Flag: United States
Registered: December 5, 2021
Last post: March 30, 2024 at 8:10 PM
Posts: 37

I think the mandatory military service is bad for Jinggg and bad for Singapore (personal opinion) but saying there is no corruption because its the 5th least corrupt country is like saying there is no crime in the 5th safest country. There is no poverty in the 5th wealthiest country. I want to believe that Jinggg won his career back fair and square but still.

posted 2 months ago

G8 B8 M8

posted 2 months ago

Bro on that Luis Diaz arc, I hope they come back to safe man.

posted 4 months ago

You know what, that's the best way to summarize it. On scoring ability easy top five, on overall merit not that high.

posted 4 months ago

I think what could help is watching players VODS that are better than you but not ELITE (nothing above Diamond) and get a grasp on their strength and weaknesses, especially their team fights.

posted 4 months ago

In terms of skill and aesthetics its arguable. The important thing is if you hold his super teams against him especially if you are one of those morons that cries about "LeGM". I don't hold it against KD but he only won with great players around him, I just don't think he has the rings and to match his ability.

posted 4 months ago

Admirable sentiment, but YNWA

posted 4 months ago

I can only attest to three points, penalty shootout is so slow yet scintillating, you cannot look away from it. From a realistic perspective, injuries and fixture congestion is on the rise in the sport so Penalty shootout is actually preferable to playing more football on top of the ever increasing extra time. Lebron is NOT boring to watch but you are entitled to that and yeah its probably him.

posted 4 months ago

GOAT hfmi0dzjc9z7

posted 4 months ago

Wtf is your question? "America" doesn't mean jack shit, are you trying to correct him or something? He clearly wrote and meant "Americas" as in both regions. The reason why he brought up the league is cause riot brought them into franchising and the best team from the league is crumbling financially which, if you didn't know, IS BAD FOR THE LEAGUE.

posted 7 months ago

Where do you think the Americas league play then? On the fucking ISS? Who play in the Americas league? People from the Americas or Martians?

posted 7 months ago

You call them Shitmea, they counter with how much trophies under their belt, how is that not relevant or unfair. Its clear that there are good duelists besides him in EMEA anyways.

posted 7 months ago

I mean Chess is a thousand year game that even saw changes and evolution of tactics in the 20th Century. Basketball is also new comparatively and had changes to its "meta" as recent as 2014-15 with the GSW. Football is ANCIENT by modern sport standards and Tiki-taka wasn't in play until perfected by Pep Guardiola based on Cruyff's vision, Jurgen Klopp was also able to innovate on a classic German style. You are only looking at the surface of these sports and saying they are never changing, they are, and the changes are entertaining as well as necessary.

posted 8 months ago

How can this not be a bait?

posted 9 months ago

Bro I can't with the name

posted 9 months ago

Almost certain its a joke cause he was interviewed by Travis Gafford and wanted to do a Doublelift.

posted 9 months ago

I can't believe this thread don't have toxic comments yet, nevermind someone will respond now with it .

posted 10 months ago

I think if you see the game they are playing their HEART out.

posted 10 months ago
  1. They actually never added in accuracy penalty for no scoping and quick scoping, before the reduction in bullets the only nerf was to movement speed scoped in which really fucked over KennyS, I don't think it would be as broken as you are sniping against jett/raze/breach/skye.
  2. You are right, but there HAS to be someway to stop duelist instalocks. Maybe make it role based, say you play duelist twice or more and its locked until you fill.
    Alternatively, you could make filling more rewarding by just having you lose less rr and win more (slightly, 2-4).
  3. This is a choice, you can CHOOSE to play with them or not, its like an open queue if you want to or just close it and play regularly.
  4. The Phantom still has a lot going for it, the speed, the silencer, the magazine capacity... I just find it EXTREMELY annoying that its not as accurate though I never feel like my bullet is missing but I have seen clips. For a gun that supposedly prioritize accuracy its somehow less accurate than the "spam" gun, it just doesn't make any sense at all.

