Flag: South Korea
Registered: April 18, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 11:08 PM
Posts: 2761
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Yeah, Drx supporter from day 1 they were created (as vision strikers) but I root for all Korean teams cause flag

posted 11 hours ago

🐯🐯🐯 rahhhhh

posted 6 days ago


posted 6 days ago

nah for real, i've also guessed and "pre-fired" it to for 1 ms but i can legitimately do sub 100

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

deal 🀝

posted 2 weeks ago

Move on, no need to invest time and energy into someone you barely know and have no clue of knowing if it will work out. Obviously, it's easier for us to say to move on through some online forum and you may still want to give it a chance, but that's my advice 🫑 good luck soldier

posted 2 weeks ago

Lmao even the referee admitted that they f’d up. Nobody but Madrid fans agree with this call, to absolutely nobody's surprise.

posted 3 weeks ago

You're acting like he let the play go on for like 20 minutes longer, not 1 minute longer. Again, your time argument makes absolutely no sense, especially with Madrid players falling onto the floor. Moreover, the referee has a watch and knows the time, he kept the game going to give a fair amount of time as he should do and correctly did.

There was nothing out of convention this game in regards to time that doesn't happen in other games, just let it go and stop arguing about something standard that and happens all the time. The fact that you're trying to base your entire reasoning of such a blatant mistake, about the referee giving a fair and correct amount of time, shows your lack of substance in backing your argument up.

Sure mistakes happen as I said above, but such a simple failure by supposedly one of the best referring trios (the best on paper many say) at such a crucial game right at that specific situation is inexcusable. And there is no question that this mistake was heavily in the benefit of Madrid and significantly helped them in getting to the Champions League final.

posted 3 weeks ago

Yes I know they blew the whistle, I acknowledged that earlier. Ironically it seems perhaps you weren't reading what I said? Referees always let the play go on, especially if there are people on the floor or players wasting time (as was the case here). You're acting like you never see a ref go a minute over? In fact, almost every game the ref lets it play on for a bit longer. Again, your argument about the time makes no sense.

The denial and excuses of such a blatant mistake is insane ngl.

posted 3 weeks ago

Clearly on, look at my comment at #35. Even if it was off, that situation warranted a no offside call anyways. (Also ignore this guy's too much time claim, the incident happened at 12 minutes and there was 9 minutes extra time plus referee signaled that he was giving a few more minutes at the end of the 9 minutes because of time wasting.

posted 3 weeks ago

You just said a whole lot of nothing. But no it's not debatable, anyone with 2 eyes can see that it was on, plus like I already said several times, the defender made clear contact and headed the ball away, resulting in a new change of play making that offside call irrelevant. Also, there was 9 minutes of additional time, and on top of that, the referee signaled with his hand that he was adding a few more additional minutes towards the end of the 9 min because of time wasting. That specific instance occurred at 12 minutes added time. Your argument about going overtime makes zero sense.

posted 3 weeks ago

Yeah I get that, but it was a refereeing mistake. Like I already said, it wasn't offside, and even if he was the situation of the play does not warrant an offside call. Yes the whistle blow was a confusing mistake, but at the end of the day, there is no doubt that it was a wrong call in favor of Madrid.

posted 3 weeks ago

#35 look at pic (plus the second reason making the "offside" meaningless)

posted 3 weeks ago
  1. Player wasn't off? Defender's trailing boot keeps him on. Pic Compare to the line of color change on the grass (a bit hard to see).

  2. Despite the ball being intended for him, the defender made clear contact and headed the ball away, resulting in a new change of play, making the question of offside irrelevant. Had the ball for example grazed the defender's head and landed in front of the Bayern player who shot/passed it (and assuming he was off) then it's a fair offside.

At the end of the day, it was a referring mistake which unfortunately happens. The assistant ref should not have raised his flag but stick to the convention of waiting for the play to be over before raising it, especially when it's so tight like that (imagine if they had blown the whistle on the other end of the field for when Madrid scored off the initial offside call and the play stopped before the ball went in, only to find out it wasn't off after). The referee should have also not have been reactionary to the assistant ref's flag raise and not blown the whistle so soon, hence the reason they couldn't go back on the play and review it. Had it been reviewed though, I have no doubt the goal would have stood. Also, the ref signaled with his hand that he added a few more additional minutes on the clock because of wasted time towards the end of the extra 9 minutes.

posted 3 weeks ago

Robbing games again no surprises here

posted 3 weeks ago

First two interchangeable imo based on what type of style you want a team to play, otherwise correct

posted 3 weeks ago

Brotha, you’re just saying false or incorrect stuff nonstop to prove some ass point lol. If you’re gonna literally lie about facts, why should I take anything you’re saying seriously?

posted 4 weeks ago

they have the most consistent results internationally tho? lmao again, it looks like you'll just spew out any bs

posted 4 weeks ago

but they have and do beat better teams from na emea? lmfao bro is lost, you'll pull any random bs out of your ass it seems

posted 4 weeks ago

what an ass point lmao, drx was one of the most consistent, if not the most consistent team in terms of international performances

posted 4 weeks ago


posted 4 weeks ago

Most reliable and disciplined duelist in franchising rn in terms of making space for his team, won't overpush after he gets a kill and always quality decision making

posted 4 weeks ago


posted 1 month ago

buzz 🐝🐝

posted 1 month ago

Apparently his parents were unsupportive of a career in esports and it caused some classic na drama

posted 1 month ago

random ass post lol

posted 1 month ago

Cause of the serious flair: The legality of sports betting varies from state to state (assuming you're in the land of guns and greasy burgers since you have the flag of Freedom and Democracy πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…). With a simple search, see if it is legal in your state. If it is, you're good. Some states have sports betting bans but no specific laws about esports betting and thus, gray area exists on whether or not esports betting is included. Unlucky for you if specifically esports betting is illegal in your state.

However, it is basically impossible to enforce and you can bet away however you want regardless of its legality in your state. I know people betting on football (not the eggball version) from here in California (where sports betting is illegal) who blow their college savings away. Some methods of betting, notably Fliff, have a loophole making it legal everywhere in case you are an honest, law abiding, tax paying citizen. They have an in-game currency which technically doesn't count as money and can be betted as you please. Afterwards, you can buy gift cards for different stores or services with that in-game currency, all of which are legal loopholes through sports betting laws.

posted 1 month ago

add me too

posted 1 month ago

do mine pls ty :)

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Sadge idk

Drx will sweep next tourney dw

posted 2 months ago

Gen.G ez

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

valid tbh

posted 2 months ago

ez indeed, a bit of trolling first map but all good since they won two of the most one sided maps i've seen so far

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Let’s go DRX Gen.G 😘❀️

posted 2 months ago

I dumpstered on them in solo queue when they came to LA and they've lost their mentals ever since. Can't blame those unfortunate souls. πŸ˜”

posted 2 months ago

Pancake supremacy πŸ₯ž

posted 3 months ago

Ehhh not really imo. While you will likely see more and more Western chains/foods, the original cultural dishes have stayed fairly similar (although the process of making those cultural foods has slowly shifted from hand made to mass produced with machinery but that's pretty much everywhere tho).

posted 3 months ago

Korean (no bias seen here :)

edit: dang y'all downfragging a Korean for liking Korean food lmao

posted 3 months ago

my goat havoc's natural talents being suppressed by furia coach's poor strats


posted 3 months ago

sadge o7

posted 3 months ago
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