Flag: Indonesia
Registered: March 14, 2022
Last post: September 22, 2022 at 6:43 AM
Posts: 151
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True. Me myself is not a fan of the RRQ bcs i didnt follow the scene they're involved into aka the mobile scene. But bcs of this thing, maybe i would consider myself to follow them.

posted about a year ago

they could mix enigma and GE roster + a couple of SEA players maybe? enigma players individual skill is pretty good i think.

posted about a year ago

kayanya nyindir damwon deh, soalnya dr kmrn baca2 di thread banyak yg blg damwon kaya bikin contract hell gt buat player2nya. tp gatau jg sih

posted about a year ago

Nope, all the calls are being givin' out by severiNe(according to the statement that he give in podcast). The rest of them mostly only following the calls. That's why ONIC never change him, because he's the brain behind the ONIC roster.

posted about a year ago

I think severiNe could fit the role perfectly.

posted about a year ago

It's possible, a mix of ID + PH would be a great idea though. At this point, the quantity of how many indonesian player in the roster doesn't matter anymore. If a mix of ID and PH roster can brings success in the international level, why wouldn't they use it, right?

posted about a year ago

I think it make sense for Riot to choose RRQ as Indonesia Representative. You can't deny the fact that RRQ is the most popular esports org here, eventhough they invest mostly to mobile games. But the popularity of the team means more viewership to the pacific league, and more viewership brings more money. In the end, they also want to make more revenue, let's think more realistic.

posted about a year ago

i mean if they want to compete in the international level, they definitely need to change their roster. They can make it mixed-region too though

posted about a year ago

gamungkin bro, rrq seneng bgt pasti bisa msk franchise league sekelas riot. jd pasti rrq bakal all out jg bang harusnya

posted about a year ago

harusnya sih engga bang kemungkinan, krn roster ph harusnya udh diwakilin teamsecret. terus talon represent thailand, jd harus nya rrq ttp indopride

posted about a year ago

iyasih HAHA tp liat ditwitter ada yg nanya ke CEOnya BOOM katanya gamau lepas roster valonya ke RRQ. gatau si bercanda apa gmn

posted about a year ago

tapi sedih ya onic bubar :(

posted about a year ago

RRQ bakal pake roster indo apa ph kira2?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

onic is exhausted bro, they played 3 maps with a score of 13-11, and played 2 maps with a 13-10 in one day..

posted about a year ago

lmao both game 1&2 is 13-10

posted about a year ago

choking is the most iconic things from ONIC bro

posted about a year ago

chill bro, onic tends to choke most of the time.

posted about a year ago

wow onic needs to chill the fuck down, they keep fighting after plant. cant they just play their post plant or setup a crossfire? why the fuck they keep fighting everytime

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

hats off to deryeon. what a monster

posted about a year ago

i hope BOOM got this. pls be the first representative of indonesia

posted about a year ago

thanks for stepping up when needed most berserx

posted about a year ago

told u ts will sent this LORDER home

posted about a year ago

bcs AE is throwing harder than MiTH thats why KEKW

posted about a year ago

TS will clap these mf with a quick 2-0

posted about a year ago

nah its working cuz they play against ces lmao

posted about a year ago

a 2-0 4 bleed if berserx cant step up

posted about a year ago

CES will sent home this delusional region

posted about a year ago

2-1 could go either way, best of luck 2 both teams

posted about a year ago

banger match, monyet almost drop 40 bombs

posted about a year ago

monyet diffed berserx on both jett and neon goddamn

posted about a year ago

BME famouz and 4 stand ins KEKW

posted about a year ago

if famouz didnt drop 19 bombs first half, it would be an ez win for ONIC LULWWWW

posted about a year ago

go cry u fucking delusional

posted about a year ago

LMAO NOT EVEN CLOSE. "ORDER 26-0 ONIC, INDONESIA GOT 2 FLUKE WINS AGAINST US SO FAR BUT IT DOESN'T HAPPEN A THIRD TIME" "DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS ONIC TEAM BUT EASY 2-0 FOR ORDER" "this is the best team from indon? lmaooo" BRO you guys are fucking delusional piece of shit that taking too much copium LULWWWWW

posted about a year ago

MITH 2-0 FANCY. Kadoom will destroy this ranked demon

posted about a year ago

boom is goin downhill from stage 1 LULW

posted about a year ago

looks like boom is gonna lose their next matchup if they keep playing like this

posted about a year ago
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