I really appreciate actually going over every point though.

posted 10 months ago

So like player only stream? You only see their POV?

posted 10 months ago

Agree with first two, don' think spray pattern is necessary, in this game if you can't kill someone in (being generous) 8 bullets then you have already whiffed and is probably dead. They could do the 1.6 route and make it 1 of 12 patterns each time but I don't feel like valorant should be a spray game.

posted 10 months ago

Well yeah, you are supposed to be rewarded for winning both pistol. I don't know about most maps being heavily one-sided, I actually rarely feel like I win way more on one side or another. We should find statistics but my opinion is that yeah of courses you have to choke to not win with both pistols.

posted 10 months ago

18-20 is way too long, 12 is right for me and 16 is right for many, 18-20 is always overtime. If an average round is 1 minute, then 18 to win (Lets say 18-12 is already 30 minutes. CS used to have Max Round 12 too, yeah they did introduce it in 1.5/1.6.

posted 10 months ago

Tbf I do realize none of these are original (Siege, CS, DOTA) but a good idea is a good idea. 12 rounds and 12 to win seems better and shorter game time plus the economy, the agents and the maps. Its tangential but I feel like the core gameplay of VALORANT is fine.

posted 10 months ago

-Reduce the inaccuracy of no-scoping and quick scoping, making the op more viable close range/

-Bruh where is the cascade picking we were promised? It also should be based on class and not character.

-Replay and Spectating, enough said.

-More community tool to help with lineups, no lineup nerd myself but its quality of life/

-More servers across the world, I feel for the SA player. For myself I would really prefer a server in NY or Boston and Toronto.

-Region lock should be removed, its honestly pointless. There should be an option for people to choose if they want to queue into other regions or lock the queue to only domestic. Its quite a content farm already and would increase global engagement for me.

-Team specific buddies/cards/voice-lines/skins

-In game spectating of Pro play, in-game schedule, in-game pick'ems, spectating the pros, maybe even working VLR into the game (KEKW) DOTA would be a good example of working the Esport into the game.

-Since the replay system is added, riot can add more feature regarding reporting players where you can pin point where in the VOD it happened.

-Better rewards for Premier
I would like people to add their own takes, but since its the first time I am writing a thread I would appreciate discussion pertaining to the ideas already proposed too.

-Community voting on skins, I REALLY want an update to Sentinel of light, for me the only truly great variation is the default.

-More ways to raise funds for VCT, the skins are just the surface, make the BP more interesting and exclusive, pick'ems and such. Or if the team you supported won you can receive a special buddy (ties into team skins)

-Make the vandal have the same first-shot accuracy as the Phantom, I NEVER fucking understood why its less accurate, maybe makes it so it does more wall bang damage, I know its in a good spot (recall when everybody used to use phantom) but this is always a pet-peeve.

-Side specific load out would be nice.

-this might be controversial, but make Immortal+ 5-stack restricted, I know and heard and seen people 5 stack with silvers/irons. Only have them stack up to diamond/Ascendant.

-Rank rewards, just the buddy seems rather flimsy.

posted 10 months ago

For a second I thought you said
"Let rubber COCK"

posted 10 months ago

Bruh that’s what happens when you are facing an underdog, think of it as burden for winning.

posted 11 months ago

You might want to stop, he can't even tell you how this isn't racist,

posted 11 months ago

Has to be a bait, 0/8. Bro actually can't read "on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group".

posted 11 months ago

I agree with you, but China does have close to 1/5 of the world population so its also not surprising.

posted about a year ago

I think this is a HUGE bait. 8/8 bait.

posted about a year ago

Not Bow Down...check #54, #65. DEF ALPHA AF.

posted about a year ago

Bro the Chinese scene is full of players naming themselves after printers. I am surprised we haven' seen HP-INKJET-7K87uYkX yet

posted about a year ago

HUH? Check the thread again.

posted about a year ago

If you are gonna come at him with "whataboutism" and then maybe don't ask HIM to provide YOU evidence for a statement that says "what about Singapore".

posted about a year ago