Flag: Canada
Registered: July 13, 2022
Last post: February 26, 2024 at 11:54 PM
Posts: 32

brother after map one the game was pointless

posted 3 months ago

holy shit what am I watching?? they throw so many rounds that are so winnable

posted about a year ago

could’ve been 12-0 the amount of trolling by GenG is crazy 5/6 rounds won by TS were 1v1s

posted about a year ago

2-1 Sen Sacy drops 70 across the 3 maps. Marved is just marved. Zekken 40% FB, Pancada starts tapping heads and Dephh insane calls.

posted about a year ago

TenZ goes bananas against loud dropping 25+ all maps played. Zekken frags like he’s been doing, Pancada aim diffs everyone and sacy has bald buff, dephh sets up tenz and zekken well. Sen win 2-1…

posted about a year ago

bro said quick 😭

posted about a year ago

this dude needa stop tweeting

posted about a year ago

bro said the worst on the team 💀💀bros tripping

posted about a year ago

TenZ>> 🤓

posted about a year ago

bro said super team with poach and poised 😭

posted about a year ago

Dapr said he could igl too idk how that would work though but when shahz was the igl and he died dapr would igl the rest of the round

posted about a year ago

fr 💀💀

posted about a year ago

nah lol george geddes has said like 5 times recently Dapr is like 95% most likely staying with sen and if someone were to replace him who? He’s literally an insane sentinel and is becoming more flexible now on initiators

posted about a year ago

idk what I was expecting but it wasn’t this…

posted about a year ago

yeah they are scrim partners with drx and Prx.

posted about a year ago

LOL imagine

posted about a year ago

Shahz hasn’t bottom fragged once in any maps Sen has played, Zellsis can play most agents, Tenz is getting more comfortable on chamber, shroud is doing extremely well considering he joined the team a month ago and hasn’t played professionally for 4/5 years. If shroud was doing this well on any other team you wouldn’t be saying “he’s doing fine” when he top frags. You just generally hate sen

posted about a year ago

nah shahz def got way better with the new sen. He actually gets important kills and calls well.

posted about a year ago

You def hate dapr for tbagging your favourite player 💀💀 He’s literally the most consistent player on sen and is on par with Derrek.

posted about a year ago

Sen>c9 and I would move TGuard to 4th and have Nrg>100T

posted about a year ago

how can you generally think c9>Sen after watching their match against Guard today. wasn’t even competitive

posted about a year ago

you gotta be braindead or smth. Sr (Lg) is a t1 team in Na. No “t3” team is making lcq

posted about a year ago

Nah Sen is supposed to be good on split now. No way they would let it through map rotation if they were awful on it like before.

posted about a year ago

Sen 2-1 100T
Maps: Haven, Ascent & Icebox

posted about a year ago

Tbh everybody was shitting on both the guard and sentinels but clearly they aren’t the worst teams in LCQ. c9 got 2-0ed by Guard while it was an extremely close match between them and sentinels. I see the two teams as 4th and 5th in lcq rankings

posted about a year ago

wym guard stop? That game could’ve gone either way lmao

posted about a year ago

Either C9 or SR

posted about a year ago