Flag: Scotland
Registered: March 14, 2021
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 7:40 PM
Posts: 1029
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TenZ > S0m ... always been this way ;)

posted 3 months ago

He is one of the best duelists in Valorant - he's always been such ;)

Also, he is exceptionally good team player and all in all, just a complete package in terms of all aspects of the game.

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

No, it wasn't because of you but it's just typical of me to support my claims 😘 you still notab1e...

Ok, Steel, with all due respect, has nothing to do with anything in this thread, so he could be left out of it πŸ˜‰

posted 6 months ago

What am I... a public laundry to run it x more times lol.... A sample of 200 times is way way more than enough, and 158 ms is as tight as it could be ... given, I've been doing that while testing different mice.

Now it's your chance to execute it around 200 times and demonstrate to me, whether you can substantiate your claims or if they're entirely baseless.

inb4: Your claims are entirely baseless.

posted 6 months ago

Well, you thought you got me ... below is my reaction time throughout 200 attempts or so:

Mind sharing yours? So we could further elaborate on "terrible reaction time" topic.

posted 6 months ago

I am the depth, therefore your argument is invalid... 🍿

posted 6 months ago

It is, given some responsibilities I must fulfil first... too demanding today or what?

posted 6 months ago

Given the harsh topic that is constantly being brought up on here, and his opinion on that matter... I gently assisted him in handling himself, offering just a nudge from my endβ€”nothing unusual for me😘

You, though, still need to work on your come backs ... notab1e, still notab1e

posted 6 months ago

He's just a little mad that's all... he ain't the first on here one to cringe this way, though.

posted 6 months ago

There's no harm in admitting it either – it can only improve you in the long term as it forces you to think. Unfortunately, it's something that some users overlook, as after an argument, they resort to downvoting all of my posts, regardless of their relevance to the discussion/s. I'm referring to the specific person with whom I had a conversation earlier today.

posted 6 months ago

ohh, I get it ... @psion up-fragged you earlier ... apologies then... now you're on +3 - even better

posted 6 months ago

hey, but it is no fair you and me upvote your post again... +2 - not too shabby

posted 6 months ago

No, I was commenting on your nearly flawless attempt at baiting ... if only you had edited the response before it displayed the 'edited' notification below. Still good bait attempt, nevertheless.

posted 6 months ago

"smart" πŸ€“

posted 6 months ago

I see what you did there

Edited: Added the part in bold

posted 6 months ago

did you?

posted 6 months ago

hey, I up-fragged your post on reporting me... so no need to be salty anymore, mon cheri 😘

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ a finger tapping speed that was measured is actually, by it's nature connected to what you call reflexes - just a little hint to you... cough ...cough... those studies fall under group of motoric human abilities and are typically studied in neuroscience. It is all connected and dependent on speed of brain cell's communication.

Again, you touch topics that you have no clue about. You can't even find a paper ffs that is freely available online. What are you on about ...

What a thick kid - you are... holy

posted 6 months ago

Cringe kid ... keep downfragging 🍿😘

posted 6 months ago

Hey, no need to get all salty here from the way I decided to convers with you. Just take it and move on.

Personally, I'm fed up of the negativity directed at slightly older individuals in the game/s, especially regarding their age. It's unjust and unfounded. Yet, people keep parroting someone's past BS without thinking critically about it.

Also, I did go and presented you with the papers - quite important ones on the topic ... yet, you're still unsettled, telling me that there're other important things.

Move on, kid.

posted 6 months ago

CRY me a river...

You better go study shit you have no idea about, and then open your mouth ... reflexes , responsibilities are too big of words for you, kiddo.

BUZZ off

posted 6 months ago


Now, SIT - braindead

Edit: "A FAT C" signifies a Grade C, with the emphasis on "FAT" which is somewhat exaggerated expression but is given for a level of some effort... as well as mentioned in my prior post regarding still grading @psion a grade of C.

posted 6 months ago

Ohh boi πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

"Maximum FTS shows a lifespan trajectory reaching a peak around the age of 40 years." - Gervan P, Berencsi A, Kovacs I (2011)... FTS stands for finger-tapping speed. See Figure 3A on page 6 for results across all four studies (Current... Bartzokis, 2009... Dorfberger, 2008... and Denckla, 1973) in the paper below, if you're interested but I f-ing doubt that because parroting someone's ancient BS is still going strong amongst braindead kids.

Click here for the study

Now sit. A FAT C grade for your failed homework - took me 2 minutes to find.

P.S. I mentioned pro-gamers study earlier on LOL etc as they referenced the above study/s.

posted 6 months ago

That's an HLTV BS closer ... btw that's how I know you're from there πŸ˜‰

posted 6 months ago

No, it has nothing to do with easy sleeping ... That's just how I would normally close - nothing else but a habit.

posted 6 months ago

No, I just taught you a wee lesson on how to close convos by using earlier references... read my #51 and the #75 as your homework ... you can tell me on our next session.

posted 6 months ago

Ok ok, sorry for pressuring you too hard ... still grade D though ... still notab1e to up a notch or two ... though avoid strong terms like the one you brought up erlier... our therapy is over ... Get Good Noob 😘

posted 6 months ago

It'll be of no harm if you just disclose it right here ... still passive, aren't you?

posted 6 months ago

I only asked the DATE you created account there ...

posted 6 months ago

Well, If you disclose the date you created your HLTV profile, I'll reveal your past, not to mention the future ahead... legit stuff

posted 6 months ago

No way, you're now viewing yourself as a child... you're going too passive here

posted 6 months ago

Still grade D - I give you πŸ˜‰

posted 6 months ago

ohh, come on ... no need to get thaaat serious 😘 - overheating, aren't we?

posted 6 months ago

I particularly mentioned - "kids, like YOU." Don't tell me you don't know what term "KID" means ... come on, up a notch - you still can do it, notab1e

posted 6 months ago

Bants = game... the term you brought is a bit too strong, ngl

posted 6 months ago

Your GAME is weak ASF! I'm serious, you can't hold the pressure - no tact.

posted 6 months ago

what's pedo? and who is pedo? I don't get it... your GAME is weak ASF!

posted 6 months ago

If you envision the term PLOUGHING in a manner similar to the one you provided - SAW.... then you'll get it... careful with your vocabulary there 😘🍿


posted 6 months ago

Never mind, he's just having his therapy session attendance checked ... though, he still sounds obsessed and not able type of individual.

posted 6 months ago

like you, mon cheri ... kids, like you or should I just say YOU ...? You're failing, kiddo... ding dong

posted 6 months ago

Ohh, pardon moi... I just LOVE ploughing kids like you ... ez game 😘

posted 6 months ago

No worries - all good

posted 6 months ago

ok, then sounds legit... that is if STEEL is not brought to our attention.

posted 6 months ago

I am just having a wee fun with you, mon cheri😘🍿

u mad or what?

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

No, only you - noob ... noob game = notab1e

posted 6 months ago
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