Flag: Virgin Islands, U.S.
Registered: March 16, 2024
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 10:57 AM
Posts: 42

bro its called SA its a diff fuckign continent bro. have u ever gone to school?

posted 3 days ago

they burnt out after all its pretty hard to be insanely good for like a whole year with the changing metas and all that.

posted 6 days ago


im typing this cause there is gonna be some idiot that believes what u said

posted 6 days ago

the ranking would be the same other than the fact that 2024 100T are yet to prove themselves and should not be on the list. idk about 2021 100t since I didn't really watch that year but if he says so ok

I only disagreed with the fact that SEN dominated Madrid when GenG looked the better team overall

posted 6 days ago

madrid was ok. of course they supported the EMEA and latin American teams like that's normal. there were an extraordinarily high amount of Sen fans though which was again expected cause SEn has fans in both Europe and Americas(not saying they don't have fans in APAC but not to the same extent as EU or AM)
the crowd reactions to clutches and stuff like that were pretty good and it was honestly a pretty decent crowd. the best crowd has to be tokyo though cause those dudes really hyped the game regardless of whether it was their favorites or their opponents

posted 6 days ago

thy had to fight for every inch of it against GenG(except the last map in the GF) and GenG looked like the better team overall throughout the masters if they didn't choke the GF then I would have said GenG was the most dominant team in Madrid

plus 2021 was the game at practically beta stage. this doesn't mean the masters were not deserved but they were certainly easier to obtain than they r now

posted 6 days ago

naaaa i would say most of EUs teams are mid with only like 3 teams being good and Pacific is just a normal region with good and trash teams plus there are only a few DOG teams like bleed and GE. the rest are decent and the top 6 of PAC are pretty good.

T1 themselves are pretty good its just that they played horrible cause stage fear cause first masters.
T1 is not a BAD team. they are not PRX or GENG level but they can certainly compete with most of the top their teams around the world

posted 6 days ago

go for the 3 main roles of duelist, flex and sentinel. Ik there are others but that is wayyy to much info to sort through

and go by year and then finally just average out for the overall

again thx

posted 1 week ago

hmm yeah idk nw its too far apart plus the meta kind of changed dramatically. Their style was ultra default which would get into work out very well with the current agents BUT from all the GMB players I've seen right excluding deffo, other than Redgar every other player seems to be playing pretty well and their coach is also very good so again its too wide of a time gap to actually know anything.
Plus now that I rewatched the 2021 tournaments sen just won cause they could exploit the game better than the rest. there as some skill but the game overamplified it. fair enough but if we are just counting how the teams did in their year at their time then SEN and GMB are top 5.

posted 2 weeks ago

yoooo Bro tysm for actually working on this.

posted 2 weeks ago

i dont know if you know this but usually an esports career is considered VERY LONG if it lasts more than 10 years. i never said 9-7 is good but if his esports career fails then at least he has a career to fall back to. plus missing one event wont kill yr career so why not at least have a safeguard ?

posted 2 weeks ago

bro his career just started in esports and he has done very well so missing one event is not gonna screw his esports career but MISSING THE NATIONAL EXAMS WILL SCREW UP ANY OTHER DECENT JOB OPPUTUNITY

posted 2 weeks ago

naaa GMB was ultra dominant for their time btu yeah ACE just had a insane run but Sen in Reykjavik were pretty good and since we are only discussing teams when they were at their prime i would say that GMB and SEN are deffo top 10 if not top 5

posted 2 weeks ago

yeah international is the true test whereas regionals is basically how your feeling on that day

posted 2 weeks ago

idk what i wrote either my brain was fried pls down judge

posted 2 weeks ago

i meant to ay latin american but the payoffs proved me wrong anyways so who cares

posted 2 weeks ago

hmmmm thx for the list but can u also make the same tier list with all time stats so that we know the GOAT IGLs, Flexs, Duelists ?
it would be highly appreciated.
obviously only if you have the free time and patience to do it other wise its cool

posted 2 weeks ago

PRX doesn't have an IGL they just do what they want but I think either dava1 or mindfreak calls a lot in the mid rounds

posted 2 weeks ago

bro leave us no lifes alone 😭😭😭

posted 2 weeks ago

i think you forgot
GAMBIT(Berlin 2021 - Champoins 2021)
Acend(champions 2021)
Sentinels(masters rekjavik 2021)
DRX(they didn't have a special event. they were just extraordinarily consistent till like the semis)

