Flag: Brazil
Registered: May 25, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 6:39 PM
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We must glaze our Chinese overlords ✊

posted 1 week ago

Then you wake up

posted 1 week ago

They get the good boy and bad boy combo

posted 1 week ago

I have seen some mfs talk about how Tuyz will perform to the same extent of Qck. But that's insane.

Tuyz has been a Loud Top Performer for a while now, while Qck was below mid on Furia.

Tuyz is better at OPing
Tuyz is more consistent
Tuyz is more clutch
Tuyz is good at Neon and Raze

Tuyz played in 22'TBK which was a team known for having a good trade/skill usage, while Furia was full aim no brain

Tuyz has had more time with Saadhak than Pancada, Qck and is getting near Sacy

TBK had impact because Kon4n played full support for Tuyz and still fragged out, Tuyz now has GOATZIN and CHADHAK as his initiating support.


We now have Champions 22 MVP PANCADAAA

shut the fuck up about Goatuyz

posted 1 week ago

His aim is too calm to entry
He doesn't snap that much so I don't think it's a good idea for him to Duel.
If y'all are truly trying to Avoid Tuyz as a duelist.
I would put either Cauanzin or Saadhak as the Duelist
They have snappier aims, and Saadhak has been frying lately so I think he could pull off a Duelist role
I mean, even if he dies on entry he still gets to IGL, plus he gets to watch all the screens

posted 1 week ago

Bro killed every agent 😭

posted 1 week ago

My simple answer to your comment (I do appreciate someone taking the time to discuss how each change would affect the game)
Is this:

please I just wanna make the agents fun again, so many of these guys are too weak, it's just not fun to use them 😭😭😭

posted 1 week ago

I desperately need Saadhak to be the first IGL to win 2 Champions

posted 1 week ago

Eu quero muito saber daonde vocês tiraram essa idéia de que o Tuyz não é um bom Duelista, ele e o kon4n carregaram a TBK naquele LCQ

posted 1 week ago

So kyria is sexy, funny, friendly and extremely likeable?

posted 1 week ago

I think this would be able to keep her controlling aspect but cripple unwanted gimmicks like post-plant mollies. Not gonna argue the single molly cuz I haven't gotten used to it so maybe I am overcooking the molly.

I get that it brings complexity, but she already is a complex style agent, her synopsis is "galaxy brain" so I think this wouldn't really be an issue since low-elo doesn't understand her anyway.

I know she would dabble in initiating and that would be my point. Alot of the meta agents are dual-role. This would make her able to atleast have enough value to even be considered for Omen or Harbor maps

Yeah, I agree with the snapshot, I just want the Ult to make it clearer when you ping enemies.

I legit don't know what to do to make breach solid. So I do accept I might've overcooked on the aftershock

Yeah, maybe not the recharging thing... But the Headshot Slow effect would be a great addition

I gotta fully disagree with you here cuz she would still be weaker than Skye's Heal. Skye can heal to max health all 4 if they are within her AoE. So I think Sage being able to heal twice is balanced.

Fully agree, I would even dare to ask them to take away the weird insta fall off thing, give it a full travel

Why not be able to pick up the clone? I meant it as picking it up if you haven't deployed it pre-round and mid-round, like, if he is still that puddle on the ground

posted 1 week ago

Yes. Faster in all modes

posted 1 week ago

Thank you for your contributions.
When it comes to Deadlock, I thought of buffing/reworking her wall because her play style is way different than other sentinels. She is a Full Stalling agent. And ironically, she works best with a Full W gaming style. So I thought making her ability to stall and stop Retaking

posted 1 week ago

Cry is free, if I wanted to play a game with no abilities I would play CSGO

posted 1 week ago

Bro so lazy he couldn't finish his own comment

posted 1 week ago

I got some inspiration from the guy that did the Duelist Buffs and Nerfs thread. The rest are my own ideas.


  • Wall costs 300. Signature is now Poison Orb.
  • 2 mollies, half the damage, fragility lasts for an extra second.


  • Ult wall is slightly thicker, when in the middle of it, become fully deaf, invulnerable but also unable to use weapon (bullets get stuck in the wall).
  • Gravity Well doesn't cost a star completely, when you use a star for gravity well, the star recharges, but it takes 30-40 seconds for the star to recharge and be reusable.


  • Increase her relocation time when ukted by a second, making it easier to reposition.
  • 2 weaken orbs instead of 1.


  • 2 stims, can be deployed or activated on brimstone's back, the effects emanate from him but with half the radius.


  • Cove lasts for another second, the smoke dissipates first, then the shield.
  • Increase the total size of his wall by 3-7m.
  • Decrease recharge time for wall by 4 seconds.
  • His utility doesn't slow allies.


  • The first flash recharges after 40 seconds, the extra flash doesn't.


  • Ult now spots enemies and shows them through the walls (like her eye) for half a second.
  • Make the Fade Eye trail, go directly towards enemy, not where they fucked about, show us a direct line towards the affected enemies.


  • Stun doesn't affect allies.
  • 2 Aftershocks
  • Decrease by 1 current Ult point count.


  • 4 Headhunter bullets, but headshots recharge bullets. 1 bullet per headshot.
  • Headhunter also does the Ult slow side effect, but only if it's a headshot, and with 60% of the radius.


  • Wall can be deployed either fully, or parts, up to 4 walls, but they have the same health of the branches (low health)
  • Increase the throwing range of the wall by 5-10m.


  • Slow Orb is now the signature, only one, 20-30s to recharge.
  • 2 Heals, full health.


