Flag: United States
Registered: March 28, 2024
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 8:54 AM
Posts: 13

Bc class is in session my brother

posted 2 hours ago

Hard work

posted 2 hours ago

Heretics was a nepo team made by mixwell at that point lol, Neil actually got to control roster changes this year

posted 3 hours ago

Yeah there's enough reasons to be complimenting pati that you don't need to go off about how crazy it is to integrate him, he's been a part of the team for almost their entire run this year - role change is not easy, but they've all played these roles before a LOT, and won a lot - I think it's a little silly to go so far on that one point, and comes off as pretty biased honestly - but if your prerogative is to just glaze TH and not have a meaningful discussion, go off king lmao.

posted 4 hours ago

Pati played flex for them since the beginning on this team. Woot has been a duelist for way longer than playing flex, the only reason they didn't have him on it instead of miniboo was so they didn't have to change roles mid tournament. I appreciate you want to glaze pati, but the facts just don't support you - the roles they are on right now work very well, and are all their best roles.

posted 4 hours ago

Brother pati played with them in every game besides two games of groups and playoffs. It's not tough to fit a guy back into the same role he was playing for so many games before that. And knowing someone is your sixth man, and actually playing with them is super different. I'm not trying to take away from pati, but they've pracced with him a lot before this - you can't overstate things. The hardest part of playing with a sub is integrating them into your system, and pati has been playing in their system for a long time. It's impressive, and he's certainly been the best stand in we've seen, but you can't use the difficulty of fitting him in as a reason - it just doesn't really work.

posted 4 hours ago

He played with them through all of kickoff and Madrid lol, it absolutely gets more of a stand in than that. I think he's amazing, but PRX and Navi had literally never played with their stand ins before Tokyo and Copenhagen. You're being a little hyperbolic, he's played with the team a lot at this point, in some really important games.

posted 4 hours ago

I am sorry, but staying healthy and being careful in foreign environments is part of being a fucking competitor. Why is it that none of the other teams have these issues? I appreciate that Leo did look sick, and he clearly had a rough game, but it's not a good excuse for a loss. It's all part of the competition - staying healthy is maybe the most important part. Every part of the prep for a game matters.

posted 1 day ago

It's fine if you find him annoying, but he's not a dislikeable guy. He's nice to pretty much everyone, and leads his team well. I don't really think he's the reason anyone hates on Fnatic.

posted 2 days ago

I like Fnatic a lot - Boaster is a really likeable dude, whatever cringe neckbeard assholes who live in their mom's basement say - but their fans are toxic AF. They're a sick team, but they can lose, and their fans treat the Texas that they go up against as just lucky if they win. It's annoying, and it breeds a lot of hatred for FNC, even tho they're pretty chill and likeable guys, for the most part.

posted 3 days ago

Get shit on loser kekw

posted 1 month ago

Everyone hates so hard on Victor - the guy played a human owl drone on old optic to enable yay and marved. Now that he's actually able to play for himself a little, you can see that the dude has some insane aim and util.

posted 1 month ago

Hydrogen bomb v coughing baby KC 2-0 26-0

posted 2 months ago