AT LEAST GMB and SEN deserve to be in the top 5 of this lst

posted 2 weeks ago

18/20 is not bad bro what?
it was just an even day forboth of them

posted 2 weeks ago

we wait fro this news but it seems unlikely cause aspas in mad form

posted 3 weeks ago

who is the best team to touch the game in their prime? FNC?

posted 3 weeks ago

lmao almost all the Brazilian teams other than MIBR made it LOL

posted 3 weeks ago

26-0 is harsh but i would deffo say a 26-10 is highly possible

posted 3 weeks ago

FNS is highly entertaining to watch if u truly want to enjoy the beauty of the game during watchparties cause he does a little bit of analyzing gives some insights and genuinely has a great chat that is honestly funny
Tarik is also highly entertaining to watch but I like him more for ranked where he shines the most
Both have diff types of streams but I think Tarik will hold in avg views cause after all you can only have so many watch parties but u can have as many ranked games as you want

posted 3 weeks ago

its good w has a very good beat

posted 3 weeks ago

its better to start a tournament with nerfs than to start the nerfs at playoffs cause that would be a genuine Mickey Mouse tournament. almost half the tournaments have stuff like this happening bro. i get that SEN didn't qualify but you don't have to make urself feel better by calling the tournament bad lol

posted 3 weeks ago

sry bro mb
but idk if that makes it better or worse

posted 3 weeks ago

what i meant was that after this comment was posted a few days later NAVI qualified for playoffs so technically they didn't get knocked out early but mb my phrasing was a little off but I'm not gonna edit my comment cause I don't want to wait 140 secs

posted 3 weeks ago

mate this is VLR!!!!!!!! not an anime discussion room go to disqus or reddit for those lol

posted 3 weeks ago

bro this aged like sour milk

posted 4 weeks ago

ahh yes here we see a rare specimen, an asuna fan. people really thought they were extinct btu just like cockroaches which don't even die during a atomic blast they too rise up from the ashes and survive. although they're favorite player gets endlessly trolled for being insane and having 0 comms management they still manage to live. you have my respect!

posted 1 month ago

everyone loves to troll SEN because they have one of the largest fanbase and its fun trying to see 13 yr old SEN fans trying to come up with comebacks.
its also funny that when a streamer disagrees with a certain comment his/her highly loyal albeit sometimes braindead viewers just downvote the comment.
don't make fun of me for the grammar, I just came back from a exam and am more washed than yay on Bleed

posted 1 month ago

true but something does not always op and hes only played one match till now. even if yr cned no1 fan you have to agree that something has probably the most cracked aim in vct. only demon comes close to him.

posted 1 month ago

LMAO what is with this conversation?!

posted 2 months ago

bro the amount of dislikes you got for such a normal comment just shows how many brain dead sentinel fans are on this website. To be clear there are intelligent sentinel fans as well but there are some brain dead fans that just support they're team blindly and don't even look at the opponent team's performance before liking or disliking a post. You can support your team and hell sentinels can even win 2-0 against GenG but don't just dislike a comment because it says your team will lose.

posted 2 months ago

i still think that if they just put monyet on smokes or cypher and forsaken on the duelist role they would win hands down but yeah they should also improve their comps a little liek they did with they're 3 duelist split comp.

posted 2 months ago

i dont think he needed to since he calculated his timings well and since his aim was wayy better than even zekkken(yes there will probably be sentinels fans who see this and will just hate on it but just go watch matches of prx in champs or masters tokyo to understand what im talking about. zekken is good but jinggg is just better). plus jinggg's raze movements were the best and his use of utility was better than zekken and unlike zekken his rocket rarely missed while zekken misses his like 40% of the time although maybe the role he plays while using his rocket may be different than PRX's W gaming playstyle

posted 2 months ago