  • Shift Walking Speed is Normal Walking Speed. Normal Walking Speed is Stim Beacon Walking Speed. Running Speed is 25-45% faster.
  • Stun can either be left clicked to only shoot one, or right clicked to do the normal double ricochet, single stuns are 4, double ricochet are 2.


  • No need to shoot the orb to get the shield.
  • If you get a kill, the focus bar resets.
  • His Domain Expansion doesn't give Full health and Full mags to the enemy.
  • If he wins his 1v1, he can Ult again, max 2 times.


  • Firewall goes through walls (like Harbor wall)


  • Faster TP Travel speed
  • Faster TP activation, closer to Chamber's TP speed but not the same.
  • Clone can be picked up if not used.
posted 1 week ago

I thank you for your contributions, these illiterate fucks can't fathom how to buff and Nerf so they just hate on you

posted 1 week ago

Truly only fans can save them

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Agora que tem vários players de franquia F/a, quem será que vai pra qual time do VCB?

Havoc (possivelmente)

A stellae perdeu o Palla
A Legacy perdeu o Richzin mas contratou o Crocodilo Cidzz
O Olimpo tá com o Gui7telas mas perdeu o Liazzi.

Vale a pena pra algum dos times trocar alguém?

posted 1 week ago

Navi just shot its own foot
d00mbros is f/a, get him

posted 2 weeks ago

oh shit, it actually was

posted 2 weeks ago

Everything that you've ever dreamed of

posted 2 weeks ago

It is imperative that you put hygiene at the top of your priorities
bathing, skin care, washing your hands after peeing, cleaning your dick and trimming body hair are essential to br gfs

posted 2 weeks ago

Get a pet you can like.
You can't die and leave the little guy behind
But make sure to properly search for a pet you would like, worsT thing is having a pet you despise but also knowing it aint their fault.

posted 2 weeks ago

LOUD has a surprisingly big female following, and since Tuyz is the cute pretty boy of the team (Pancada and Aspas left) he gets thirst traps

posted 2 weeks ago

Oxe o q o cu tem a ver com as calças??

posted 2 weeks ago

Even at his lowest I couldn't hate that cutiepie

posted 2 weeks ago

What is it with these mfs and hating on Tuyz??
The fucking twitter communities are all filled with them.
Like, the only people I see defending poor old Tuyz are his fangirls, which I never thought I would say this, but thank the Lord for his thirst traps cuz if not this mfs mental would be on the ground

Qck is on the team and somehow people still clown him

posted 2 weeks ago

Just go to bed early. Now you don't have an excuse to isolate yourself in a goon cave

posted 2 weeks ago

Sacy is like a mini coach. He made zellsis cry

posted 2 weeks ago

Doesn't have an introspective hobby.
If all your hobbies involve the perception of others, that means you have no pleasure in yourself.
In introspective hobbies, the pleasure comes from the task, validation is a tip.

posted 2 weeks ago

Twittera média em ação

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

É o Segundo careca que fudeu a vida do Less

posted 2 weeks ago

Speak the português Certo alienigena

posted 2 weeks ago

Fr fr
Congratulations you groovy twink
First ever IGL to win 3 masters with the same squad

I'm not gonna say you are the goat IGL, but certainly the luckiest mf I have ever seen

Anyway. Congratulations. I'm not gonna hat cuz my region sucks right now
Rip br0nzil

posted 2 weeks ago

Less and Lissa broke up. Maybe that was the staying condition for him?

posted 2 weeks ago

Pfvr q n seja
Gosto muito dele


Ia ser o suco do villamix

posted 2 weeks ago

This mf is somehow not understanding Saadhak wants to hire him 😭

posted 2 weeks ago

Poha, qual a dificuldade dessas pro player de ser decente 😭😭😭

posted 2 weeks ago

do not speak about my kittens Xand and Nzr like that, i will touch u

posted 2 weeks ago

Saadhak (Flex) Less (Sentinel) Fns (Flex) S0m (Duelist) Marved (Controller)

3 masters 1 champions and 2 Vct americas

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

Hii Psion

Tbh moving to Canada would be a big dub since the Canadian visa is friendlier towards SA

posted 2 weeks ago

decent choice tbh

posted 2 weeks ago

holy shit this comment set me off, sorry if i came off too aggressive

posted 2 weeks ago

there is just so much wrong with your statement
you dont join e-sports (as an org) cuz you want to burn money, you join cause you want to make it, be it by brand, merchandise or trade.

Also, studies of immigration in brazil show that foreigns prefer Brazil on the majority, people who lived in "better" more "developed" countries visit Brazil and stay because they prefer the living conditions of the country.
It is factually easier to adapt to Brazil than USA

"ranked would be fucked cuz no english" what? why is it that the latam and br players need to bend over backwards for americans, but you americans cant do a lil bit of effort?
do you know what language latam teams comm? spanish, but even then there are difficulties due to dialect
do you know what language br teams comm? portuguese

"most brazilian players know how to comm in english" No they dont, they dont think in english. do you even know how hard it is for non-fluent people to communicate in other languages?? use your brain. even as a toddler, a knowledge sponge, it took you atleast 2 -3 years to learn j=how to speak your OWN LANGUAGE.

Stop thinking like the world revolves around the USA

posted 2 weeks ago

Unironically yes.

posted 2 weeks ago

Riot needs to change the franchising host city.
Cuz putting it on the US was the dumbest thing they did.

Not only is it incredibly expensive even just livable wages in LA

The teams that don't have NA players basically get fucked with visa issues and the monetary exchange rate.

Riot wants to have a financially stable scene? Change the fucking city, you will cut the maintenance costs by half.

Even Buenos Aires is a better pick right now (RIP Argentina)

posted 2 weeks ago
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