see him lift his first trophy

posted 1 day ago
I have never liked him as an IGL but its sad to see this and how defeated he looked this whole year, its important to recognize when your time as a player is up and retire, Boaster its your time to teach the new generation and get a new team to the top, new challenge as a coach and having new stimuli to build a team into a powerhouse can be good for you

posted 1 day ago

fnatic would be unstoppable if that happened but idk if boostio personality would be good in fnatic but if thats not a problem fnatic will cook, problem is I dont see those playing smokes but I guess they can switch their roles to make it work or put chronicle on smokes?

posted 1 day ago

u need really good english to be an igl, u need to be able to make others understand your ideas, if u are alfajer then its fine is ur english isnt as good but as an igl u need better english, also calling in a language that you are not used to takes time even if you can speak it

posted 1 day ago

thats a bit of an exaggeration, there are some good players in DACH, Iluri seems like a promising IGL too

posted 1 day ago

he has decent firepower but not insane firepower like Boostio or Munchkin, musashi is the IGL now for acend even if he doesnt play smokes, if he has any potential as IGL I would get him, insane firepower for an IGL but ofc hard to tell how good an IGL is from the outside and they just need to trial lots of players, even established players who arent currently IGLs but are looking to become IGLs

posted 1 day ago

d00m is not decent, he is terrible, if u want a new coach then u go and get bonkar or try to get washed t2 igls like Bati to become coaches, d00mbros is a paycheck stealer that somehow got into the first FPX when partyparrots and fabriken merged and he has been stealing money ever since like most coaches and igls in emea nowadays, IGL is more important than the coach tho, if Fnatic is serious about winning they get bonkar who is showing great results in NA and already knows Leo + try to get some fragging igl with potential from t2, I dont trust d00mbros to develop a fragging igl into a good caller but I 100% trust bonkar, he is an amazing talent developer and with all his experience as an IGL he would be able to give a direction to the team while he develops the new IGL

posted 1 day ago

kinda yeah, mrfalin has acceptable firepower but he is no boostio, munchkin, saadak or boo

posted 1 day ago

d00mbros not good, stax bad IGL and cant speak english

posted 1 day ago
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